
齐心合力  qí xīn hé lì








  • 巴蒂和查理能够齐心合力地工作吗?
    Can Buddy and Charles work hand in glove?

  • 什么是朋友?两人同心,齐心合力
    What is a friend?Two people are united at heart, and wind cooperate.

  • 我们必须齐心合力,斩断他的魔爪。
    We must take concerted action and cut his claws.

  • 向世人昭示我们的齐心合力
    To common people declare publicly join forces of our be of one mind!

  • 我们也都领受了责任,齐心合力扩增上帝的国。
    We are likewise charged to build the kingdom of God with our whole being.

  • “我的中国心”,向世人昭示我们的齐心合力
    "My Chinese Heart", demonstrate to the world that our concerted efforts!

  • 有关部门会齐心合力,推广这项影响广大市民的计划。
    All relevant departments will co-operate to publicise this MPF system which affects the general public.

  • 如果我们齐心合力,我们可以用一半时间完成这项任务。
    If we pull together, we can accomplish the task in half the time.

  • 此后这文武二臣齐心合力,辅佐赵王,赵国遂日渐强盛。
    Since then this Man Hill work together to assistzhao wang , Zhao was growing strong.

  • 二者齐心合力,在衣服纤维上形成了一层很好的保护膜。
    These two elements combine to create a protective coating on the fibers of the material.

  • 有了各方面人们的理解,我们就能齐心合力战胜这场雪灾。
    With all the understanding, we can unite and work together to overcome this snowstorm.

  • 如果我们齐心合力,我们可以用一半的时间完成这项任务。
    If we put together, we can accomplish the task in half the time.

  • 但我们有信心相信,经理和高层都在齐心合力推进切尔西进步。
    We are very confident that both the manager and the board are together on how we make Chelsea even more successful.

  • 集结其队伍分配好任务-你会是十分有效率的,大家都会齐心合力的。
    Rally the team and delegate - you can be very effective now and everyone will pull together beautifully.

  • 国家电视台报道伊朗最高领导人在面对有争议的总统大选呼吁要齐心合力
    State television says Iran's supreme leader is calling for unity in the face of disputed presidential elections.

  • 他总告诉他么如果他们齐心合力生活会是多么的容易,但是他们就是不听也不懂。
    He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely no notice of him.

  • 这两支登山队齐心合力冒险下山,但被困的两名登山客下山途中精疲力尽,衰竭死亡。
    The two groups joined for the perilous descent, but the stranded climbers died of exhaustion on the way down.

  • 布什总统称,这反映了美英两国安全官员齐心合力来对付恐怖分子威胁时候的所作所为。
    President Bush said it shows what happens when American and British security officials work together to take on the terrorist threat.

  • 对于传闻我其实无能为力。但我们有信心相信,经理和高层都在齐心合力推进切尔西进步。
    There's not a lot I can do about speculation. We are very confident that both the manager and the board are together on how we make Chelsea even more successful.

  • 当局邀请区议会和社区团体参与清洁香港计划,让市民齐心合力,重新承担清洁香港的责任。
    District Councils and community groups have been invited to participate in Clean Hong Kong activities to signify a renewed public commitment to a cleaner Hong Kong.

  • 蚂蚁虽小,但是却这么合群,并有是那样齐心合力,团结一致,这种精神真值的我们学习啊!
    Ants may be small, but so gregarious and so work together to unite the spirit of true value that we should learn from ah!

  • “这太感人了,这是我们齐心合力一起创造的一个奇迹”成都消防队长孙国立对美联社说到。
    "It is very moving. It's a miracle brought about by us all working together, " Sun Guoli, the fire chief of Chengdu, told The A. P.

  • “这太感人了,这是我们齐心合力一起创造的一个奇迹”成都消防队长孙国立对美联社说到。”
    It is moving indeed for it is a miracle made by our efforts in a body" said Sun Guoli, chief man of Chendu Fire Chief, to the Associated Press."

  • 而这幅作品的涵义也颇可寻味:全国各族人民齐心合力,正在大踏步地跨入无比美好的新世纪!
    The photo itself is also of profound meaning:the whole nation is making concerted efforts to stride into the glorious new century.

  • 正是这样一心一意追求卓越,加上强大的齐心合力的团队精神,支撑着他们的奋斗,直至达到目标。
    of excellence, supported by strong ethos of team work and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished.

  • 正是这样一心一意追求卓越,加上强大的齐心合力的团队精神,支撑着他们的奋斗,直至达到目标。
    It is this single minded pursuit of excellence, supported by strong ethos of team work and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished.

  • 我深信,21世纪的诸多问题不可能由任何一个国家单枪匹马地解决,我们只有齐心合力才能解决这些问题。
    I believe strongly that the problems of the 21st century cannot be solved by any one nation acting in isolation. They must be solved by all of us coming together.

  • 我和老公每次计划好买一样东西后就会齐心合力地攒钱,所以家里的每一个物件都很亲切,这样还可以增加夫妻双方的感情呢。
    Good husband and I plan to buy the same things after each concert will be hard, so every home is very warm object, such couples can also increase feelings of it.

  • 在紧急之中我想只靠我一个人的祷告是不够的,我把这个消息告诉了赵修平夫妇,他们请第兄姐妹一起齐心合力的为这个孩子祷告。
    At that critical moment I felt that just praying by myself was not enough, I needed prayer support from other Christians. I let Mr. and Mrs.

  • 目前员工100余人,公司齐心合力,以“质量求生存,信用求发展”的管理理念,以“平等合作,互惠互利”的原则谋求与您共同发展。
    In order to cooperate with you friendly, the idea of our management is "living by quality, developing by credit " and " to cooperate equally, mutual benefit " .

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