
漠不关心  mò bù guān xīn







  • 谅必她对他的命运并非完全漠不关心
    Surely, she is not utterly indifferent as to his fate?

  • 所有的政治都基于多数人的漠不关心上。
    All politics are based on the indifference of the majority.

  • 他对自己的前途漠不关心
    He is indifferent to his future.

  • 你对他们所受的苦难怎么如此漠不关心
    How can you be so indifferent to their sufferings?

  • 他的意图已经被他的漠不关心给掩饰了。
    His intentions have always been masked behind air of indifference.

  • 你是不是漠不关心呢?
    Is it that you are indifferent?

  • 对同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷淡淡,漠不关心
    We should be warm towards our comrades, not cold and indifferent.

  • 不能只看小说而对有深刻文化内涵的是漠不关心
    Can not just fiction but have a deep cultural connotation of the indifferent.

  • “啊,那当然啦,”奥德利夫人漠不关心地说道。
    "Ah, to be sure, " said Lady Audley, indifferently.

  • 妈妈,不但这些,在糊口上,你也漠不关心的关怀我。
    Mother, not only those in the feed, you are indifferent to the care of me.

  • 我为你的面试担心得不得了,可你看上去那么漠不关心
    I am tearing my hair out for your interview but you look so indifferent .

  • 事实上,爱的反义词更多的时候并非是恨,而是漠不关心
    Actually, the opposite of "love" more often than not turns out to be "indifference" instead of "hate".

  • 他对同志不是满腔热情,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。
    He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic.

  • 孟德斯鸠的社会学的“形态论”对发生和演变的问题漠不关心
    Montesquieu's sociological "formalism" is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change.

  • 对同志对人民不是满腔热忱,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。
    They feel no warmth towards comrades and the people but are cold, indifferent and apathetic.

  • 昨天他在发表他的意见的同时他的意图被他漠不关心的态度给掩饰了。
    His intentions were being masked behind air of indifference when he was publishing his mind yesterday.

  • 账簿上记载着大量借款,且对存款和分行漠不关心的日子或许结束了。
    The days of building up a big loan book without bothering about deposits or branches may be over.

  • 少相信赞扬一切的人;更要少相信谴责一切的人;切勿相信对一切都漠不关心的人。
    Trust him little who praises all , less who censures all , and least who is indifferent about all .

  • 绿色和平环境组织说,薄弱的环境法、漠不关心的农民以及垃圾乱倒是着火的主要原因。
    The environmental group Greenpeace has said that weak environmental laws, careless farmers and garbage dumps are the main reasons for the fires.

  • 同时我认为你将漠不关心地快乐享受,同时不会再以相同的方法想起那些令你担忧的事。
    And I think you will enjoy being happily unconcerned, unable to remember to worry in exactly the same way or at the same time .

  • 该行的执行董事对其漠不关心,而该行账簿上的借方从未申请过贷款,也未收到过贷款。
    Its executive directors paid it no heed, and the borrowers on its books never asked for loans and did not receive them.

  • 我们对作为同类的其他人所犯下的最大罪过不是憎恨,而是漠不关心,那是不近人情的本质。
    The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That's the essence of inhumanity.

  • 慕尼黑,德通社—德国卫生官员表示,父母不应该对他们习惯性醉醺醺返家的孩子漠不关心
    MUNICH, dpa — Parents should not turn a blind eye if their child routinely comes home drunk, say German health officials.

  • 我们一直都知道漠不关心的利己主义是坏的道德行为;我们现在知道了它还是坏的经济行为。
    We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we now know that it is bad economics.

  • 在我们社会生活的各个方面,你可能经常看到有人对那些处于困难和无助的人采取一种漠不关心的态度。
    In all walks of our life , you may usually watch somebody pay an indifferent attitude to person who are in difficult and helpless.

  • 加布丽埃勒硬著头皮高昂起头。“我只知道,”她说道,装成极其自信而且对他的处境漠不关心的样子。
    Jbuliak had to bite the bullet and hold her head up. "All I know, "she said, pretending pretty confident and indifferent to his situation.

  • 可能是因为我的高傲让我不齿于去问一个漠不关心的人那去看那些在威尼斯的达芬奇的作品的最好路线。
    Maybe I was too ambitious to ask the best way to see a glimpse of Da Vinci's work in Venice from someone who didn't seem to care.

  • 但是,无论这个世界对我们所做的的选择和决定多么漠不关心,这些选择和决定终究是我们自己所做出的。
    But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make.

  • 对于那些与我们一样相对富裕的国家,我们不能再对外界的苦难漠不关心,更不能继续大肆索取世界的资源。
    Regarding these with we equally relatively wealthy country, we cannot be indifferent again to the outside misery, cannot continue to demand the world wantonly the resources.

  • 我虽然是个马马虎虎的人,庞得贝太太,但是不至于漠不关心到那种程度,竟注意不到令弟的这种坏处,认为那是一种轻微可以饶恕的过错。
    Careless fellow as I am, I am not so indifferent, Mrs. Bounderby, as to be regardless of this vice in your brother, or inclined to consider it a venial offence.

  • 漠不关心造句相关
