
满腹经纶  mǎn fù jīng lún








  • 他是公认的大学问家,满腹经纶
    He is profoundly learned and talented, and is generally acknowledged as a scholar .

  • 每一个满腹经纶的人都是人类的敌人。
    Every man with a bellyful of the classics is an enemy to the human race.

  • 1假如你不注重实践,满腹经纶也是枉然。
    If one donnot pay attention to practice, it is useless for your great knowledge.

  • 1假如你不注重实践,满腹经纶也是枉然。
    If not pay attention to practice, an encyclopedic mind is also nothing.

  • 1假如你不注重实践,满腹经纶也是枉然。
    If you were ignored the practice, then have a bellyful knowledge is still in vain.

  • 他雄才大略满腹经纶,是个不可多得的人才。
    He has great knowledge and bold vision and is a rare genius .

  • 一农夫在田间农作,一秀才自视满腹经纶,便嘲笑农夫。
    A farmer in the fields of farming, a scholar from the visual learning and ability, they laughed at the farmer.

  • 当主席不仅要有睿智的头脑,满腹经纶,还有宽广的胸怀和健康的体魄。
    When the President is not only a wise-minded, full of the Jinglun, there are broad-minded and good health.

  • 再来是我二哥,他是一个满腹经纶不欺暗室的人,跟他比起来我真是腹笥甚俭。
    My second brother is a knowledgeable and honest person, and I am not comparable to him.

  • 以“满腔热血赋三尺讲台,满腹经纶育万千桃李”的崇高师德培育英才,传播希望。
    "blood filled with three feet Fu Platform, full of peaches and plums million sterile argued, "the lofty ethics and cultivating talents, spread hope.

  • 上学?一个姑娘家用得着满腹经纶吗?老爸生气的说,吃得饱穿得暖就要搞点精神追求?
    Go to school?A miss domestic expenses get full stomach statecraft?The old daddy is angry of say, eat satisfied wear warm will make some spirit to pursue?

  • 孙敬凭借其独特的“悬梁”精神苦学,终能通今博古、满腹经纶,成为当时的知名大儒。
    Sun, with its unique "cantilever" the spirit of hard science, will be able to pass this Bogut, full argued and became well-known Daru.

  • 我们从小学到大学在背书室被关上十到十五年之后,最后出来时满腹经纶,实际上却一无所知。
    We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.

  • 到了晋代,高僧竺道生在此说法,虽然生公满腹经纶,口吐莲花,吸引“千人座”,但信者寥寥。
    By the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Dawson monks here, though full of public Health argued, Lotus Koutu to attract "thousands Block, " but those few letters.

  • 无论是对商业初学者,还是满腹经纶的管理者,这些理念对任何明智的财务决策都是至关重要的。
    Whether a beginning business student or a seasoned executive, the concepts are essential to any intelligent financial decision.

  • 我不想扮演雄辩家的角色,对你发表一篇满腹经纶的演讲,我也不想凭能言善道的口才来讨好你;
    I am not playing the orator to make a learned speech to you, nor dressing the dish with eloquence in order to please you.

  • 在这美丽的时节,一场场招聘会席卷全国各大高校,一批又一批的优秀大学生载着满腹经纶奔向各行各业。
    In the golden season, numerous employment advertise meets swept along our colleges, while passels of excellent graduates found their own posts.

  • 在有些读者看来,本书会让她们想起当年恶毒无比的女舍监、满腹经纶的教师,还有姑婆那辈人鲜为人知的故事。
    For some readers, the book will trigger memories of battle-axe matrons, remarkably cultured teachers, great-aunts whose stories were never explained.

  • 看上去学富五车,满腹经纶,实际上东扯西拉,一窍不通,然而却能利用人们渴求知识的心理,蒙骗一部分群众。
    Li appears to be well versed in knowledge, but in fact is mixing up everything and is totally ignorant. However, he is able to exploit people's desire to seek knowledge to deceive some people.

  • 我的理解是,旧指学过的知识和经验,新指对新问题的解决以及从而归纳的新理论。而为师不能光有满腹经纶,要能活学活用。
    If one can resolve new problems by using what he learned and his experience so as to develop new knowledge, he can be a qualified teacher.

  • 我能完全了解,像你这么一位满腹经纶的学者,孤独的时候,和跟我这个没有什么知识的无知者坐在一起,一样会使你感到快乐的。
    I can well believe that so learned a person as you would be as happy to be alone, as sitting with a person who knows and has read almost nothing.

  • 那些纯仆无欺的牧羊人以及满腹经纶的贤士们,引领我们到白冷去寻觅天主,因为祂以小圣婴的形体来到我们当中,跟我们那麽亲近。
    The simple shepherds and the learned Wise Men from the Orient guide us to the place where we find God in the small Child of Bethlehem, who has come so near to us men.

  • 在1980年我进入MIT研究生院深造时,LarrySummers还是位年轻的助理副教授(assistantprofessor),他激情四射,经纶满腹,思维敏捷,这些都深深地吸引了我。
    When I entered MIT's graduate program in the fall of 1980, Larry Summers was a young assistant professor.

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