
添砖加瓦  tiān zhuān jiē wǎ







  • 让我们一起为“石器”再创添砖加瓦
    Let us is together "the stone implement" creates again contributes labor and materials!

  • 让我们一起为“石器”再创辉煌添砖加瓦
    Let us work together to "stone" building blocks glory!

  • 让我们一起为《石器世界》再创添砖加瓦
    Let us is together "Stone implement World" creates again contributes labor and materials!

  • 知识是一座城堡,每个人都应为它添砖加瓦
    Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human being brought a stone.

  • 公司以诚信,务实以及一流的产品质量,为加工业添砖加瓦
    Companies in good faith, pragmatic and first-class product quality, processing industry for contributing.

  • 随着未来业务的发展,我们将需要每一位雇员为麦当劳中国添砖加瓦
    With our future growth we will need everyone to help us manage this wonderful McDonald's China company.

  • 为你的企业品牌价值提升,产品档次提高,企业实力的强大添砖加瓦
    For your enterprise to enhance brand value, improve products, enterprise strength powerful building blocks.

  • 您筑起事业的金殿,我们为您添砖加瓦。我们将用心、致力为您服务!
    you built Mirage cause, we are building blocks for you. We will carefully, we are committed to serve you!

  • 每一裁决即刻成为法律条文的应用,并为法律体制本身 的构建添砖加瓦
    Every decision is at once an application of the law and contribution to the fabric of the law itself.

  • 我们愿与各界有识之士为轻钢建筑业的发展添砖加瓦,携手共建广厦千万间!
    We would like to cooperate with all the men of insight and construct the mutual-benefit.

  • 我们愿以此能为特奥会的成功举办略尽自己的绵薄之力,为建设和谐社会添砖加瓦
    We wish that we can make little effort on holding the Special Olympics successfully and add bricks for constructing harmonious society by this.

  • 工业矿产部长通过幻灯给整版的“历史上的成就”添砖加瓦,仿佛在安装反病毒程序。
    The minister of industry and minerals shows a slide detailing a slate of "historical achievements, " like installing an antivirus application.

  • 于是,金山毅然从为国家自主创新添砖加瓦的标兵营跳入到网游这个饱受争议的是非地。
    Then, golden hill resolutely the dispute ground that plunges to swim to suffer controversy this to the net from the example run that for the country own innovation increases a brick to add tile.

  • 我热爱贵单位所从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣的事业添砖加瓦
    I love the business of your company and eagerly look forward to work for you and to contribute myself into this business.

  • 中国需要这些流通人口给经济增长添砖加瓦,给出口业和城市建设提供廉价的劳动力资源。
    China needs this floating population to keep powering the countrys economic growth -- providing cheap labor to fuel its export engine and build its cities.

  • 所以,如果我要为这次北京申奥添砖加瓦,我会说:世界你好,现在是时候让我们实现梦想了。
    So , if I am going to add something more to the Beijing bid , I would simply say :Hey , world , now is the time to let us JUST DO IT !

  • 同时这也可以帮助诺基亚签下一些规模较小的唱片公司,为自己的在线音乐下载服务添砖加瓦
    At the same time, it can also help Nokia signed a number of smaller record companies, for their own online music download service building blocks.

  • 公司致力于设计开发具有中国唐装系列风格的休闲服饰,为唐装这一民族瑰宝重放异彩添砖加瓦
    We are devoted to design and develop casual wears of Tang Suit Style, to make our contribution to the popularity of Tang Suit.

  • 在这次的竞选中,无数人都在他的激励下,投身于民主进程的事业之中,为我们共同的未来添砖加瓦
    And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process and invested in our common future.

  • 我们真诚的希望:高思特公司多年来积累的成功经验能为贵公司事业的兴旺发达添砖加瓦,以尽绵薄之力!
    We sincerely hope: High Brastel company's successful experience accumulated over the years for the cause of the prosperity of your company building blocks to make modest!

  • 所有文化,族群和宗教将会应运而生,并且极具美感和富于创造,为人类社会宏伟统一的和谐乐团添砖加瓦
    All cultures, ethnic groups and religions will flourish to their full beauty and creativity, contributing to the magnificent unified orchestra of human society.

  • 中国需要非洲的石油和原材料为本国蓬勃发展的经济添砖加瓦,同时非洲领导人欢迎同北京建立更为密切的联系。
    China needs Africa's oil and raw materials to fuel its booming economy, and African leaders welcome closer links With Beijing.

  • 本司规范管理、全新理念,以及多年经验积累,希望能为更多的客户服务,为贵司事业兴旺发达添砖加瓦,尽绵薄之力!
    With the standardized operation the entire new philosophy and many years experience , we'd like to serve more customers, and play oer part in your company's development.

  • 那么该如何引导这些地区和自由贸易安排的发展,从而为当前取决于多哈发展议程,命运未卜的多边贸易体系添砖加瓦呢?
    How best to guide the development of those RTAs and FTAs in such a way as to reinforce the multilateral trade system currently hinging on the fate of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA)?

  • 简而言之,我渴望进入贵校学习,渴望加入你们的研究生行列,渴望能为贵校添砖加瓦-如能有幸成为你们中的一员的话。
    In brief, I desire to study at your university, long to join you as a post graduate student, aspire to do my bit for you in the near future-if I could be fortunately enrolled.

  • 作为一个小学生,“更快、更高、更强”首先要体现在学习上,在学习上做得更好,学到真本事,长大为祖国建设添砖加瓦
    We should do better in our study and when we have mastered the skills, we can do our effort for the constuction of our motherland.

  • 雷阿伦虽然季后赛里表现一直不佳,但是显然已经调整过来了,几乎是予取予求的拿下19分,为皮尔斯和加内特的46分添砖加瓦
    Ray Allen, whose playoff struggles have been well-documented, wriggled free for 19 points to supplement the 46 from Pierce and Garnett. L.

  • 他们为中国媒体获得的这些新的空间和受到的外国价值观念的影响感到欢欣鼓舞。他们把这些变迁看成是为建设的新的中国添砖加瓦
    They welcome the relative freedom and the influence of foreign ideas and values, seeing them as the building blocks of the new China.

  • 我们在第一天工作的时候就很清楚我们做出的每一个决定都意义重大,会影响我们未来事业的发展,要麽添砖加瓦,要麽成为自己事业的绊脚石。
    We're aware from day one in our first job that every decision we make is either a building block or a stumbling block on our career path.

  • 本文从开发LIS的起源开始,详述了LIS的开发设计思路和流程设计过程以及LIS的应用。并对LIS的应用提出了新的要求。为医院信息化建设添砖加瓦
    The design thought, process and application of LIS are described in detail from the origin of LIS. The new requests for the application of LIS are also brought forward.

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