
水天一色  shuǐ tiān yī sè








  • 水天一色,帆船点点,海风习习。
    Water nature is uniform, caique dot, sea wind blow gently.

  • 云梦泽水天一色,清风吹来,金子一样的湖光。
    The water and the sky blend in one color at the Yunmeng Marsh.

  • 据说很久以前,这里原是水天一色的茫茫大海。
    It is said that a long time ago, there was an ocean of shui tian yi se .

  • 他停了一下,朝烟波迷茫、水天一色的湖面瞧去。
    He stopped to glance over the misty lake where water joined the sky.

  • 4日中午,记者站在机场了望台,晴空万里,水天一色
    noon, standing in the airport's observation deck, blue skies, Shuitianyise.

  • 奇岩怪石突兀嶙峋,山水环绕,层层波浪起伏,水天一色
    Qi Guaidan unobtrusive rugged, the landscape around, layers of undulating waves, Shuitianyise.

  • 若临暮春三秋,浅云遮日,烟波浩渺,水天一色,另有一番情趣。
    if the Council late spring San-Qiu, light cloud cover, Yanbohaomiao, Shuitianyise, and a delight.

  • 江西滨江宾馆位于水天一色的赣江之滨,地理位置优越,交通便利。
    Jiangxi BinJiang Hotel is located the Kan River side, with a beautiful view. The good geographical position can convenient to go anywhere.

  • 置身其间,视线越过荷花塘向江中眺望,可领略水天一色的宜人景致。
    Located in it, overlooking the river with line of sight through water lily pond, you may appreciate the beautiful sight integrating water and the sky.

  • 江苏扬州水系改造改造后的城市环境焕然一新,水天一色,景色宜人。
    Yangzhou's Water System Renovation Project, when completed, will transform the city into a beautiful landscape.

  • 湖岸边层峦叠嶂,松、杉、翠竹、鲜花倒映水中,相映成趣,水天一色
    Cengluan stacked嶂lake shore, pine, fir, Tsui Chuk, flowers Daoying water, Xiangyingchengqu, Shuitianyise;

  • 范围广阔,碧海浩瀚,蓝天无际,水天一色,偶有白帆海鸥点缀,颇多诗意。
    Has a broad scope, vast blue sea, blue sky boundless, Shuitianyise occasional seagull dotted white sail, a lot of poetry.

  • 中午水蓝如碧玉,云影波之间,透出无限的清丽,傍晚则水天一色,金黄耀眼。
    Shuilan artists such as noon, wave clouds, revealing the unlimited Qingli, Shuitianyise then in the evening, dazzling gold.

  • 水天一色,夕阳溶金,那种平和的色调让你读着一支民族走过艰辛历程后的平静。
    This kind of gentle tinge leads you to the quietude of hardly course that the nationality walked through.

  • 礼堂顶棚呈穹隆形与墙壁圆曲相接,体现出“水天一色,浑然一体”的设计思想。
    Hall was dome-shaped roof and the walls round Qu phase, reflecting "Shuitianyise, seamless" design.

  • 穿越吉布胡朗图,你将能品味飞鸟成群、水天一色、气势磅礴的呼伦湖和新开湖;
    Through Djibouti Hu Lang chart, you will be able to taste bird flocks, Shuitianyise, magnificent Hulun and the newly opened Lake;

  • 远处的水天一色,在湛蓝的海面上,似有若无的浪花,三三两两的渔船缓慢地滑行。
    Shuitianyise far, in the azure blue sea, seems to be the absence of the spray, 3, 322 fishing boats slowly sliding.

  • 咱党员干部,那歪门邪道不要搞”他停了一下,朝烟波渺茫,水天一色的湖面瞧去。
    We Party cadres should not engage in any under-the-counter business. " He stopped to glance over the misty lake where the water joined the sky. " What a nice view!

  • 那百米宽的河流蜿蜒曲折,与天空相约,融于目极,水天一色,使我难以分辨出界限。
    The sky covers the meandering river and the river, which is about a-hundred-meter wide, contacts the sky in the end of my vision.

  • 这静动兼备,水天一色的景致,构成了“千里茶盘湖水色,含烟带月碧于蓝”的醉人画面。
    This is both static and dynamic, same color scene constitutes a "tea tray Trinidad lake color, have with Pitt in blue on" the magnificent screen.

  • 游人可乘游艇溯黄河而上,入峡奇峰对峙,千岩壁立,出峡则为高山湖,黄土清波,水天一色
    Yachts take tourists back and on the Yellow River into the gorge Qifeng confrontationqian yan rise steeply, while the Gap mountain lakes, loess-ha, shui tian yi se .

  • 后来李白游岳阳楼,看出这是一副字谜对联,即“水天一色,风月无边”,并当即写下了这副对联。
    Later, Li Bai Yu Yueyang Tower, to see that this is a puzzle couplet, "Shuitianyise, Fengyuewubian" and immediately wrote this pair of couplets.

  • 数叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。
    the number of leaves white sail in this golden sea, just as a few films like snow-white feathers, long and floating light, and the drift action.

  • 岸边隆隆的机器声不绝于耳。五年前,这里还是水天一色,岸上红树枝繁叶茂,映衬着清彻的海水。
    Heavy machinery rumbled near the shore where, five years earlier, banks of red mangroves(红树) prospered in water so clear that it seemed to merge with the sky.

  • 碧口水库,高峡平湖,水天一色,大熊猫驯养场、黄龙寺隔山相映,一线相通,形成了具有最佳选择性的旅游热线。
    Bikou Reservoirgao xia ping hu , shui tian yi se , domesticated panda games, Huanglong Templege shan matched, the same line, and form with the best selective Hotline travel.

  • 这里没有巴黎的繁华,却有地中海沿岸最迷人的景色:水天一色的蓝,和人之间毫无间隔,站在海岸,却仿佛立在水中央。
    There is no downtown Paris, but the most charming Mediterranean coastal scenery: Shuitianyise blue, and no spacing between, on the coast, seemed to legislate in the water.

  • 心灵震撼、芭蕾童话、梦幻色彩、水天一色、人间传奇、雅俗共赏、老少皆宜,尽在梦幻水立方——大型全景芭蕾《天鹅湖》!
    A stunning fairy-tale ballet with dreamy colors in the water-world of the Water Cube for everyone —— the full-featured and full-vision ballet Swan Lake!

  • 更早的传说跟李白有关。湖南岳阳楼三楼,有东西两联,东联是短短的一副八字联:“水天一色;风月无边”,落款为“长庚李白书”。
    Earlier with the legend of relevant. third floor, there are two things together, the East is a short one of the eight-character: Fengyuewubian" "Chang Gung Li Bai's book.

  • 位于长江中下游美丽的九江市,北临万里长江,南倚风景秀丽的庐山,登高远眺,水天一色、旷神怡、看日出、观落霞、丽景色尽收眼底。
    The Hotel is located the beautiful city of Jiujiang in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangzi River and overlooking a picturesque district with YangZi River in the north and Lushan in the south.

  • 位于长江中下游美丽的九江市,北临万里长江,南倚风景秀丽的庐山,登高远眺,水天一色心旷神怡、朝看日出、晚观落霞、奇丽景色尽收眼底。
    The Hotel is located the beautiful city of Jiujiang in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangzi River and overlooking a picturesque district with YangZi River in the north and Lushan in the south.

  • 水天一色造句相关
