
暧昧不明  ài mèi bù míng








  • 哪个星座最会表现'暧昧不明'的关系?
    which would have the most unusual relationship?

  • 他的生活暧昧不明,他的结局一团漆黑。
    His life had been all shadows, his end was night.

  • 以利沙的回答暧昧不明
    Elisha's reply was interesting and ambiguous.

  • 大部分家养动物的来源,也许会永远暧昧不明
    The origin of most of our domestic animals will probably forever remain vague.

  • 地址和时间变得暧昧不明,需要连猜带想才逐渐变得清晰起来。
    Places and dates grow dubious, a jumble of guesswork and speculation.

  • 这些暧昧不明、无法解释的恐惧感可能日日夜夜的困扰著这些人。
    These vague unexplainable fears may haunt by night or day.

  • 他恨他周围的一切都暧昧不明,除了他每个人都知道这是怎么回事。
    He hates living in this world where nothing makes sense, where everyone knows the answers but him.

  • 本文也将证明,对于多边主义及全球经济管理的责任,金砖四国的态度暧昧不明
    It will also be argued that the attitude of the BRIC countries to multilateralism and responsibility in global economic governance is questionable or unclear.

  • 它必须由我们传统中最好的内容来构建,它必须能够解决在过去较为暧昧不明的问题。
    It will have to be constructed from the best of our traditions and will have to account for the darker aspects of our past.

  • 它必须根据我们传统中最好的内容来构建,它必须能够解决在过去较为暧昧不明的问题。
    It will have to be constructed from the best of our traditions and will have to account for the darker aspects of our past.

  • 就如许多人对庆祝母亲节抱持的态度暧昧不明,大部分的人对母亲节的由来也不甚了解。
    As many people celebrate Mother's Day hold an ambiguous attitude toward the unknown, most of the people on the origin of Mother's Day is also not well understood.

  • 他锐捷的智慧及抒情的绝妙手法形成了他个人独特的标志-一种至今依旧暧昧不明的标志。
    His razor-sharp wit and lyrical prowess have put him in a category by himself. Just what that category is remains unclear.

  • 小我最具创意的点子,就是把问题搞得暧昧不明;其实你心里有数,因此小我对你害怕万分。
    The most inventive activities of the ego have never done more than obscure the question, because you have the answer and the ego is afraid of you.

  • 日本首相以私人身份、暧昧不明而间接的方式道歉,而非由日本帝国或其国会提出正式道歉。
    Offered vague, indirect, and personal apologies by its Prime Minster, but not its Emperor or its Parliament.

  • 对这些喜剧人物,王尔德的态度总是暧昧不明,读者、观众也很难对他们进行明确的价值判断。
    To these characters Wilde's attitude was ambiguous and it is difficult for the audience to judge them clearly by common views.

  • 此书行文风格清晰,几乎没有格林斯潘在任时有名的官气十足、暧昧不明的“美联储式语言”。
    The style is clear, with few echoes of the magisterially ambiguous "Fedspeak" for which Mr Greenspan was renowned when in office.

  • 否。日本首相以私人身份、暧昧不明而间接的方式道歉,而非由日本帝国或其国会提出正式道歉。
    NO. Offered vague, indirect, and personal apologies by its Prime Minster, but not its Emperor or its Parliament.

  • 那个世界有些部分还暧昧不明,但他看到的是全局而不是细部,而且看到了主宰那个世界的道路。
    There was much that was dim and nebulous in that world, but he saw it as a whole and not in detail, and he saw, also, the way to master it.

  • 冯内古特的论调可以视作战后美国大众心声的代表之一,但即便如此,他的声音中仍有太多的暧昧不明
    Mr Vonnegut's was one of the defining voices of post-war America. Yet it was also ambiguous.

  • 大卫的回答暧昧不明,他谨慎的用语并没有承诺要帮助亚吉攻打以色列,只表示他有此能力(28:2)。
    David's response was ambiguous, and his well chosen words did not promise his help to Achish in the war against Israel, they only indicated that he was capable (28:2).

  • 但上帝并不让祂的旨意暧昧不明,便藉著某一夜晚启示拿单,祂的旨意并不是要大卫替祂造一所房子,把话挑明了。
    God, however, did not leave His will ambiguous but made it clear that same night by revealing to Nathan that it was not His will for David to build Him a house.

  • 它由一度暧昧不明而后脱颖而出成为布希行政单位倡导以私人承包商来做为作战战略不可或缺的基础上看似成功的例子。
    Its rise from obscurity once seemed to make it a successful example of the Bush administration's promotion of private contractors as integral elements of war-fighting strategy.

  • 在她那激动和热情爆发的背后,自有一种暧昧不明的东西体现在她的态度里,这使从男爵心中充满模模糊糊的惊惶之感。
    Beyond her agitation and her passionate vehemence, there was an undefined something in her manner which filled the baronet with a vague alarm.

  • 这段罗曼史(代指东欧同美国的关系)始于冷战时期,在那时,美国成为强国,而西欧各国和苏维埃政府的关系暧昧不明
    The romance dates from the cold war: when western Europe was sometimes squishy in dealing with the Soviet empire, America was robust.

  • 因为开发技术上的问题,本来要在这周发布的一篇文章被我推迟了。尽管不是你们每个人都知道这暧昧不明的原因是什么,不过具体细节我不得不择日展开来谈。
    The article intended for this week has been postponed due to technical issues, not that any of you knew what it should be, but vague hints must be extended to imply future dates instead.

  • 「阴道」,虽为女性身体的一部分,却鲜少被直接谈论,如果有,可能是因为谈论「处女」、「生产」、「月经」话题,或者是暧昧不明的字眼,例如:我的「下面」、「那边」不太舒服。
    The vagina is the part of every woman's body, and yet it is a subject that is rarely discussed. At most, it may be brought up in the context of virginity, giving birth, or menstruation.

  • 暧昧不明造句相关
