
鸡犬升天  jī quǎn shēng tiān







  • 所谓“一人得道,鸡犬升天”,今日即是如此。
    The so-called "one win Jiquan heaven", that is the case today.

  • 乃至他那些相对冷僻的喜剧电影也都鸡犬升天,得以流传。
    He even those relatively rare comedy film also Jiquan heaven, to be spread.

  • 现在,小民能以伸卡之尊,让滑球、变速球和四缝线直球等,一同鸡犬升天
    Now, Wang can use his sinker to enhance the quality of his other pitches - a slider, a change up and a four-seam fastball.

  • 取得标准优势,相当于把自己的商业街变成了王府井,街上的门店自然鸡犬升天
    Advantage of a standard equivalent to our own business into the Wangfujing Street, the street stores natural Jiquan ascend to heaven;

  • 去年北京最引人注目的区域非CBD莫属,但CBD内开发项目并非因此而鸡犬升天
    Last year, Beijing most notable regional non-CBD upon, but CBD is not a result of development projects meant to.

  • 008年股市最活跃的一段岁末行情,ST股票从仙股时代的入口被拽回来重新鸡犬升天
    008 of the most active stock in a period of the end of the market, ST shares from penny stock times the entrance was pulled back to re-ascend to heaven Ji Quan.

  • 老师如今是如日中天,号令天下的皇帝,做学生的当然也是鸡犬升天,不可一世的一方权贵。
    To have a teacher as incumbent emperor, Yi Erzi naturally became an extremely arrogant dignitary.

  • 他的老师如今可是如日中天,号令天下的皇帝,做学生的当然也是鸡犬升天,不可一世的一方权贵。
    To have a teacher as the incumbent emperor, Yi Erzi naturally became an extremely arrogant dignitary.

  • 拿宗法观念来说,“文化大革命”中,一人当官,鸡犬升天,一人倒霉,株连九族,这类情况曾发展到很严重的程度。
    During the "cultural revolution", when someone got to the top, even his dogs and chickens got there too; likewise, when someone got into trouble, even his distant relatives were dragged down with him.

  • 他不解地问:「食国君之禄是好事,所谓『一人得道,鸡犬升天』,家里有人与国君亲近,是三族都沾光的事,做父母的同享荣华富贵,这不是很好吗?
    He asked, "To be an official is a good thing. As people said, when a man gets to the top, all his friends and relatives will get benefit with him too."

  • 如果CBD大红大紫,出镜率颇高,那周边区域的房地产项目也就“鸡犬升天”,如果CBD就这么寂寞下去,东部房地产市场的“马力”就要被削弱不少。
    If CBD celebrities, enjoy high rates, the real estate projects that neighboring region also "seeing heaven, " If CBD so lonely on the eastern property market, "Ma" is weakened many.

  • 鸡犬升天造句相关
