
浮光掠影  fú guāng lüè yǐng








  • 从依赖到独立,从束缚到自由,浮光掠影般。
    From dependence to independence, To free from restraint, Like surface.

  • 从依赖到独立、从束缚到自由、浮光掠影般。
    From dependence to independence. To free from restraint. Like surface.

  • 但是浮光掠影是最省钱的。)我避重就轻地说。
    But glimps is the best way to save money.

  • 伊娃的婚礼相册只留住了整场婚礼的一点浮光掠影
    Eva's wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself.

  • 在纽约浮光掠影的游览一下,有一点是十分明显的。
    This is apparent in the most cursory stroll through New York.

  • 你只需看见,她为美所包围隐藏于你生命的浮光掠影之中。
    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  • 你只需要看见它被美所包围,隐藏在你生命的浮光掠影中。
    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away in between the seconds of your life.

  • 你只需看见,它为美所包围,隐藏在你生命的浮光掠影之中。
    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  • 在生命的花园里,我的财富仅是些从未被敛存过的浮光掠影
    In my life's garden, my wealth has been of the shadows and lights that are never gathered and stored.

  • 那圣洁的孩子在乏味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。
    There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

  • 那圣洁的孩子在索然无味的云层和倏忽变幻的浮光掠影中嬉戏微笑。
    There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

  • 你仅必须见,牠只是被美所包围的。隐藏在你声明的浮光掠影之中。
    You just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty and hidden away between the seconds of your life.

  • 她开始浮光掠影地看了一下这个报告,然后慢下来,最后停了下来。
    She started to skim through the report, then slowed down, then stopped.

  • 童年里的那一天只是浮光掠影,但我看到它的黑暗,知道它的静寂。
    That day, in my childish way, I glimpse only its surface.

  • 由此看来,我们大部分人对韩国经济的了解都是浮光掠影不甚了了
    By this token, we are major the person is skimming over the surface to the understanding of Korea economy, not very know clearly.

  • 学界和业界不乏对《南方周末》的个案研究,然而大多浮光掠影,只及皮毛。
    There are a lot of pairs of case study of Southern Weekend in the academic circles and the media, but mostly cursory and shallow, only reach the surface.

  • 林俊兴董事长认为,旅行的视野就像是浮光掠影,「体会」才是旅行的重点。
    President Lin Chun-shin believed that eyesight during travels were like sketches. "Understanding" should be the focal point when travelling.

  • 让心爱的他若有若无自然而然的在亲爱的妈妈眼里浮光掠影而过,留下片刻印象。
    Let beloved him vague naturally in dear mother in the eye cursory, makes the moment impression.

  • 让心爱的他若有若无自然而然的在亲爱的妈妈眼里浮光掠影而过,留下片刻印象。
    Let you beloved him showing in your mother's eyes, naturally and comfortably, and leaves some kind of impression to her.

  • 现在就干的欲望,立刻干完的欲望,对待生活浮光掠影的欲望,这一切都是从什么时候开始的?
    When did it all begin, this urge to do it now, to get it over with, to skim the surface of life?

  • 汤老师很迁就我们的课表,她愿意放慢进度,这样我们就能学得更好,而不是浮光掠影地学过。
    Professor Tang was very accommodating to all our schedules, and she was willing to slow down the pace of the class so that we could learn each lesson better instead of rushing through everything.

  • 这是一部值得一看再看的电影,因为其中的内容如此丰富,浮光掠影的浏览根本无法完全吸收。
    This is a must-see to see the film, because the content of such rich, Fuguanglueying browser can not fully absorb.

  • 讲义型论文具有论点不清,缺乏新意;内容空泛,浮光掠影;体系庞大,结构松散等三个主要特点。
    Lecture-note theses are characterized by the ambiguous argument, lack of originality, vague and general content of an easily-vanishing dim impression, unwieldy and poorly-knit structure.

  • 严格说来是一抹浮光掠影的灰彩,但我知道它是一对翅膀,梦中的我就这样一直站在海中央与它对望…
    It's a serious tint of grey, but i know its a pair of wings. i stand right in the middle of the sea in my own dream…

  • 独白的描述常能引人驻足,过度的修饰易于浮夸而不实,惊鸿一瞥只是浮光掠影,真实的接触才能发现彼此。
    Self description is usually appealing, but overstatement makes it exaggerated and unreal. Glimpse won't be a deep impression, only real contact can touch our mind.

  • 学者们发现,人们上网时呈现出“一种浮光掠影般的形式”总是从一个资源跳到另一个资源,并且很少返回他们之前访问过的资源。
    The scholars found that people using the sites exhibited "a form of skimming activity, " hopping from one source to another and rarely returning to any source they'd already visited.

  • 很难想像一个内心干瘪的人会真正被电影中的人生所打动,他只是浮光掠影的游走于故事的表面,或成为一个理论先行的技术主义者。
    It's hard to imagine that a person with a rough heart can be really impressed by the life in a movie. He is too technical to touch the spirit of the movie.

  • 如果你愿意它就近在咫尺,你只需要看见它为美所包围,隐藏再你生命的浮光掠影之中,如果你不停留片刻,也许你就会与它擦肩而过。
    love is there if you want it to be, you just have to see that it's wrapped in beauty, and hidden away between the seconds of your life, if you don't stop for a minute, you might miss it.

  • 那些你能够想像得到的、来自于任何艺术领域的、浮光掠影似的灵感都可以被体现在窗帘布艺上,这正如十七世纪那些巴洛克艺术家们所做的一样。
    That you can imagine, from any field of art, inspired by similar surface can be reflected in the curtain cloth, which, as the seventeenth century. Baroque artists who have done the same.

  • 当莫奈极力捕捉浮光掠影,随着光线的转变不停奔波于各帧画幅之间,创作了30余幅卢昂大教堂系列组画,葛饰北斋也以他的《富士山36景》展现着不同时节中光影的曼妙与迷离。
    And while Monet captured the changing light on the façade of Rouen's cathedral in more than 30 paintings, Hokusai rendered Mount Fuji at snleast 36 times, at all hours and in every season.

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