
炉火纯青  lú huǒ chún qīng








  • 他画山水的技巧达到了炉火纯青的地步。
    He attained perfection in landscape painting.

  • 他的作品已达到炉火纯青的地步。
    His works have reached a high degree of excellence.

  • 他的作品已达到炉火纯青的地步。
    eg. His works have reached a high degree of excellence.

  • 他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。
    He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.

  • 艺术家对技术的把握在这个项目中更显炉火纯青
    The artist, s technique in this project will be more mature.

  • 你正学习正确的方法达成自己的心愿,但是还没达到炉火纯青
    You're learning the right way to go about obtaining your desires, but you don't have the formula down perfectly.

  • 我在牙科诊所里并不需要穿戴假腿,因为我的技术已经炉火纯青
    I don't need to use it in the dental clinic as I've got my technique down pat.

  • 新闻资讯,国内的新浪、搜狐、腾讯等门户网站已做得炉火纯青
    News information, the portal website such as domestic sina, Sohu, Tecent already was done high degree of professional proficiency;

  • 生活中常常有这样的情况,虽然有的人官做得炉火纯青,但德行很差。
    Life middling often has such case, although some person officials are done, get high degree of professional proficiency, but the mitzvah is very poor.

  • 可不要埋头闭嘴地刷,那是刷牙功夫已经练得炉火纯青的人才能做的事。
    Don't brush your teeth with mouth being closed and head being bend down.

  • 我从十岁就开始学英文,可我永远都不能说我已经到了炉火纯青的地步。
    I've been learning English since I was ten, but I can never say I'm at the top of the tree.

  • 但愿我的艺术炉火纯青,而余下的就让它们听任梦者的意愿各自安置吧。
    Let my art be true, and the rest will fall into place at the will of the dreamer.

  • 从头至尾充满艺术性。这给了张国荣一个机会来展示他炉火纯青的演艺天分。
    Solid art house from beginning to end, it gives Leslie a chance to demonstrate the awesome talent he had .

  • 经其手烹饪的菜肴,在色,香,味,几方面均已达到了炉火纯青的纯厚功力。
    After cooking the dishes of their hand, in color, smell and taste, these areas have reached a high degree of technical proficiency of skill Chun-hou.

  • “布兰顿上校的品德,”埃莉诺说,“作为一个杰出的人物,是炉火纯青的。”
    Brandon's character, " said Elinor, "as an excellent man is well established. "

  • 哇。你的推销 术 一定是炉火纯青。 如果你能给我一些指点。我将感激不尽。
    Wow, you must have perfected your sales pitch. I'd really appreciate if you could give me a few pointers.

  • 我英文马马虎虎。你英文炉火纯青。你比我好。我英文马马虎虎。你英文炉火纯…
    My English horse horse tiger tiger . Your English stove fire pure green. You be me good.

  • 在香港,他拍过65部电影,演技炉火纯青。在香港,梁朝伟走到哪里都不得安生。
    In Hong Kong, where he's the veteran of 65 movies, Tony Leung Chiu Wai can't go anywhere without asking for trouble.

  • 奇火龙鼎,炉火纯青,烹调百味,有如大师泼墨,力透纸背,笔之所至,文才斐然。
    odd flames tripod, Luhuochunqing, cooking Click, like Master Po Mo, the permeability of the paper back, the T Suozhi, Wencai Fei-Ran.

  • 她赢得了2005年世界冠军,她的技艺炉火纯青,在拉斯维加斯她打败了所有竞争对手。
    She won a world title on it in 2005, and her routines usually have so much sass, they rival anything you see in Vegas.

  • 不过在打进两球后,中也许你的射术已经炉火纯青了呢。有没有为自己设定一个进球目标?
    You maybe don't need to work on your shooting after scoring a couple of goals already this year. Do you have a goals target for the season?

  • 这个道理,就好比弹钢琴,你只有通过千千万万次的练习,技艺才能达到炉火纯青的境界。
    This truth, is just like the ball piano, you only then through a great amount time practice, the technique can achieve the high degree of proficiency the boundary.

  • 你要是能写得清楚、简洁、和谐而又生动,那就到了炉火纯青的地步,可以与伏尔泰相媲美了。
    If you could write lucidly, simply, euphoniously and yet with liveliness , you would write perfectly, you would write like Voltaire.

  • 这次展出的60多幅作品大部分是陈少平的新作,展现出大师炉火纯青的技巧和独特的艺术风格。
    The more than 60 art works displayed at the show are largely his latest creations all embodying his sophisticated skills and unique style.

  • 哎,只可惜艺术家那炉火纯青的绘画技巧以及对人性的准确把握居然都不是使其成为头条的理由。
    Alas, the artist's breathtaking skill and candid insight into human nature were not the cause.

  • 当然,这位曼联的在不久的将来,将不得不掩饰更多的失望,因此他会把这项功夫练得更加炉火纯青
    Of course, the Manchester United manager has had quite a lot of disappointment to hide of late, so he ought to be getting good at it.

  • 电子商务对我国来说,本来就是“迟来的爱”,当发达国家已经到“炉火纯青”的地步,中国才刚起步。
    E-commerce for China, it is "love" late, when the developed countries have to "proficient", China has just started.

  • 林夕对意象的运用炉火纯青,发上蔷薇大可以和岸边水仙来两相对照,如此美丽的色戒真的有人肯遵守吗?
    Lin Xi is good at controlling of the image. He use the Rosoideae to compare with the daffodils by the river side, but is there anyone who are willing to obey such beautiful Samsara?

  • 设计师成功的运用了“古典”与“现代”之间的微妙“熔点”,炉火纯青炼就一番,展现在我们眼前的就是“完美“了。
    Stylist was applied successfully " classic " with " contemporary " between delicate " melting point " , refine of high degree of professional proficiency, show in us before is " perfect " .

  • 还是只想着讲课讲好,别的都是此药的,不要想着在学生面前显示自己多么有学问。老师本来就应该对只是达到炉火纯青的程度。
    in a word, take your time on your own book and bear in mind what and how will you teach your lessons, just have yourself, just have your lessons.

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