
马首是瞻  mǎ shǒu shì zhān








  • 几个欧洲国家便对法国马首是瞻
    Several European countries have followed the French lead.

  • 保持好进攻锋线,唯我马首是瞻
    Hold the line and stay with me.

  • 我们再一次以乔治·卢卡斯的马首是瞻
    Yet again we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.

  • 苏联知识界与政府同声连气,唯政府马首是瞻
    When the state went, so did the intelligentsia.

  • 时装和电子产品该如何设计,也唯女学生马首是瞻
    Fashion and how to design electronic products, but also the only female student lead.

  • 唯典范马首是瞻的研究建议会获得拨款、实验空间和学位认可。
    Research proposals endorsing the paradigm win grants, lab space, and degrees.

  • 尽管人工智能不断发展,但它却唯最大邪恶与无限欲望马首是瞻
    Although human intelligence is excelling, it is totally submitting to the most evil and uncontrolled of desires.

  • 那么相应的,以色列的利益就在于唯美国马首是瞻,紧跟美国的政策。
    Israel's interest is accordingly to stick closely to the policies of the United States.

  • 看了以后就明白为什么日本对美国马首是瞻,对中国是一种鄙视的态度。
    looked after understand why Japan lead the United States, China is a kind of contempt.

  • 在此之前,印尼一直唯中泰两国马首是瞻,在掩盖实情的泥潭中越陷越深。
    Until now, Indonesia has followed their lead, only to sink ever deeper into the mire.

  • 更让人气愤的就是那些国内所谓的民主人权的志士们,他们以美国的马首是瞻
    Even more infuriating is that those so-called country's democracy and human rights Chester who lead them to the United States.

  • 由于联系汇率制度,本港实质上失去了货币政策的自主权,以美元起落为马首是瞻
    Hong Kong's linked exchange rate system virtually deprives it of its autonomy in operating monetary policy.

  • 政府过份依赖海外的学者,以他们马首是瞻,会对国内的才俊带来心理的包袱。试举一例子。
    The government's overemphasize of the leadership of scientists that reside in foreign countries create a psychological burden on the local scientists who are very capable. Let me give an example.

  • 当局过份依赖海外的学者,以他们马首是瞻,会对国内的才俊带来心理的包袱。试举一例子。
    The government's overemphasize of the leadership of scientists that reside in foreign countries create a psychological burden on the local scientists who are very capable. Let me give an example.

  • 长期以来,地方政府通过各种政策手段提高所辖区域内的经济GDP增长速度,唯GDP马首是瞻
    In the past, regional governments have set GDP growth as their primary goal and introduced every possible policy to boost GDP in the areas under their administration.

  • 作为在家的最大的孩子,他认为双胞胎,罗恩和金妮都该唯他马首是瞻,但实际却完全不那么回事。
    As the eldest kid home, he thinks he should be respected by the twins, Ron and Ginny, but no deal.

  • 波兰的安全问题持续以美国马首是瞻,波兰领袖依旧担心,德俄合力在波罗的海下建造油管会跳过波兰。
    And Polish leaders re-main concerned over the German agreement to build a gas pipeline with Russia under the Baltic Sea that would bypass Poland.

  • 投资周期的长短应该以客观事实为依据,惟市场趋势马首是瞻,当市场趋势波动周期长,就应该采用长线;
    The length of the investment cycle should be based on objective facts, but lead the market trend, when the long-term fluctuations in market trends, we should adopt long-term;

  • 瑞信,花旗,摩根斯坦利的申请都还没通过,其他银行都唯以上三家马首是瞻——等着这三家申请通过好步其后尘。
    Credit Suisse, Citi and Morgan Stanley have not yet had their deals approved, and other banks that had hoped to be next now wonder if the approval process has been quietly shelved.

  • 以他最近几次的投球表现看来,小王即使用出了下勾球投法应该也不会遇到什麽状况的。洋基队现在正以他马首是瞻
    The way he's pitching these days, Wang can throw underhand and he won't come unglued. The Yankees have been following his lead.

  • 他认为,在一个惟金融家马首是瞻的政府的助长和教唆下,那些强大的机构拒绝承认亏损,这可能使我们不可能摆脱这场危机。
    He argues that the refusal of powerful institutions to admit losses – aided and abetted by a government in thrall to the "money-changers" – may make it impossible to escape from the crisis.

  • 温和派则以洛克,牛顿等人马首是瞻,思想比较保守,不像活跃于18世纪欧洲阶级式宗教世界的激进派们,他们主要在本民族活动。
    The Moderates, who followed Locke and Newton, were conservative and more at home than the Radicals in the hierarchical and deeply religious world of 18th-century Europe.

  • 他承诺一个不再对庞大的公共服务系统马首是瞻的政府将调节自由市场,将致力于发放救助资金至经济滞涨老化的国家地区的人们的手中。
    He promises a government less beholden to the powerful civil service, wants to temper the free market and is keen to dole out cash to the disadvantaged in the economically stagnant and ageing country.

  • 如今,相比之下,多数市场行为唯机构投资者马首是瞻——大额养老金、捐赠基金和个人资本集腋成裘的共同资金筹码(如私募)当家作主。
    Today, by contrast, most market activity is driven by institutional investors—large pools of pension, endowment, and aggregated individual capital.

  • 马首是瞻造句相关
