
鬼迷心窍  guǐ mí xīn qiào







  • 在酒馆里要酒喝,简直是鬼迷心窍
    To beg drinks in the saloon became an obsession.

  • 她准是鬼迷心窍,竟然打自己的妈妈。
    She must have been possessed, to attack her own mother.

  • 也许是真的对你鬼迷心窍
    Maybe it's really comes from the God.

  • 那是一时的鬼迷心窍
    Jackson: "It was a fad."

  • 恶魔不仅使他从肉体上疯狂,也让他鬼迷心窍
    The evil spirit possessed not only his body, but his mind as well.

  • 一个拥有超自然力量的鬼迷心窍的女孩在悄悄追踪一位大学生。
    A university student is stalked by an obsessed girl who has supernatural powers.

  • 一个拥有超自然力量的鬼迷心窍的女孩在悄悄追踪一位大学生…
    A university student is stalked by an obsessed girl who has supernatural powers…

  • 自己居然鬼迷心窍,要求尊者特别表演一些雕虫小技,怎麽会有如此荒唐的想法!
    He, on the contrary, had lost his mind and asked the sage to display some minor skills. Where did he get that absurd idea?

  • 女人到底想找一个实实在在过日子的醇厚男人,还是想要一个令你神魂颠倒鬼迷心窍的毒药男人?
    What kind of man are women looking for? a down-to-earth family man or nice romantic sexy and poisonous man?

  • 恰如后来比尔说的那样,那阵子简直是“一时鬼迷心窍”。不过,我们直到后来才明白了这个意思。
    It was, as Bill afterwards expressed it, "during a moment of temporary mental apparition", but we didn't find that out till later.

  • 恰如后来比尔说的那样,那阵子简直是“一时鬼迷心窍”。不过,我们直到后来才明白了这个意思。
    As Bill said later, we have been possessed at that time, however, we understand the meaning until then.

  • 他在评论布什政府的减税时,看到他们的思想发生了变化,他说他们“寻找合理理论时,一定是鬼迷心窍。”
    Commenting on the changing rationale for the tax cuts of the Bush administration, he called them "an obsession in search of a justification."

  • 然而海鹏却不肯相信渔女的话,鬼迷心窍,转身要走,渔女为明心志,猛力拉下一只手镯,旋即死在情人怀里。
    Hai-peng, however refused to believe the woman and fisheries, be possessed and turned to go, fishing for women Zhi-ming, hard to pull down a bracelet soon to die in the arms of his lover.

  • 老婆对老公说:“我真不明白,追求我的所有人里,哪个都比你有钱,可是我为什么偏偏鬼迷心窍喜欢你呢?”
    The wife say to the husband:"I am true not understand, pursue my owner inside, which be all richer than you, but I why it happened that ghost fan does the resourcefulness like you?""

  • 尽管传统的道德文明也不允许在巫术中使用人体器官,但鬼迷心窍的人认为动物器官效力太弱,所以还是选择使用人体器官。
    Traditional cultures outlaw the use of human flesh in such options, but experts say desperate people turn to human body parts when an animal sacrifice is thought to be too weak.

  • 西方商业文化作出的一条普遍批评是这种行为是短视的,这项交易所带来的激动弄得人们鬼迷心窍,同时还繁衍出了背信弃义。
    A common criticism of Western business culture is that it is short-sighted, obsessed with the thrill of the deal and breeds disloyalty.

  • 鬼迷心窍,拖我去找这个大老鼠(一名军官的绰号),”他用自己的两手搓搓前额和面颊,说道,“你设想一下,他一张牌,一张牌也没有给我。”
    "The devil was in me to go to that rat" (the nickname of an officer), he said, rubbing his brow and face with both hands. "Only fancy, he didn't deal me one card, not one, not one card! "

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