
春秋笔法  chūn qiū bǐ fá








  • 这就是传说中的春秋笔法???
    Chinglish: this is so-called spring and autumn writing method?

  • 春秋》的“属辞”,即书法、笔法,是“比事”的体现。
    The Doctrine of the Spring and Autumn was open to diversified interpretation.

  • 感谢你们的幽默和悟性,使我们的春秋笔法和微言大义总能博得会心一笑;
    Due to your humorous and perception, our writing on the blackboard and sentence during presentation always can be understood well attended by your smile;

  • 这种春秋笔法,既把心中的喜悦表现出来,而且可以看出,人家还真是挺纠结的。
    Technique of writing of this kind of history, come out the happy expression in the heart already, and can see, the family still holds out kink really.

  • 北宋欧阳脩对《春秋笔法的理解,自然会应用到他在史学与文学上的创作表现。
    The understanding of Bei Song's Ou-Yang xiu to "Techniques of Chun Qiu Writing" is easy displayed in the history and literature.

  • 早在孔孟时代,就十分重视史学的功用,因而才有所谓“春秋大义”、“春秋笔法”之说。
    As early as the era of Confucius and Mencius, it attached great importance to the function of history, so-called "Spring and Autumn righteous cause, " "Spring and Autumn strokes do.

  • 本文透过欧阳脩对《春秋笔法的理解过程,讨论他将此一理解出来的论点,带入创作表现上的问题。
    This article through the "Techniques of Chun Qiu Writing" understanding process of the Ou-Yang xiu, we can discuss how did he use his views to enter his creations.

  • 正因尚简用晦的“春秋笔法”为读者的审美创造提供了自由,所以这便导致了《红楼梦》接受过程中出现了两个引人注目的现象:主题阐释的多元性和某些人物性格解读的争议性。
    It is this skill that brings up the openness in the novel, and leads to multiple comprehension of its subject and various disputations of certain characters in it.

  • 春秋笔法造句相关
