
昂首阔步  áng shǒu kuò bù







  • 打赢之后,他昂首阔步地沿着路走去。
    He swaggered down the street after winning the fight.

  • 昂首阔步,不留一丝遗憾!
    Stride forward proudly, leave no regret!

  • 他沿着街昂首阔步地走着。
    He walked down the street with a swagger .

  • 昂首阔步的庄严的向障碍物的顶部走去。
    strutting majestically along the top of the hedge.

  • 他们以喇叭手为前导昂首阔步地走进大厅。
    They swept into the hall, preceded by trumpeters.

  • 明蒂演讲完之后,她昂首阔步了好几个星期。
    After delivering her speech, Mindy was standing tall for weeks.

  • 我们以喇叭手为前导,昂首阔步地走进大厅。
    We swept into the hall, preceded by trumpeters.

  • 我告诉人们我满怀信心昂首阔步的离开这里。
    I tell the people I leave the town withagreatsenseofaccomplishment and my head holds held high.

  • 愿意昂首阔步迈入地狱只为一个神圣使 命!
    To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause!

  • 24个水晶部件完美捕捉了王者昂首阔步的英姿。
    A rising pose of the royal leader has been beautifully captured in 24 crystal pieces.

  • 在肩膀上恰当的位置,使小狗能够骄傲地昂首阔步
    Well set on the shoulders enabling the dog to carry its head up proudly.

  • 本期「昂首阔步迈向廿一世纪」等文章,将给您答案。
    This month, we offer the answer in "So Proudly We Hail! "and other articles.

  • 但是我们都誓言在任期结束时昂首阔步,把工作做好。
    But we both vow we will finish strong with our heads held high, " he said."

  • 他们昂首阔步,无畏地走着,发亮的眼睛闪着挑战的光芒。
    They strutted fearlessly about with their lustrous eyes flashing defiance.

  • 说一只狗昂首阔步或一只猫羞涩腼腆都会招来专业人士的嘲笑。
    To talk about a dog's having a swagger or a cat's being shy would invite professional sneers.

  • 和色情狂在这个古城的大街上挥舞着鞭子昂首阔步,他好象蔫了一样。
    This sadist and pornorgrapher, whom I had once seen striding through the streets of the old town brandishing a whip, seemed to have wilted.

  • 这让克比斯克夫人联想到一只毛儿只剩一半的老孔雀在草地上昂首阔步
    It reminded her of an aging peacock strutting on the lawn with only half its feathers left.

  • 昂首阔步,使地上尘土飞扬;我说出的每一个字里,都掺杂着他的喊叫。
    He makes the dust rise from the earth with his swagger; he adds his loud voice to every word that I utter.

  • 总统雄心勃勃,想在世界舞台上更加昂首阔步,却面临美国自己制造出来的一个重大障碍。
    The president's ambition to stand taller in the world faces one significant U. S. -made handicap.

  • 我在人群中昂首阔步,不会有人认出我来。因为我不再是过去的自己,我已拥有新的生命。
    I will walk tall among men and they will know me not, for today I am a new man, with a new life.

  • 我国人民正沿着建设有中国特色的社会主义道路,满怀信心,昂首阔步得迈向二十一世纪。
    At present the people of our country are advancing confidently towards the 21th century along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  • 前后腿都倾向于向重力中心线略靠,使速度加快。从侧面看,前躯导向配合后躯驱动,昂首阔步
    The legs, both front and rear, will tend to converge slightly toward a central line of gravity as speed increases.

  • 六十年的变迁,中国将传承中华五千年的传统文化,积极进取,开拓创新,昂首阔步走在世界前沿。
    Sixty years of change, China will pass five thousand years of China's traditional culture, an active, enterprising and innovative, cutting-edge swagger walk in the world.

  • 站立时都超过六尺,走路时都一样的向前地倾斜,昂首阔步前进,他们的衣服,牛仔都经过特意的裁剪。
    Both stood well over a slender six feet. Both walked angled forward, the same confident strut, the loping strides. Theirclothes, cowboy or cosmopolitan, were cut with care.

  • 他们中有一些摇摇摆摆地从水里走上岸。为了缓解疲倦,他们像绅士似的昂首阔步来到柳阴下,悠然地来回踱步。
    Some of them stagger out of the water and, to relieve their fatigue, begin to saunter up and down with a gentleman-like swagger in the shade of the willow trees.

  • 让我们携手并肩、昂首阔步,为实现中非发展,为造福中非人民,为推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同努力!
    Let's join hands and endeavor to promote development in both China and Africa, improve the well-being of our peoples and build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity!

  • 在他的门前,是一匹昂首阔步的黑马,马上坐着一位天使般美丽的女人,穿一件天鹅绒长袍,手上拿着猎鞭,头上戴着面纱。
    In front of his door was a prancing black steed and on it a woman of heavenly beauty in a velvet habit, with a crop in her hand and a veil over her face.

  • 可人们或是昂首阔步地离开,或是皱着眉头避过,甚至还会喝斥,于是他们赔着笑收回了广告单,往后退退,给人们让开路。
    Proudly, or people may leave or Zhouzhaomei first round, or even twice, they paid a laugh recovered advertising alone, backwards down to the people to open.

  • 天刚蒙蒙亮,他穿上战士的军靴,佩上短剑,摆出洋洋自得的样子,昂首阔步地去找波蒙娜。她正在果园边清除灌渠的淤泥。
    At the first sign of dawn he put on soldier's boots, a sword and a swagger and marched to see Pomona, who was clearing mud from an irrigation-channel at the orchard's edge.

  • 第一句话原文应该是这个,一群动物--一些被拴在链子上,一下在模特的胳膊肘下--昂首阔步走过,这个动物园是欧洲最古老的但有是现在有着资金问题。
    About a dozen animals in all -- some on leashes, others in the models' arms -- strutted their stuff for the zoo, one of the oldest in Europe but hard-pressed for funds.

  • 昂首阔步造句相关
