
拿手好戏  ná shǒu hǎo xì







  • 怎么走了,保持沉默是你的拿手好戏
    Why you left without saying . you are good at keeping silent .

  • 这种渗透任务可是狐狸小队的拿手好戏
    This kind of infiltration is the FOX unit's specialty.

  • 弹吉他是偶的拿手好戏
    Playing the guitar is my thing.

  • 弹吉他是我的拿手好戏
    Playing the guitar is my thing.

  • 这也合他的心意——这类把戏正是他的拿手好戏
    He was just suited -- this kind of thing was right in his line.

  • 你应该看一看马丁在计算机键盘上表演的拿手好戏
    You should see Martin doing his stuff on the computer keyboard.

  • 反覆诵读,是儿童的自然喜好!背书,是他的拿手好戏
    Reading aloud repeatedly is what the child in nature fond of to do with and very good at!

  • $这道菜是你的拿手好戏,你请朋友尝一下,看是否喜欢。
    Have a taste and see if you like it.

  • 而范围攻击且高伤害输出是“长相怪异”的谋士的拿手好戏
    The scope of the attacks and high damage output is "strange looks" champions of the advisers.

  • 你好像对距离很有概念,风向,万有引力也都是你拿手好戏
    This is the equivalent skill for ranged weapons. It defines how quickly you attack with ranged weapons.

  • 然而,拿武器做文章是波尔顿这位防核扩散老手的拿手好戏
    But on weapons, Mr Bolton, an old counter-proliferation hand, is in his element.

  • 自然的拿手好戏就是处理分散和稀释的东西,而人工却处理不了。
    Nature excels in dealing with variance and dilute being, while human artifacts do not.

  • 还要去拉斯帕伊林荫道找那个西班牙女人,做顿热饭是她的拿手好戏
    Meanwhile there is the Spanish woman on the Boulevard Raspail – she's always good for a warm meal.

  • 听奶奶说,这狗很能干,看家护院是它的拿手好戏,如今死了,真有些可惜。
    Listening to his grandmother said the dogs have been able, housekeeping hospital care is one of its champions, now dead, unfortunately, some real.

  • 我怕你那支笔不大管用了吧。让我来代你修理修理。修笔真是我的拿手好戏
    I am afraid you do not like your pen. Let me mend it for you. I mend pens remarkably well.

  • 千奇说:「这是电脑的拿手好戏,他们会用各种排列组合,寻找其中的规律。」
    Creepy said, "The computer is good at this. They know how to use all kinds of sequences and combinations to spot a pattern. ""

  • 我早已做过下面这样的假设——我跟你说过,进行无端的假设是我的拿手好戏
    I had already made the following assumptions – I told you I am a genius at making unwarranted assumptions.

  • 兰姬是西部佩科斯河旅行马戏团的当家明星,她的拿手好戏就是奇准无比的飞刀。
    Rangy Lil is the star attraction of Pecos Bill's traveling circus in the old West, showcasing her amazing sharp-shooting skills.

  • 绍兴戏在中国东南部很受欢迎,它的拿手好戏是根据古典名著改变的《红楼梦》。
    The Chinese classic story A Dream of Red Mansions is a masterpiece of Shaoxing opera popular in Southeast China.

  • 捕鱼是圣乔治岛的拿手好戏,您可以选择任何一天搭乘租船前往水湾或海湾的水域。
    Fishing is St. George Island's forté, and you can catch a charter into bay or gulf waters on any day.

  • 带领同伴在中土世界里更快穿行,布下[[陷阱]]伏击敌人,都是猎手的拿手好戏
    Hunters use their survival skills to guide their companions and lay [[traps]] for their enemies.

  • “这正是秘密情报局的拿手好戏”,伦敦布鲁内尔大学的情报学专家菲利普•戴维斯说。
    'It's a very SIS thing to do, ' says Philip Davies, an intelligence specialist at London's Brunel University.

  • 他的拿手好戏包括【断绳还原】、【绳子穿颈】、【绳子穿手指】和其他【解结原理】等等。
    Excellent rope through neck routine, rope through thumb. Shoe laces, knot dissolved, as well as many other knot dissolved principles.

  • 外婆非常的勤劳,她很爱外公,她也爱她的家,外婆会做很多家务活,烹饪是她的拿手好戏
    When we get out of bed, everything is OK. So , my grandpa is diligent.

  • 戴尼亚儿。穆伊努丁在拉合尔和威斯康星的艾尔罗伊长大,用不同的声音呼吁是他的拿手好戏
    Daniyal Mueenuddin, who was brought up in Lahore and in Elroy, Wisconsin, has a talent for switching voices.

  • 杰里米是芝加歌最棒的警察之一,诚实是他性格中的一大要点,处理棘手的案子是他的拿手好戏
    Jeremy is one of the best cops in Chicago, with a core of honesty, and capable of coping with tough cases.

  • 印度的食品市场年价值高达3千亿美元,但是极少有加工过的食品,而这正是联合利华的拿手好戏
    The Indian market is worth $300 billion a year, but little of this is accounted for by processed food, Unilever's speciality.

  • 她,学习成绩一级棒,唱歌跳舞更是她的拿手好戏,在学校的各种活动中,她经常担任主持人,你们知道她是谁吗?
    This girl study hard and she is very good at singing and dancing. In every school activities, she usually is the MC. Do you know who is she?

  • 某年某月的某一天,她准确地描述出你们初见的情景,是不是让你惊喜之余又大为感动?可是千万别以为她对你情有独钟,那不过是她的拿手好戏
    Imagine that there is a little path, big trees are in both sides of it . on your left , it is a field , grasses cover on it , there also have some bushes . and now you know the place.

  • 你早晨醒来时是微笑着吗?你与你的孩子们一起大笑吗?你谈论日子是多么美好吗,或者你与孩子们一起表演拿手好戏感到有多快乐?态度是很有感染力的;
    Do you wake up smiling in the morning?Do you laugh with your kids?Do you talk about how beautiful the day is, or how much you enjoy doing stuff with the kids?Attitudes are infectious;

  • 拿手好戏造句相关
