无旧无新 wú jiù wú xīn
Take away, then, the old leaven, so that you may be a new mass, even as you are without leaven.
Take away, then, the old leaven, so that you may be a new mass, even as you are without leaven.
The new software leaves nothing to hand over, so it looks as if it will be able to make old messages completely unreadable.
In classless society the struggle between the new and the old and between truth and falsehood will never end.
None of the Housing sales, selling old buy new and sell large and small to buy residential investment, the formation of a ladder-shaped residential consumption levels.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
For modernity-snobs naturally tend to throw away their old possessions and buy new ones at a greater rate than those who are notmodernity-snobs.
This may mean that your old licence expires before your new licence is issued – and therefore you are theoretically driving without a licence.
7 Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast – as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.
Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast--as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
Take away, then, the old leaven, so that you may be a new mass, even as you are without leaven. For Christ has been put to death as our Passover.
Purge out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, even as you are unleavened; for our Passover, Christ, also has been sacrificed.
Purge out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, even as you are unleavened; for our Passover, Christ, also has been sacrificed.
Throw out, then, the old yeast and be new dough. If Christ became our Passover, you should be unleavened bread.
7 6 Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough, inasmuch as you are unleavened. For our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed.
Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new paste, as you are unleavened. For Christ our pasch is sacrificed.
To be honest and keep promise are our service purpose and foundation of existing. We also adhere to the principle of fair competition.
NewAnecdotes of the Tang Dynasty"s author Lu su no other writes, the two tang book and other historical records also does not pass on, therefore the book in circulation time leaves undecided."