
断垣残壁  duàn yuán cán bì







  • 地震过后,到处都是断垣残壁
    Everywhere was the destroyed houses or buildings after the earthquake.

  • 大楼烧掉了,只剩下断垣残壁
    The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.

  • 该城已成为断垣残壁的废墟。
    The city was a waste of tumbled walls.

  • 房子的内部被烧空了,只留下断垣残壁
    The building was burnt out and only the walls remained.

  • 这些伦敦的断垣残壁是罗马人占领的遗迹。
    These fragments of wall in London are vestiges of the Roman occupation .

  • 一楝破旧的房子凄凉地耸立在断垣残壁中。
    A dilapidated house stands disconsolately amid the rabbles.

  • 断垣残壁足以使人想像到这幢古建筑往昔的壮观。
    We will think of ever grand when we at the sight of broken wall.

  • 断垣残壁才开始清理,死亡人数攀升是意想中的事。
    With the rubble only starting to be cleared in Haiti, the figure can be expected to rise.

  • 一具骨架,躺在断垣残壁之间,上面还粘着一团棕色的毛。
    A skeleton with a tangle of brown hair adhering to it lay among the debris.

  • 所谓教室,不过是在断垣残壁之中紧挨一起的几排破桌烂凳。
    There were dirt floors and broken windows and no electricity. Just rows of desks crowding the room, and bare walls.

  • 世界上任何景象也比不上火灾后的黎明所显示的断垣残壁更沉静了。
    There is nothing stiller in the world than the skeleton of a house in the dawn after a fire.

  • 断垣残壁、小便池中悦耳的哗哗流水声、男人们在酒吧间里舔小胡子。
    Old, crumbling walls and the pleasant sound of water running in the urinals.

  • 堪萨斯州绿堡镇的居民们加入了搜救队,在小镇旧址的断垣残壁中搜索。
    Residents of Greensburg, Kansas are joining search crews, picking through the rubble and debris that sets where the town used to stand.

  • 断垣残壁、受伤的人群、无助的眼神……这是一场突如其来的地震灾害。
    Duanyuancanbi, the crowd were injured, the helpless eyes…… This is a sudden earthquake disaster.

  • 有百年历史的断垣残壁沿著充满海洋艺术风味的街道排列,任由烈阳照耀。
    The bright sun shone down on hundred-year-old fallen walls that line a street full of ocean art.

  • 没有人讲话,唯一的声音是俄国的炮弹落在总理府花园里和打在四周断垣残壁上的爆炸声。
    There were no words spoken, the only sound was the roar of Russian shells exploding in the garden of the Chancellery and on the shattered walls around it.

  • 这些区域充满了有毒或危险的灰烬、油污、重金属、工业化合物、断垣残壁、固体废弃物以及废污水。
    At these sites there are toxic or hazardous ashes, oils, heavy metals, industrial chemicals, rubble, solid waste and sewage.

  • 近处是随处都可以看到的法军占领的被焚毁的贵族宅第的断垣残壁,在垣墙周围还有墨绿色的丁香树丛。
    Close at hand stood the familiar ruins of a half-burnt mansion, occupied by French soldiers, with lilac bushes still dark-green by the fence.

  • 一个半小时的车程中,途经许多城镇、乡间和热带丛林,之后终于来到查科本这个过去曾一度繁荣的城市,但如今它却悄然无声地埋藏在断垣残壁里。
    A 1. 5-hour ride through towns, countryside and jungle brought us to a once-thriving city that now lies quietly in ruins.

  • 到古代晚期,当帕艾斯图姆城开始衰败,异神信仰(译注:异于天主教)也结束了之后,希拉女神庙便被遗弃,遭受大自然力量的摧毁,和当时到处都有的石灰岩烧制者的破坏,而成为如今的断垣残壁
    In late antiquity, when Paestum was in decline and the pagan cults came to an end, the Temple of Hera I was abandoned to the forces of nature and to the ubiquitous lime burners.

  • 断垣残壁造句相关
