
炙手可热  zhì shǒu kě rè








  • 现在西部的每支球队都炙手可热
    Every team in the west is hot.

  • 在当时,杂耍艺人可说是炙手可热
    At that time, jugglers were in demand.

  • 他现在炙手可热,希望我能让他冷却一点(笑)。
    He's definitely hot, and hope I can cool him down (smiling).

  • 小贝夫妇现在是好莱坞最炙手可热的明星夫妻之一。
    David and Victoria Beckham now have become one of Hollywood's hottest celebrity couples.

  • 英国威廉王子是世界上最炙手可热的单身贵族之一。
    Prince William and Prince Harry, amongst the most eligible young celebrities in the world, are in effect royal prisoners.

  • 随着现代技术的发展,哲学中的机械论再度变得炙手可热
    And, again as a result of the development of modern technology, mechanism in philosophy became an upstart.

  • 与她同台演出的是包括肖恩·佩恩在内的炙手可热的男星。
    And she co-acts with some hottest male stars, including Sean Penn.

  • 在过去的三年里,S。H。E已经成了一个炙手可热的名词。
    S. H. E. have been a big hit over the last three years.

  • 爱滋病护理是常今炙手可热的议题,亦是发展中的一门专业。
    AIDS care is a hot issue in the world. It is a developing professional concern.

  • 如果你是炙手可热的,这一天你会保持炙手可热甚至更加如此!
    When you're hot, you're hot, and this day, you are that and more!

  • 这个异常强大的私募股权巨头接下来可能会变得更加炙手可热
    The private-equity giant may be about to get hotter still.

  • 专业知识加上流利的英语,让你在社会上会成为炙手可热的人才!
    Professional knowledge plus fluent English makes you success in the competition.

  • 他的两颊通红,两眼闪着光,他生气勃勃,使别人看来简直是一团炙手可热的火。
    His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glistened; his vitality was intense, shining out upon others with almost a material warmth.

  • 阿奎罗是欧洲当前最炙手可热的球员之一在近几个赛季里表现出非常强大的攻击能力。
    Aguero is one of the most sought-after players in Europe following his goal scoring exploits at Atletico over the last few seasons.

  • 炙手可热的市场包括俄罗斯和阿根廷,这两个国家的基准股票指数都上涨了一倍以上。
    Some of the hottest national markets have been in Russia and Argentina, where benchmarks have more than doubled.

  • 体育场内大型活动频繁,形成超凡人气,广告投放效果自然显著,各类广告媒体炙手可热
    Large activities frequently held in the stadium have drawn in remarkable favor and attention from the people and resulted in prominent advertising effect.

  • 随着炙手可热的中国股市开始降温,如今全球的每位投资者都在试图推断出由此产生的影响。
    By now every investor on the planet is trying to handicap what happens when China's scorching-hot stock markets finally start to cool off.

  • 分析师们说,投资者对炙手可热的新兴市场股的狂热近来也有所降温,部分原因在于远离风险。
    Investor ardor for stocks in white-hot emerging markets has also cooled in recent days, part of the general move away from risk, say analysts.

  • 吸引猎婚族在日本也已成为一个炙手可热的行当,这与近年来日本不婚族大增的趋势密切相关。
    Appealing to spouse-hunters has become quite a business in Japan, where marriage rates have plummeted in recent years.

  • 与“炙手可热”的乔治·克鲁尼相比,梅尔·吉布森(主演《勇敢的心》)可谓被“打进冷宫”。
    George Clooney might be hot, but Mel Gibson is freezing, according to a list of Hollywoods coldest celebrities published by a movie website.

  • 这次是发生在是纽约炙手可热的记者和南方单纯朴素的图书管理员这两个曾被爱情所伤的主角之间。
    This one features a hotshot New York journalist and a plain-speaking Southern librarian, both of whom have been hurt by love before.

  • 现阶段,不论是在理论研究领域,还是在实际应用领域,“配送中心”已经成为一个炙手可热的话题。
    At the present stage, distribution center has become a popular topic not only in the field of research but also in application domain.

  • 在被问道这名炙手可热的查尔顿球员时,卡索警告说:“假如迪卡尼奥来了,她必须融入球队的风格中去并接受我的要求。
    "If Di Canio arrives then he must subscribe to the team spirit and accept my rules, " warned the Coach when asked about the notoriously fiery Charlton player.

  • 造就现年59岁的莱波维茨成为当今全球最炙手可热肖像摄影师地位的特质,是她出了名的完美主义和斥资投入豪华场景。
    Among the qualities making Leibovitz, 59, the most sought after portrait photographer in the world are legendary perfectionism and the pouring of resources into lavish sets.

  • 即便妮娜•哈莉都深感经济萧条的影响。她在1984年便成为了色情片演员并一直是炙手可热的人物,现在她已经50岁了。
    EVEN Nina Hartley, who became a pornographic actress in 1984 and continues to be one of its most sought-after performers at the age of 50, is feeling the recession.

  • 身为历来的年度黄金装修月,再加上消费者之前被压抑的装修需求,种种因素使得9、10月份成为了今年最炙手可热的装修旺季。
    As has been the gold decoration on the year, coupled with the consumer before the pent-up demand for decoration, these factors make January 9, 10 this year, has become the most fitting hot season.

  • 以及哪儿可能会有机会给有准备的人,当然,这不是一本炙手可热的投资小贴士目录,顺便说上一句,我尚不确信那里发生了泡沫。
    It's not a catalog of hot tips. I'm not yet convinced that there is a bubble, by the way. The Chinese government is doing its best to prevent a bubble.

  • 对很多南港原有居民来说,随著缴纳的地价税、房屋税逐年增值,那块曾经逢水必淹、毫无价值的土地,竟摇身一变,成为炙手可热的宝地;
    Nan-gang residents witness the valueless flood land turning into a hotspot with opportunities: the tax of land and house are soaring year after year.

  • 是这样的,当科学家要求人们对自己解决问题的能力进行评估的时候,他们发现这些在本职工作岗位上炙手可热的好员工并非如他们想象中那么优秀。
    Well, when scientists asked people to assess their problem-solving skills, it turned out that those participants who thought they were pretty hot stuff were actually not very good.

  • 而就在巴拉克为了证明自己何以成为欧洲炙手可热的球星而努力时,穆里尼奥和拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部经理霍内斯都公开表示相信他能以精彩表现证明自己。
    But while Ballack struggles to find the kind of form that made him such a coveted star in Europe, Mourinho and Bayern Munich general manager Uli Hoeness are banking on him to come good.

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