
温柔敦厚  wēn róu dūn hòu








  • 音声相合,温柔敦厚的文艺审美层面;
    The sound is shut, an gentle and honest aesthetic aspect of literature and art;

  • 承续着多情重义、温柔敦厚的民族精神传统。
    The writing continues the ethos tradition of amorous, personal loyalty, blandness, honest and sincere.

  • 他旁边有一个温柔敦厚,小个子,年纪五十光景而满面病容的女人。
    Beside him there was a mild and small and ill-looking woman of about fifty.

  • 从审美效果看,“比”“兴”两者都符合“温柔敦厚”的儒家诗教标准。
    From the effects of aesthetics, metaphor and lyric are both in line with the Confucius poetry standards featuring "gentle" and "honest".

  • 在此基础上形成了以温柔敦厚、和谐圆满为审美理想的古典主义艺术文化模式。
    On this basis the formation of a gentle, harmonious, satisfactory to the classical aesthetic ideal model of arts and culture.

  • 亲切温柔的言语,能使友人增多,并能感化仇人;同情的话,能使友好的往来敦厚
    A sweet word multiplieth friends, and appeaseth enemies, and a gracious tongue in a good man aboundeth.

  • 孙犁晚年散文的文体特色主要表现为,在温柔敦厚的外表下书写沉郁沧桑的人生感触。
    The style feature of Sun Li's prose written in his later years is mainly that the experiences of many vicissitudes of life are under its pursuit of golden mean.

  • 第一节分析其具有现实主义诗歌作品,诗风温柔敦厚,体现了诗人哀民生之多艰的情怀。
    First section analyzed the realism poetry work with the poetry style"gentle honest", had manifested the mood that Shi Run Zhang was sad for the misery life of the people.

  • 上述三个维面,其论说的内容都主要围绕中和之美、微婉合度、温柔敦厚等论题加以展开。
    The above-mentioned three aspects are mainly around the topic such as beauty of counteraction, a degree of tiny and gentle suiting, tenderness and good-nature.

  • 这一部分主要从三个方面加以论述,即诗言志,温柔敦厚,诗歌的变化和社会、政治的关系。
    This section resoundingly expounds three aspects. The rationale for the form change of poems were Shiyanzhi, Wenroudunhou, society and politics.

  • 作为清初大儒之一,王夫之的正统思想较为浓厚,其诗论大体以儒家温柔敦厚的诗教为宗旨。
    As one of the greatest scholars in the early Qing Dynasty, Wang Fu -zhi had strong orthodox concepts. He made comments on poems from the angle of gentleness and honesty.

  • 在总体上呈现出从温柔敦厚到乖戾尖新的转变过程中,不同女性作家仍然做出了各自的审美选择。
    In the general transformative course from fitness and uniformity to distinctiveness and individuality, different woman writers still have their own aesthetic choice.

  • 把“中国诗学”融入我们的民族精神,形成民族传统,铸造了中华民族勤劳、朴实、温柔敦厚的民族性格;
    mixing "Chinese poems" into our national spirit, forming national tradition, founding hard-working, pure and gentle characteristics; lyric poetry becoming our nation's main form;

  • 自儒家的伦理观念在中国美学史和思想史上开始显现威严时,中国艺术也就开始书写自己“温柔敦厚”的历史了。
    Since the ethical concept of Confucian school became majestic in Chinese aesthetic and ideological history, Chinese arts began a new leaf of "soft and pacific".

  • 其实,温柔敦厚之外,我们还一直有一个乖张悖逆的狂妄传统,偏偏这种狂妄往往能够迎合公众被抑制了的情绪和意志。
    In fact, the gentle, we also have been a Guaizhangbeini the traditional arrogance, but this arrogance is often able to meet the pent-up emotions and will.

  • 虽然广州的冬天并不冷,但大家对毛毛家品的热爱一点都没有减少,从包包到抱枕到地毯,毛毛越温柔敦厚越受大家追捧。
    Although the winter is not cold Guangzhou, But we love the plush home goods is not reduced, from writing to the carpet pillows, plush we pursued by the more tragic.

  • 了解这些,既有助于了解中国文化和中国文化人人生观中的丰富意义,也有助于了解中国人性格中的温柔敦厚与挥洒真情的二重性。
    It is helpful to understand the abundant meaning of Chinese culture and the philosophy of brahmins, and to understand Chinese dual characteristics.

  • 达西所以喜欢彬格莱,是因为彬格莱为人温柔敦厚、坦白直爽,尽管个性方面和他自己极端相反,而他自己也从来不曾觉得自己的个性有什么不完美的地方。
    openness, ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own, and though with his own he never appeared dissatisfied.

  • 仁政王道的政治理想直接促成了古代诗学的现实主义倾向,性善论则与温柔敦厚的《诗》教说具有内在的一致性,知言养气说是文气论、文德论的重要理论源泉;
    First, the political ideal of the Policy of Benevolence and Benevolent Government has direct facilitated the realistic tendency in the ancient theories of literature.

  • 《诗》学理论强调诗的功用性,纳情于礼乐、志性之中,主温柔敦厚、平和中正之美;而汉代诗学在外部功用失落,褪化之下,主体情感不断得以突张,最终迎来了主情文学的到来。
    Book of songs theories' emphasis on the political and social effects was lost, the personal emotion was extended continuously and the feeling literature came into being finally.

  • 温柔敦厚造句相关
