
操之过急  cāo zhī guò jí




《汉书·五行志中之下》:“遂要崤 ,以败秦师,匹马觭轮无反者,操之急也。”




  • 一个指挥员不要因为局部利益操之过急
    A commander mustn't get too anxious for the sake of some partial advantage.

  • 要领是动作要缓慢,切勿操之过急
    Essentials is the movement wants slow, do not act too hastily.

  • 希特勒在发动战争上也太操之过急了。
    Hitler also started the war rather too early.

  • 当你与你的教授讲话时,别操之过急
    Don't go off half cocked when you talk to your professor.

  • 现在,我也不主张操之过急
    Now, I don't propose to do anything hasty.

  • 操之过急,我们再耐心的等一会儿。
    Don't jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while.

  • 对约翰不要操之过急,别过分责骂他。
    Take it easy on John and don't scold him too much.

  • 鱼未捉到不要忙着煎鱼;不要操之过急
    Never fry a fish till it´s caught.

  • 我认为他有些操之过急
    I think he is being too hasty.

  • 神圣的辩护:这拼写的期限不再受操之过急
    Divine Plea: This spell's duration is no longer affected by haste.

  • 监护人的乐队征服正确赠款现在普遍操之过急
    Guardian's Band of Subjugation now correctly grants universal haste.

  • 还没找到新工作就把以前的辞了?你操之过急了。
    You quit your old job before getting a new one? You jumped the gun.

  • 不要操之过急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
    Don't try too hard, the best things come when you least expect them.

  • 琼斯先生想要辞职,但他太太告诉他不要操之过急
    Mr. Jones was thinking about quitting his job, but his wife told him not to go off at half cock .

  • 民主党希尽快确认人选,但是共和党称不可操之过急
    Democrats want a quick confirmation process but Republicans say there is no need to rush.

  • 我们不希望同样的事情再次发生,所以不能操之过急
    Don't want to rush it because we don't want the same thing to happen again. We'll see.

  • 所以我们要在日本放映,应该一步步走,不能操之过急
    Therefore, we have to show in Japan, we should go step by step, can not be hurried.

  • 民主党希望加快确认程序,而共和党却表示此事不可操之过急
    Democrats want a quick confirmation process but Republicans say there is no need to rush.

  • 当然,制定法律不能操之过急,因为法律是社会关系的反映和定型化。
    Of course, legislation could not be rushed, because the law is a reflection of social relations and stereotyping.

  • 台官员认为签订协议应采取循序渐进的方法,操之过急将有损台湾经济。
    In contrast, Mr Ma insists that the proposed pact would make it easier for Taiwan to sign free-trade accords with third parties.

  • 操之过急,骤下结论例如为得出答案或编一个笑话等而付出超常的努力;
    To make an excessive effort, as in drawing a conclusion or making a joke; overreach.

  • 然而,问题的解决又需要一个漫长的过程,不能操之过急,只能重点突破。
    Whereas , we need far-flung process to settle the problems with patience, and break through them on emphases.

  • 忧愁使我们想得更周到,不致操之过急,以及深深体察我们的动机和目标。
    Sorrow makes us go slower and more considerately, and introspect our motives and dispositions.

  • 那些人之所以被认为操之过急,是因为他准备做的事大大超过了其个人能力。
    Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him.

  • 现在就来探讨意甲有点操之过急,要想赢得联赛冠军,运气总是必不可少的。
    To talk about the Scudetto immediately would be presumptuous, especially as you always need a bit of luck to win the League.

  • 整个过程都是在建立信任。慢慢地,我们越走越近。有些事情不能操之过急,而真爱值得永远守候。
    The process is all about trust. Slowly, we get closer and closer. Some things yust shouldn't be rushed, and love is always worth waiting for.

  • 申请研究所就像初次约会,可能出岔。你的个人陈述可能给人操之过急之感,推荐函读起来可能又太马马虎虎。
    An application to graduate school can go wrong in as many ways as a blind date. The personal essay might seem too eager, the references too casual.

  • “范德萨说,”进球之后,我们没有创造更多的机会。下半场我们试图创造机会但是或许在中场的组织进攻上操之过急
    After that, we didn't create many more chances. In the second half we tried but maybe rushed it a little too much in the midfield.

  • 他们声称,对国家经济进行补救不可操之过急,但正确的政策随着时间的推移将会有大的收益,正如错误的政策会造成损失一样。
    There are no quick fixes, but over time the right policies can make a big difference, as can the wrong policies.

  • 总是冒着风险的,乌托邦急躁冒进成为暴乱,明知自己会有什么结局,常因操之过急,于是只好屈从,泰然地接受灾祸而不是胜利。
    The Utopia which grows impatient and becomes revolt knows what awaits it; it almost always comes too soon. Then it becomes resigned, and stoically accepts catastrophe in lieu of triumph.

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