
抚心自问  fǔ xīn zì wèn







  • 抚心自问,你是否尽做人,问无愧?
    Are you trying to be as human as you can  be ?

  • 抚心自问,找出所有你觉得她美丽的地方。
    Look into your heart, and find all that you know that is beautiful about her.

  • 然后抚心自问:究竟是谁生活在第三世界国家?
    Then ask yourself: Who is living in the third world country?

  • 你们可曾经抚心自问过, 你们会付出甚麽代价吗?
    Have you asked of yourselves, what's the price you might pay?

  • 你是不是境平和?抚心自问,你是否尽做人,问无愧?
    Are you at peace with yourself? Are you trying to be as human as you can be?

  • 冷静抚心自问,你自己是否能改变目前的糟糕状况,而非大发脾气。
    Instead of losing your temper, ask yourself whether or not you can change the situation.

  • 但是,要与时俱进,我们需常抚心自问:世界的更迭对我们带来了甚麽影响?
    To keep our business current, we need to constantly ask questions like: "What does this changing world mean for our business?"

  • 饭馆老板皮特·伊利克说道“然后我抚心自问我为他们提供的服务和菜式是不是值这个钱。
    All I'm asking is they pay me what they think the food and service is worth.

  • 由此,我时常抚心自问:我们这些为人父母者,有责任、有义务,为年轻的一代创造更加美好的将来。
    i always remind myself that as parents, we have the responsibility and obligation to create a better future for the younger generations.

  • 不过,我们在批评他们之先,必须抚心自问:我是否愿意听从神的吩咐,神要我做什么,我就做什么呢?
    Before we criticise them, however, let's answer this question - how willing am I for God to use me in any way he wants to?

  • 不过,我们在批评他们之先,必须抚心自问:我是否愿意听从神的吩咐,神要我做甚么,我就做甚么呢?
    Before we criticise them, however, let's answer this question - how willing am I for God to use me in any way he wants to?

  • 不过,我们在批评他们之先,必须抚心自问:我是否愿意听从神的吩咐,神要我做甚麽,我就做甚麽呢?
    Before we criticise them, however, let's answer this question - how willing am I for God to use me in any way he wants to?

  • 温格说:“抚心自问我真的不知道为什么会打败他们,我们只是尽了一切的去尝试而又能成功的锁定赛果。”
    "Frankly I don't know why it is, " he said. "We just try to beat them and we have managed to do it.

  • 我们经常听到一些外界人士对我们的负面看法,然后我们会抚心自问:「我们是更优秀的,为何他们会不明白?
    Sometimes we hear from people who have a negative view of us and we say, "We know we're better than that."

  • 抚心自问,我怀疑了自己的决,我总以自己的经验比别人多来安慰自己,眨眼等到毕业时我也知识一个平庸之辈。
    Engages in self-examination, I had suspected own determination, I always many comfort by own experience compared to others oneself, when blinks graduates my also knowledge mediocre generation.

  • 抚心自问,是次六四专题的文字图片内容,不算处理得特别出色,当中也没有甚或惊天动地的内幕要爆,但是我不愤。
    To be frank, the articles and photos in this special feature is not very distinctive / outstanding and we have nothing new to disclose to the public. But I am frustrated.

  • 我们可以从这件事例中学到一个功课,就是当问题出现的时候,我们一定要抚心自问,看清楚自己在神面前有没有过犯。
    One of the most important things we can do when problems arise is to make sure that we ourselves are right before God-that we are living as he would have us live.

  • 对某些人来说,现在是时候抚心自问,我们若少花一点精神在拥有最时尚和最高级的东西上,我们是不是会经历更多的祝福?
    For some of us, it's time to ask whether we would experience more of God's goodness if we were less concerned about having the latest and the best.

  • 你可以抚心自问:那一个比较可怕;她还未知道你的感情便和另一个人交往、还是你一直要她猜测你中所想,因为你不敢向她表达真我?
    Then ask yourself this: which one is scarier; she went for someone else without knowing how you feel, or you keep her guessing about your true feelings because you're afraid to show her the real you?

  • 我们要抚心自问:我们的旧我既死去,我们亦已藉基督得了新生命。那么,我们当怎样做,才能在工作和其它活动中荣耀基督和尊敬邻舍呢?
    Here's a question: How do we, who are dying to self and coming alive to Christ, do our work and other activities so that we honor Christ and respect our neighbor?

  • 我们要抚心自问:我们的旧我既死去,我们亦已藉基督得了新生命。那麽,我们当怎样做,才能在工作和其它活动中荣耀基督和尊敬邻舍呢?
    Here's a question: How do we, who are dying to self and coming alive to Christ, do our work and other activities so that we honor Christ and respect our neighbor?

  • 抚心自问造句相关
