
火树银花  huǒ shù yín huā








  • 窗外简直是火树银花,格外绚丽。
    Invites the window is particularly brilliant.

  • 火树银花不夜天,鑫隆烟花笑开颜。
    Displays of fiery trees and silvers, a night without darkness.

  • 火树银花奥运开幕式彩排绚丽烟火!
    Florid fireworks of bonfires display Olympic Games opening ceremony dress rehearsal!

  • 当霜雪覆盖时,又见“火树银花”奇观。
    When the frost coverage, we see, "Fireworks" spectacle.

  • 火树银花不夜天,国泰民安庆千年”!
    "Fiery trees and silver flowers not nocturnal day, chiliad of Guo Taimin Anqing " !

  • 8月8日晚8时,火树银花的奥运体育馆拉开了这场体育盛事的序幕。
    At 8pm on the 8 August, the Olympic Stadium shook as fireworks marked the start of the Games.

  • 各市县也举办大型花灯展,火树银花,五彩缤纷,旧瓶新酒,其乐融融。
    In all cities and counties have organized large-scale lantern show, invites, the colorful, new wine, enjoyable.

  • 各大酒店无不以火树银花的布景招揽客人,儿童唱词班和圣诞音乐处处可闻。
    Grand restaurants everywhere have already put on the festival decoration to cater for customers and children choir along with Christmas songs can be heard in every corner.

  • 烟花绽放处,火树银花,流光溢彩,维港两岸围观的人群发出阵阵欢呼声和掌声。
    Fireworks bloom, invites, Ambilight, both sides of the harbor sent the crowd of onlookers drew cheers and applause.

  • 我们这个民族,在鞭炮齐鸣火树银花的时刻,亲情总是血浓于水的,团员更是不可或缺的主题。
    Our nation, in the moment of firecrackers Fireworks Qiming, family is always thicker than water, the members all the more indispensable theme.

  • 这里,壮丽的落日,公园的幽径,让您心旷神怡;这里,火树银花,彻夜欢愉,给您无穷的享受。
    Where spectacular sunsets and walks in the park soothe the senses, and where bright lights and endless nights enliven them.

  • 车驶过一座极复杂的立交桥,桥上串灯流光溢彩,把个桥装扮得如梦如幻。“火树银花不夜天”。
    Cars through a very complex overpass, Colorful streamers decorated the bridge string lights, a bridge across a friend … "Christmas is not night days."

  • 把他的仿古诗和现代诗一比对,使我想到繁华的街道,霓虹灯前披靡着白雪点点,真有“火树银花不夜天”的韵味。
    The ancients his poems and modern poetry, a flourishing reminds me of the street, a former white dots neon battles, really "silver flowers. what BuYeTian" flavor.

  • 建筑群之间,空地的株株紫荆花树上,挂满了闪烁的珍珠灯饰,让人想起柳亚子“火树银花不夜天,兄弟姐妹齐团圆”的诗句。
    Between the buildings, open space Zhuzhu Bauhinia Me, covered with the flashing lights of pearls, reminiscent of Liu Yazi, "invites non-day night, brothers and sisters Qi reunion" of the poem.

  • 「圣诞欢乐小镇」内矗立了一棵闪闪发亮的圣诞树,散发著温暖动人的节日气息,就是海港对岸的游人亦可远眺这片火树银花的盛况。
    The heart of the bustling Central business district was transformed into a magical Santa's Town complete with a dazzling Christmas tree that could be seen from across the harbour.

  • 火树银花造句相关
