
骚人墨客  sāo rén mò kè








  • 骚人墨客出没的场所。
    Is a man of letters-infested places.

  • “可远观而不可亵玩”是骚人墨客赞美莲花的句子。
    "But far watch and cannot be disrespectful plays " it is the men of letters praises the sentence of lotus.

  • 员外、文人雅士、骚人墨客与贵族等则喝甜擂茶,代表其身份地位。
    On the other hand, the sweet ground tea was served for the noblemen and scholars, whom had the leisure time and social status.

  • 古往今来,不少骚人墨客慕名而来觉苑寺参观游览,陶醉于画壁艺术之中,无不叹为观止。
    Since the ancient times, a lot of man of letters Kok Yuen Temple come visit and tour, and reveling in wall art paintings, to name just a breath-taking.

  • 自汉至唐,骚人墨客纷纷吟咏月亮及月中之事,八月十五月圆时成为抒发感情旳极佳时刻。
    Since the han dynasties in succession to tang poetry, the life of the moon and months, 10 August may be express feelings when round excellent moments.

  • 这种人生态度和处世方法对中国乃至世界的骚人墨客尤其是唐宋以来的文人具有深远的影响。
    His attitude to and philosophy of life have a profound effect on literary men of China and even the world especially since the Tang and the Song Dynasties.

  • 「潇湘」以湖南为基本指涉范围,骚人墨客在湖南的地方经验创生了「潇湘」主题的文学与文化。
    "Xiao-Xiang" means Hunan area. The poets created Xiao-Xiang culture and literature from their experience in Hunan. There were "Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang" paintings since Northern Song.

  • 即使墨客骚人对槟榔也情有独钟,唐宋入大家之一的苏东坡就曾写过“红潮登颊醉槟榔”的佳句。
    Even if the man of letters has a soft spot for betel nut, you enter one of the Tang and Song Su had written a "red cheek Deng drunk nut" lines.

  • 此后,凤凰山更是历代骚人墨客吟诗作赋的游览胜地。民国27年日军侵入增城,凤凰山上的菊坡亭被毁。
    Since then, the Phoenix Mountain is history Saorenmoke Yinshizuofu tourist resorts. 27 Japanese troops invaded in Zengcheng, a Phoenix mountain slope-ju booths were destroyed.

  • 醇酒美人,是千年英雄追逐目标之一,是骚人墨客咏叹不己的佳话,可以说世界上不响往,不留连的人,很少很少。
    Alcohol is one of the many objects heroes and poets longing for in human history. It could be confirm that very few who care less of liquors.

  • 骚人墨客造句相关
