
毁誉参半  huǐ yù cān bàn







  • 城市在人类历史的发展上,向来毁誉参半
    In human history, cities have drawn criticism as often as praise.

  • 6没有任何的一样东西能像电视这样毁誉参半
    Nothing has received more praise and abuse than TV.

  • 他经常无私的给出建议,尽管这些建议毁誉参半
    and he gave advice freely, though it may have been ignored as often as it was taken.

  • 不幸,主流媒体“纽约时报”给予毁誉参半的评论。
    A major publication gives it a mixed review, unfortunately.

  • 自威尔逊提出政治与行政两分法以来,一直毁誉参半
    Since Wilson divided administration apart from politics, criticism and praise have been side by side.

  • 像所有的领导人一样,安南有批评和支持者,毁誉参半
    As with all leaders, annan has his critics and supporters.

  • 但是美国兰德公司最近进行的研究提出了毁誉参半的评价。
    But a new study by the RAND Corporation suggests a more mixed picture.

  • 民意调查显示,对于移民问题美国民众的态度是毁誉参半
    Public opinion surveys suggest that Americans see both the good and bad sides of immigration at the same time.

  • 我们的目标是竭尽所能地全方位展现这位毁誉参半的复杂女性。
    Our aim is to give as complete a picture as possible of a complex woman.

  • 麦当娜的形象从此深入人心,她近20年的舞台生涯,毁誉参半
    Madonna had invaded the public consciousness, and set the stage for nearly 20 years of controversy and success.

  • 麦金太尔的德性伦理学在西方哲学界引起了强烈反响,毁誉参半
    Alasdair Maclntyre"s theory causes quite a repercussion in the western philosophical field and found a mixed reception."

  • 马尔萨斯人口理论思想影响深远,众说纷纭,毁誉参半,争论不休。
    Malthus"s Theory of Population has far-reaching effects . People have various opinions about it and debate endlessly."

  • 王涯一生忠君爱国,求变求新,虽晚年毁誉参半,但他才华横溢,盛负诗名。
    Although he had some bad evaluation in his old age, he had literary talent and was famous for his poems.

  • 这些课文的另一个重要主题是对儿童施加约束,批评家对这一主题毁誉参半
    One important theme in Lessons is restriction of the child, a theme which has been interpreted both positively and negatively by critics.

  • 孟郊的诗歌赢得了较高的当世声誉,而后世诗论中对孟诗的评价却是毁誉参半
    Meng's poems were sang high praised in his period, but he was half praised and half criticized in the next generations.

  • 魏特曼是eBay的前老板,虽说别人一直对她毁誉参半,但她总是高调出场的。
    Ms Whitman is best known as the former boss of eBay, where she had a mixed record but a high profile.

  • 但是,正如乔希还指出的那样,杰克逊的记忆是复杂的、毁誉参半的、有污点的。
    And yet, as Tyrangiel also pointed out, Jackson's memory is complicated, compromised, tainted.

  • 在20世纪的英国文坛上,威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆是一位十分著名而又毁誉参半的作家。
    In the 20, h century British literatllre, William SomersetMaugham is at once a ce1ebrated and controversial novelist.

  • 张恨水作品从二三十年代红遍大江南北到文学界对他毁誉参半,甚至又是长期的排斥居于主导地位;
    The works of Zhang Henshui are widely popular south and north in twenties and thirties and then have a mixed reception among which denounce is in the predominant position over a long period of time.

  • 但是罗孚因为去年共和党失去对国会的控制而受到责备,导致专家对自己政治魄力的评价毁誉参半
    But Rove got some of the blame last year when Republicans lost control of Congress, leading to a mixed assessment of his political powersprowess, by the experts.

  • 但是罗孚因为去年共和党失去对国会的控制而受到责备,导致专家对自己政治魄力的评价毁誉参半
    But Rove got some of the blame last year when Republicans lost control of Congress, leading to a mixed assessment of his political prowess by the experts.

  • 《紫色》作为美国黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克最具影响力的作品,自1982年出版以来在当代评论界引起毁誉参半的争议。
    The Color Purple, the most influential work of Alice Walker, has aroused a wide range of high acclaims as well as severe criticisms among contemporary reviewers ever since its publication in 1982.

  • 20世纪的西方音乐史著作中,对德国晚期浪漫主义作曲家R·施特劳斯的音乐作品评价多半不高,常常毁誉参半,甚至贬多于褒。
    In western music history books of the 20th century, German romanticism composer R·Strauss' didn't get high evaluation and usually had mixed reception.

  • 在美国和世界上其他地方一样,阻止生物灭绝速度就意味着要保护适合生物生存的栖息地——而这正是毁誉参半的濒危物种法的目的。
    In the ffice:smarttags" />United States as elsewhere, stopping the countdown to extinction means preserving healthy habitats—the aim of the celebrated and scorned Endangered Species Act."

  • 虽然最初人们对《莫比迪克》毁誉参半,但目前它已经被认为是英语世界里最好的小说之一了。梅维尔最伟大的美国作家的地位就此奠定。
    Although the book initially received mixed reviews, Moby-Dick is now considered one of the greatest novels in the English language and has secured Melville's place among America's greatest writers.

  • 随着业主的入住,现代城的艺术品正在接受毁誉参半的评头论足,雕塑占据公共空间,没征求业主意见的投诉曾令物业管理公司招架不住。
    owner occupancy, the urban works of art are receiving mixed chorus, sculpture occupy public space. No complaints had driven to seek the views of owners of property management companies overwhelmed.

  • 随着业主的入住,现代城的艺术品正在接受毁誉参半的评头论足,雕塑占据公共空间,没征求业主意见的投诉曾令物业管理公司招架不住。
    occupancy, the urban works of art are receiving mixed chorus, sculpture occupy public space, no complaints had driven to seek the views of owners of property management companies overwhelmed.

  • 随着业主的入住,现代城的艺术品正在接受毁誉参半的评头论足,雕塑占据公共空间,没征求业主意见的投诉曾令物业管理公司招架不住。
    owner occupancy. of the urban art is receiving mixed chorus, sculpture occupy public space, no complaints had driven to seek the views of owners of property management companies overwhelmed.

  • 提交过手机号码的支持者将收到短信和电邮,因而比新闻媒体更先一步得到消息。这种信息传递途径可能用到了远程操作和控制台技术。(这种做法毁誉参半。)
    Supporters who sibylic submitted their wireless phone numbers will receive the information ahead of the news media, via text message and email. That approach may have kindspros and cons.

  • 著名的马塞老港是必须一看的,外界对马塞的评价也是毁誉参半,有人说马塞这个城市脏,乱,还有众多的黑人暴力份子,有的却说马塞的老港是一副美丽的风景画。
    The famous seaport of marseilles is the key view to have a look, But they are kind of comment behind this. Some of them are negative.

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