
有钱有势  yǒu qián yǒu shì







  • 他的老爸是个有钱有势的生意人。
    His father is a fat cat business person.

  • 他总是试图结交有钱有势的人。
    He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people.

  • 人人都能找到有钱有势之人吗?
    Can everyone find a fat cat?

  • 男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。
    The baron expect his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth.

  • 很久以前,有一位非常有钱有势的国王。
    A long time ago there lived a very rich and powerful king.

  • 男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。
    The baron expected his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth.

  • 有钱有势是如此重要吗?
    Is it so important to have money and power?

  • 有钱有势人家的孩子从出生起就受到特别对待。
    The children of the rich and powerful experience privilege from birth.

  • 许多有钱有势的人,都为了赢得公主的芳心而争著表现。
    Many wealthy and powerful men vied for the princess' affections.

  • 思嘉-巴特勒从她那有钱有势地社会地位上一交摔下来了!
    Scarlett Butler tumbled from her high and mighty place!

  • 以及嫌弃其又黑又瘦,专对有钱有势抛媚眼的土地出让者。
    Its something thin and old, rich and the powerful praise of the land sold.

  • 由于性格上的弱点,她总为被有钱有势有权的男人所着迷。
    Due to her own character flaws, she is attracted to men with money and power and position.

  • 举例来说,蝙蝠侠在日常生活中是有钱有势的布鲁斯.韦恩。
    For example, in Batman's everyday life, he is the very rich and influential Bruce Wayne.

  • 但是金融市场这一武器实际上被华尔街那些有钱有势的人占据着。
    But the weapons of the money market , actually is now had by Wall Street's rich and powerful people.

  • 特别是在台湾,有钱有势的人正被追捧,人们以为自私可以得到好处。
    Particularly in Taiwan, where the rich and the powerful are posing as role models, people have learned that selfishness seems to pay.

  • 阴谋,凶杀,复仇这所有的一切就是塞加拉,古埃及有钱有势人的墓地。
    Conspiracy, murder, revenge—it's all at Saqqara, a cemetery of ancient Egypt's rich and powerful.

  • 幸福不是来自于别人,幸福不是来自于物质,幸福不是来自于有钱有势
    It doesn't come from other people. It doesn't come from material things. It doesn't come from having a lot of money and power.

  • 纳敖米的丈夫厄里默肋客家族中有个亲人,是有钱有势的人,名叫波阿次。
    And Naomi had a relation of her husband, a man of wealth, of the family of Elimelech; and his name was Boaz.

  • 穷人被迫把自己的全部工艺品、谷物、蔬菜、水果缴入有钱有势人家的仓库。
    The poor will be forced to bring all their products, grains, vegetables and fruits to the warehouses of the rich and powerful.

  • 他应该确保机会不只给那些有钱有势的人,而是给每个愿意工作的美国人准备的。
    It should ensure opportunity not just for those with the most money and influence, but for every American who's willing to work.

  • 杰森:麦琪,你怀疑你的丈夫因为一个有钱有势的亿万富翁说是今天,他就说是今天?
    Jason: Oh, Maggie, you're doubting your husband just because of something some rich powerful multi trillion billionaire said?

  • 人们不难理解这样一个有家庭背景、有钱有势、拥有一切的优秀青年难免会过高估计自己。
    One cannot wonder that so very fine a young man, with family, fortune, everything in his favour, , should think highly of himself.

  • 当今社会金钱至上,有钱有势的永远是赢家。我们的文化已经堕落成肤浅表象超越了内在美丽。
    In today's society, money rules, he with the biggest toy wins. Ours is a culture where superficial appearance is valued over internal beauty.

  • 当社会上有钱有势的人,无所不用其极地搜刮财富,大部分人为了生活而辛苦挣扎的事就发生了。
    When some people of high rank and rich men accumulate the live stuff and wealth by unfair means, most people have to struggle for their lives.

  • 比如某人有钱有势,许多人会依附在他的周围,以期获得一些生意上的机会或者单纯的吃喝的机会。
    For example, a man is rich and powerful. Many people cling to him to get some opportunity for business or simply for a fancy meal.

  • 观光者包括那些希望在(果在大陆就是非法)会对策中放纵自己的有钱有势的中国人,还有来自周边国家的游客,譬如韩国和新加坡。
    Visitors include rich and powerful Chinese, wishing to indulge in games of chance illegal on the mainland, as well as tourists from nearby countries like South Korea and Singapore.

  • 在一个团体中,那些有钱有势的人,你清楚地瞭解,他们那些横财致富的经历。而那些身居高位者,又有那一位不是吹牛拍马屁的专家。
    In a group, you detect well that those men of rank and wealth have an experience of ill-got fortune; those men of high position all are obsequious experts.

  • (涉案)俱乐部内在的政治势力使得(调查组)无法对其采取严厉措施,这也反映出身处意大利双重司法体系之下的有钱有势者可以为所欲为。
    The political muscle of the clubs prevented tough measures being taken against them, reflecting Italys two-tier justice system in which the rich and powerful can do what they like.

  • 参观者中包括有钱有势的中国人,他们希望在赌博中碰碰运气,而赌博在内地是非法的。此外,还有来自邻近国家如韩国和新加坡的旅游观光者。
    Visitors include rich and powerful Chinese, wishing to indulge in games of chance illegal on the mainland, as well as tourists from nearby countries like South Korea and Singapore.

  • 在一个团体中,那些有钱有势的人,你清楚地了解,他们那些横财至使他们致富的经历。自于那些位居高位者,又有那一个不是吹牛拍马屁的专家。
    In a group, you detect well that those men of rank and wealth have an experience of ill-got fortune; those men of high position all are obsequious experts.

  • 有钱有势造句相关
