
掷地有声  zhì dì yǒu shēng







  • 寥寥数语,掷地有声,颇含哲理。
    Language of very few number, castingly is phonic, contain philosophy quite.

  • 风不惧把「活得过三天」五个字说得掷地有声
    Feng Buju spoke the words "survived longer than 3 days" with great emphasis.

  • 已过“耳顺之年”的王国春精神矍铄,说话时更是掷地有声
    Over "a year ear-shun" the spirit of Wang Guochun healthy, speak more resounding yes.

  • 说起来掷地有声,听起来满有道理,因为人人皆知规模出效益。
    Speaking voice, the sounds of justified because of the size of individual benefits.

  • 中国总理的话掷地有声,它所传递的信息是那样坚定、那样明确。
    Chinese Prime Minister's resounding words, the message that it is as firm as clear.

  • 如此简朴明了,掷地有声,让我对他保证带来的拉丁打法更期待了。
    Makes it all sound very simple. I'm more curious to see the Latino part of his promise.

  • 以基金公司方面的话是“掷地有声”,赌的就是中国联通的重组概念!
    To fund the company's remarks were "resounding" and gambling is the concept of the reorganization of China Unicom!

  • “我要安全”,南航贵州公司以人为本、严把质量关的口号掷地有声
    "I want security " , boat Guizhou company is with the person south this, the catchword that fathers to close quality casts the ground is phonic.

  • 例如制订优惠政策,加大科技投入,重奖科技功臣……件件掷地有声
    For example formulate privilege policy, increase investment of science and technology, hero of heavy award science and technology… castingly is phonic.

  • 在日前召开的全市规划工作会议上,南京市委书记罗志军的话掷地有声
    In the city recently held a planning meeting, the secretary of the Nanjing City Luozhijun so soon.

  • 他不仅没有找到那种闪闪发光、掷地有声的词句,他甚至一个字也写不出来。
    It wasn't just a question of brilliant, earth-shaking turns of phrase escaping him -- he couldn't even write a single character .

  • 五个年头转瞬即逝,这番掷地有声的话语仍响在耳边,今日回味,意味深长。
    5 year written in water, this castingly phonic speech still rings in side side, recall now, meaningful.

  • 我们将用那历经时间考验的不朽信条掷地有声地直面质疑:“是的,我们可以!”
    And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.

  • SST张股(000430股吧,行情,资讯,主力买卖)董事长李智勇的话掷地有声
    SST Zhang shares (000, 430 shares now, prices, information, the main trading), then chairman of the board resounding Li Zhiyong.

  • 他的演说掷地有声,现在看来,正是这次演说打响了1980年总统竞选运动的第一枪。
    He gave a thundering speech that, in retrospect, was the opening shot in the 1980 campaign.

  • 而类似“不换思想就换人”这种掷地有声的谬论,往往会将经理人与企业一同引入深渊。
    And similar " does not change a mind with respect to substitution " this is planted castingly phonic fallacy, often can introduce handler and company abyss together.

  • 他在16节的话一定是掷地有声:「把这些东西拿去,不要将我父的殿,当作买卖的地方。」
    His challenging words in verse 16 must have stung, "There is a place for everything and this is not the place for a market."

  • 奥巴马总统掷地有声的演讲,赢得了热烈的欢迎和如潮的掌声,不过若还是纸上谈兵也会很快被遗忘。
    Mr Obama's ringing oratory, which drew waves of applause and a rousing ovation, will soon be forgotten unless it is followed by deeds.

  • 听起来这郑重的承诺似乎掷地有声,但实地“考察”后,记者才无奈地发现,原来这是一个真实的谎言。
    This sounds solemn commitment to nation, but the field "investigation", a reporter found only reluctantly, the original is a true lie.

  • 最近,中国著名的中科院院士何祚庥老先生说了一句掷地有声的名言:“谁叫你不幸生在中国了”?
    Recently, a well-known Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences He said an old gentleman of the resounding words: "Why did you unfortunately born in China"?

  • 联合国开发计划署(UNDP)本周发布了其针对阿拉伯世界的现状的一系列掷地有声的报告的第五份。
    The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world.

  • 石质温润,微透明,钮浮雕云气夔龙纹,式样古朴。印文“逃禅赏石之闲”,篆刻行刀遒劲有力,掷地有声
    Rocky moist, transparent, buttons, gas dragon grain relief of of primitive simplicity style. Seals "meditation" the stone carving knife, idle line, ZhiDeYouSheng spiritual.

  • 现在,我们只需要一句掷地有声的结束语——来告诉我们,作为一个公众人物和行为榜样,他现在所处的地位。
    Now, we just need a strong concluding sentence – something that tells us where he stands now as a public figure and role model.

  • 堂哥拍着胸脯,掷地有声地承诺:“兄弟、弟媳妇,你们放心,俺们俩加班加点,一个月保证完工,没问题!”
    Elder male cousin Paizhuoxiongfu, besides commitment : "Brother, brother-you can rest assured that understand both work overtime to ensure completion of a month, no problem!"

  • 即便是在世界文学史上,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,这位二十世纪英国文学最杰出的女作家也无疑是个掷地有声的名字。
    Even if in world literature history, Virginia Woolf, the most brilliant woman writer in the 20th century English literature is undoubtedly renowned.

  • 《全球酒店》即将跨越人生的第一个年头,迎来充满挑战的2007年,希望与梦想如期而至,欢笑与歌唱掷地有声
    Global Hotel will cross the first year of its life, and meet the challengeable 2007.

  • 省教育考试院一位负责人掷地有声地表示,“坚决将既定的政策和办法执行到底,给考生家长和社会一个满意的交待。”
    Province education examination yuan people in charge throw have the sound expression, firm will decide policy and means execution, for examinee guardian and a social satisfied transferring.

  • 人们开始从座位上站起来、呼喊声、掌声,疾风一般将那位牧师的声音带上房橼…简单的一句‘希望’,掷地有声余音绕梁
    People began to shout, to rise from their seats and clap and cry out, a forceful wind carrying the reverend's voice up into the rafters…. And in that single note – hope!

  • 这一段掷地有声的铿锵话语出自重庆铁路工程开发总公司总经理兰光武的名片。这既是他一生经历的浓缩,又是公司所奉行的创业理念。
    the calling card that this paragraph of castingly phonic clang speech gives to develop Lan Guangwu of head office general manager from Chongqing railroad project.

  • 古力特说,“在他身边的队员看到的是他们的队长挺身而出,身先士卒,并且说话掷地有声。后者对他来说是第一次,但是其实他是具有潜质的。
    What the players around him can see is their leader actually going out and doing it and being vocal, which is a new thing for him, but it's something that he has in him.

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