
洋洋洒洒  yáng yáng sǎ sǎ







  • 她不太爱说话,但是写起日记来却洋洋洒洒
    She does not talk much, but she seems to have so much to write about in her diary.

  • 这篇文章是以他惯常的洋洋洒洒的风格写成的。
    The piece is written in his usual expansive style.

  • 洋洋洒洒写了几页,终于到了第七个小矮人了。
    Heads of state, wrote a few pages, and finally to the seventh dwarf had.

  • 其风格则如石沉大海,又是群鹤飞舞,洋洋洒洒
    Its style is not only like stone drop downward the bottom of ocean but also like group of cranes flying and flying.

  • 我恢复了镇静,洋洋洒洒、没完没了地写了起来。
    I recovered my composure and wrote and wrote and wrote.

  • 在学期开始的时候,我们老师洋洋洒洒地向我们说了许多话。
    At the beginning of the term, our teacher addressed us in an eloquent speech.

  • 一句节能减碳喊得洋洋洒洒,但带来的却是如此残酷的结果。
    The catchy slogan of "Save Energy and Reduce Carbon Emissions" has brought such cruel results.

  • 在学期开始的时候,我们的老师洋洋洒洒地向我们说了许多话。
    At the beginning of the term, our teacher addressed us in an eloquent speech.

  • 我觉把这些段落删减到最低限度比洋洋洒洒满纸不知所云要好。
    It would seem to me better to reduce paragraphs to a bare minimum than sprinkle them all over the page without rhyme or reason.

  • 他坐在那里,指间还握着笔,纸上已经写下洋洋洒洒鲍一大篇文字了!
    There he was, with the pen still between his fingers, and a vast immeasurable tract of written space behind him!

  • 从华盛顿到总统位于德克萨斯州克劳福德的度假屋,都洋洋洒洒飘着雪花。
    Snow fell from Washington DC to the president's hut in Crawford, Texas. Cold temperatures are expected to stay awhile.

  • 文章里洋洋洒洒地列出了50种技巧,当中有很多内容不只适用于专业人员。
    The bulk of the article is a list of 50 tips, many of which will apply to more than just service professionals.

  • 在这简单算式中所蕴含的勇气,毅力和努力,比洋洋洒洒的万言报告更具魅力。
    In this simple formula in the inherent courage, perseverance and hard work made the report more than eloquent 10000 more attractive.

  • 有人认为,为游戏洋洋洒洒写个十几万字的背景设定,那这个游戏就是有文化了;
    Somebody thinks, keep the setting set of a ten words for game at great length, this game is literate;

  • 还写书立著,编册造页来支撑那些理论学说,撰言洋洋洒洒千万何以计,着墨叠叠层层寸尺不可量。
    and in support of these theories he wrote pamphlets, letters, books … thousands upon thousands of words, hundreds and hundreds of pages.

  • 洋洋洒洒200多万字的8卷本文集中,可以看到诗白教授涉猎的领域广阔,思想活跃,理论深这。
    In at great length 8 article concentration of 200 much word, the field that can see Shi Bai teachs dabble is wide, the thought is active, theory is deep this.

  • 世界将在未来一千年内依靠我们的书生存,它洋洋洒洒、无所不容,其思想差点儿叫我们茫然不知所措。
    The world will be able to feed on it for a thousand years to come. It is colossal in its pretentiousness. The thought of it almost shatters me.

  • 这个故事有多长?只言片纸,还是洋洋洒洒,等等等等。事实上你所有的预期都会直接影响到评论的过程。
    Is it one page long, or a hundred, etc etc In fact, all the things you'd assume went into the craft of reviewing.

  • 不久,接到了许多答案,其中大多旁征博引,洋洋洒洒地分析论证各人的功过轻重,然后拿出自己的看法。
    Before long, received a lot of results, among them mostly quote copiously from many sources, ground of at great length analyses the desert weight that proves each one, take out oneself view next.

  • 他禁不住内心的愤怒,一面大声呵斥吟诵,一面提起笔来,洋洋洒洒在石壁上写下一篇奇绝千古的《天问》。
    He could not help but feel anger, shouted loudly recite a while to proudly wrote in the Shek a history of "Heaven."

  • 当红蔷薇的第一抹花瓣飘落于地,当蒲公英的花絮洋洋洒洒漫天飞舞,青翠碧绿的松树上就挂满了青涩的松果。
    The first popular rose petal falling on the hand, when the sidelights Mindulle long fly all over the sky, verdant green of the pine trees on the pine covered with .

  • 很可惜,一个交互产品还原为洋洋洒洒的特征列表,并不能自动组成优美的交响乐章,使复杂的技术为人所用。
    to a list of hundreds of features doesn't lend itself to the kind of graceful orchestration that is required to make complex technology useful.

  • 很可惜,一个交互产品还原为洋洋洒洒的特征列表,并不能自动组成优美的交响乐章,使复杂的技术为人所用。
    Unfortunately, reducing an interactive product to a list of hundreds of features doesn't lend itself to the kind of graceful orchestration that is required to make complex technology useful.

  • 这篇文章洋洋洒洒,但没有提到她从未唱过一句歌词。但随着这个消息在互联网上传开,一些中国的博主非常愤怒。
    the article gushes, without mentioning she never sang a note. But as word gets out on the Internet, some Chinese bloggers are outraged.

  • 该产品相似起伏的波浪,洋洋洒洒,晶莹剔透,卓尔不凡,是大型商场、酒店、办公楼等公用空间装饰的首选材料。
    The ups and downs of the waves similar products, long, sparkling, the Chelsea performance, major shopping malls, hotels, office buildings and other public spaces in the first decoration materials.

  • 他论文中提出一个观点:现在房地产市场不能健康发展的重要原因之一是消费者的问题,文章洋洋洒洒、言之凿凿。
    He presented a paper views : Now is not the healthy development of the real estate market is one of the major reasons why consumer issues, articles long, made the commitment.

  • 象杨和岳先生那样,西自白帝城,东至葛洲坝,将瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡的三峡全貌,洋洋洒洒的尽收于一纸画卷,实属少见。
    Mr Yang, however, united the panorama of all three gorges contiguously from Baidi Township in the west to Gezhou Dam in the east, onto one scroll.

  • 因为在《华尔街日报》写专栏的缘故,我针对过节俭日子的问题做了一个大型书面实验,过去18个月里,就这个主题洋洋洒洒写了很多。
    Thanks to The Wall Street Journal, I've conducted a giant writing experiment on being cheap, penning thousands of words on the subject over the past 18 months.

  • 佛教经典洋洋洒洒数十万言,其中单是世尊说的法门就有八万多种。然而所有这些教人得法,与成佛的方法,大都离不开一个指导原则,那就是如何让人心平静下来。
    Buddhism Classics has a hundred thousand words at great length. Buddha's dharmas are eighty thousand more; whereas, they have the same purpose – instructing people how to become tranquil.

  • 洋洋洒洒造句相关
