
有棱有角  yǒu léng yǒu jiǎo






  • 汤姆很有个性,做起事来一向有棱有角
    Tom has a strong character and does things according to his own ideas.

  • 精美的草坪上有几条影子,直直的,有棱有角
    The shadows on the perfect lawn were straight and angular;

  • 所有的土坯“家具”都有棱有角,清扫得很光洁。
    All of adobe-made furniture were very tidy, had been cleaned very glabrous.

  • 我又为什么要加入希望把一切都变得有棱有角的人们的行列呢?
    We are even aroused by round forms in species propagation related eroticism. Why should I join the straying mass who want to make everything angular?

  • 有棱有角的车屁股,请注意粗壮的排气管…还以为是粗壮的…哈哈哈。
    The rather angular design of the rear section on the Lamborghini Reventón, note the massive exhaust pipe …

  • 江青对张铁生说:你是一块好石头,有棱有角的,不过我们要用你这块石头来打人了!
    We in China, like you, want a better world, not for ourselves alone, but for all mankind, and we must have it.

  • 有的颗粒物具有很好的磨圆度,有的却有棱有角,说明不同的颗粒物经过不同的搬运过程。
    Some particles are good rounding, and others have edges and corners. It is showed that the particles experienced different transport processes.

  • 但是不得不说,这款5细节方面做的非常不错,很精细,别看他外观大大落落,有棱有角
    But can not but say, this section of 5 detail aspect does is good, is very fine, do not look that his outward appearance is dignified, uneven.

  • 新兵入伍,首先要学习“叠被子”,把被子叠得方方正正,整整齐齐,有棱有角,像“豆腐块”。
    The new recruit enlist in the armed forces, first must be learned how to fold up a military quilt, make it square and upright, be rolled up tidily, angularity like a" bean curd piece".

  • 好比实木,同样有棱有角,可它那纯天然的色泽,如同阳光投下的美丽光影,能焕发出春天般的暖意;
    Like wood, the same corner a corner it is the pure natural color, as beautiful sun cast light, spring-like warmth to radiate;

  • 例如,在一块标准的数字印刷电路板上,所有的器件都是有棱有角的,布线的精度也只有计算机才可以完成。
    On a typical modern digital PCB assembly, for example, the parts are all squat rectangular components, and the traces are laid out with a precision only a computer could love.

  • 如今三个月过去了,他已熟练掌握了许多技能,如:35秒内洗完澡,狼吞虎咽地用餐,床被整理得有棱有角
    Now, three months later, he has perfected the art of taking a bath in 35 seconds, finishing a meal without looking at his food, and making his bed with precision.

  • 这个商场的设计既有棱有角,又有天然的构造。明亮光滑的玻璃门入口设计,使人能清楚的看到商场内部的活动。
    The design of this shopping mall is a mix of the angular and organic, with views of interior activities provided by monumental glazed entrance features.

  • 一些老人激动地说,影楼新装修的罗马柱和有棱有角的外墙,是造成短短数月里,村里九人相继伤亡的“罪魁祸首”。
    "Some people said with excitement, incidents newly renovated Luomazhu and corner of the wall with Kok, constitute just a few months, the village has nine casualties "culprit.

  • 他向人们示范着这门艺术--折好,拆开,再折好,并向人们解释复杂的细节以及必须把折皱处弄得平滑光洁、有棱有角
    He demonstrated the art. He folded, unfolded and refolded. He explained the intricate details, the need for sharp creases.

  • 他的面部结构真的与众不同。高颧骨。有棱有角,轮廓分明,颇为独特,在男性中由为少见。这给他的面部增添了一种全新的魅力。
    His cheek structure really stands out. They are high, angular and very well defined, which is a bit unique, especially in a male. They add a whole other dimension to his facs, "says Dr."

  • 有棱有角造句相关
