
昏昏欲睡  hūn hūn yù shuì







  • 糟糕的热天气使他们都昏昏欲睡
    The miserably hot weather made them all lethargic.

  • 他慢动作式的示范让我昏昏欲睡
    His slow-motion demonstration made me sleepy.

  • 他把昏昏欲睡的小孩抱在怀里。
    He held the sleepy child to his bosom.

  • 他那单调的声音使我昏昏欲睡
    The monotony of his voice sent me to sleep.

  • 我感到他的讲课方式令人昏昏欲睡
    I found his style of lecturing rather soporific.

  • 我吃了一片安眠药,很快就昏昏欲睡了。
    The sleeping pills soon put her off to sleep.

  • 他吃太饱,觉得昏昏欲睡
    He was logy from eating too much.

  • 天然对抗流感,快速溶化小片不昏昏欲睡
    Fights flu naturally. Quick dissolving tablets for non - drowsy.

  • 吃火鸡会令人昏昏欲睡
    Eating turkey makes you drowsy.

  • 昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头恐吓邋遢的乌鸦。
    The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow.

  • 那本书让我昏昏欲睡
    That book put me to sleep.

  • 竞选活动令人昏昏欲睡,但结果却令人吃惊。
    THE election campaign was soporific but the results are startling.

  • 昏昏欲睡的小狗斜着头,呜呜地叫着表示欢迎。
    The sleepy pup tilted his head and chuffed a welcome.

  • 这个故事发生在一个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日“午后”。
    The story took place on a drowsy summer afternoon.

  • 我们都处在昏昏欲睡的状态,可是我们要采取行动。
    We are falling into slumber, and we need to act.

  • 他们躺下来,递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。他们几乎昏昏欲睡
    They lay down, their rucksack still on their backs, passing the water bottle, almost dozing.

  • 注意:此药可使人昏昏欲睡,服后如有此情形,不得驾驶或动用机械。
    Caution. This may cause drowsiness. If affected, do not drive or operate machinery.

  • 高卢姆:醒醒醒醒醒醒昏昏欲睡的。我们必须走是的我们必须马上就走。
    Gollum: Wake up. Wake up. Wake up sleepies. We must go yeeees we must go at once.

  • 他感到心满意足、暖意融融、昏昏欲睡,就不再去过分担心她的眼泪了。
    He felt too contented and warm and sleepy to worry much about her tears.

  • 当你在昏昏欲睡,或倒时差,或不在最兴奋的时候,作重大决定一般比较困难。
    Making difficult decisions is not easy if you are sleepy, jet lagged and not at your peak.

  • 约三分之一的受访者称,在过去一个月中,他们曾在上班时间睡著或感到昏昏欲睡
    Roughly one-third of those survey said they had fallen asleep or become very sleepy at work night in the past month.

  • 自由的鸟儿,你的歌声传到我的睡巢,而我昏昏欲睡的翅膀却梦着翱翔到云彩上的光里。
    Your voice, free bird, reaches my sleeping nest, and my drowsy wings dream of a voyage to the light above the clouds.

  • 这里的人们是了不起的,——因为所有那些行动迟缓、昏昏欲睡、蠢笨如牛的人都留在家乡了。
    It was splendid population—for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloth stayed at home. (Noel Grove. Mark Twain—Mirror of America.

  • 微弱的车前灯掠向公园内的碎砾石路上,车轮随着崎岖的路面上下颠簸着,节奏舒缓的叫人昏昏欲睡
    Outside the car, the pale wash of halogen headlights skimmed over the crushed gravel parkway, the rugged whir of the tires intoning a hypnotic rhythm.

  • 舒适的音乐让我的身、心、灵在愉快的心情之下运作,直到我觉得昏昏欲睡为止,然后我就心满意足地去睡啦!
    Pleasant music keeps my body, mind and soul function in a good mood till I feel drowsy, and then I go hit the sack with content.

  • 在日本的一所建筑物的一边,一位妇女钻进了被子里,昏昏欲睡的样子。这个宣传表演是给一家连锁旅馆做的广告。
    On the side of a building in Japan, this woman tucks into bed, almost falling asleep. All part of a promotional stunt advertising a chain of hotels.

  • 而物权法是二者的根源——这就是为什么说昏昏欲睡的人大代表们也许在本月开启了一个将完全改变他们国家的进程的原因。
    Property rights are at the root of both—which is why the dozing NPC delegates may have started a process this month that will one day change their country completely.

  • 拥有较多的睡眠时间同吃强力止痛药一样有效。据一份研究表明,每晚多出的睡眠时间可同一剂量的可待因一样让人昏昏欲睡
    GETTING more sleep can be as effective as taking strong painkillers, according to a study showing extra shut-eye every night can be as numbing as a dose of codeine.

  • 深远的,当然,第一张专辑齐柏林飞船(大西洋82632-2),我很惊讶地听到一个相当昏昏欲睡的平衡,补充了音乐相当不错。
    Reaching, naturally, for the first Led Zeppelin album (Atlantic 82632-2), I was surprised to hear a pretty punchy balance that complemented the music quite nicely.

  • 他甚至可以是以粗心大意闻名,脑袋里充满了其他东西,衣着邋遢,懒惰,心不在焉,举止不佳,自由散漫,或是给人一种昏昏欲睡的印象。
    He even be well-known as careless, the head are full of other things, dirty clothes, lazy, absence of mind, the behavior is not good, or just give people a impression of drowsily.

  • 昏昏欲睡造句相关
