
歪风邪气  wāi fēng xié qì






  • (我们)要煞住歪风邪气
    We must check bad tendencies.

  • 此时协会中的歪风邪气是令她最气恼的事。
    The iniquities of the unions are her pet peeve at the moment.

  • 敢于抵制歪风邪气
    Dare to resist unhealthy trends.

  • 这对组工干部来说要有“抵制歪风邪气的战斗性”。
    This cadres for a "boycott of the unhealthy trends of the fighting."

  • 新班子团结好,作风 好,廉洁正气很快压住了邪气歪风
    New team has united, way is good, clean-fingered healthy atmosphere pinned evil influence and unhealthy trend very quickly.

  • 抵制歪风邪气很重要,但更重要的是扶植正气,改善社会环境。
    b. It is important to combat evil social trends, but it is more important to foster healthy trends and improve social environments.

  • 抵制歪风邪气很重要,但更重要的是扶植正气,改善社会环境。
    It is important to combat evil social trends, but it is more important to foster healthy trends and improve social environments.

  • 哦,别在意她的抱怨!此时协会中的歪风邪气是令她最气恼的事。
    Oh, pay no attention to her whining! The iniquities of the unions are her pet peeve at the moment.

  • 要转变观念、坚定信念、坚决抵制歪风邪气、努力学习,才能做好表率。
    Want evil influence of evil wind of change idea, sturdy belief, determined boycott, effort to learn, ability makes good example.

  • 坚决刹住一些地方非法违法严重、已关闭小矿小厂死灰复燃歪风邪气
    We will also resolutely curb the unhealthy practices and evil phenomena in some regions where violations go rampant and the officially-closed small mines and plants reopen without approval.

  • 不仅如此,其行为甚至助长了财务报表作假、贿赂、腐败等歪风邪气,扰乱了经济秩序,阻碍了社会经济的健康发展。
    What's more, it would further the bad activities, such as fabricating the financial report forms, boodle and corruption etc, break the economic order and block the development of the social economy.

  • 至少到现在,那些期待歪风邪气能够产生多米诺骨牌效应使国家经济崩塌的投机商们并没有像期待相反结果的投机商们那样收获丰厚。
    So far at least, speculators who counted on contagion toppling countries like dominoes have little to show for it, while those who bet the other way have juicy gains.

  • 欧洲这方面的经历已经告诉我们公开助长这种歪风邪气会带来什么后果,很难阻止那些外国企业停止排污,因为他们都在等着别人给他们停止排污的“补偿费”。
    These are open to abuse, as Europe's experience shows. There is little to stop foreign factories from starting to pollute just so that someone will pay them to stop.

  • 欧洲这方面的经历已经告诉我们公开助长这种歪风邪气会带来什么后果 ,很难阻止那些外国企业停止排污,因为他们都在等着别人给他们停止排污的“补偿费”。
    These are open to abuse, as Europe's experience shows. There is little to stop foreign factories from starting to pollute just so that someone will pay them to stop.

  • 歪风邪气造句相关
