
风尘仆仆  fēng chén pú pú







  • 杰勒德面孔晒得黝黑黝黑,从头到脚风尘仆仆
    They crowded around him, eyeing him from head to foot with great curiosity.

  • 风尘仆仆的您将感受到与翔园相伴的日子会是永恒的温馨。
    We are sure you will have a great time here.

  • 经过风尘仆仆的跋涉之后,看到湖水真让人感到心旷神怡
    After our long, dusty hike, the lake was a sight for sore eyes.

  • 星期日晚上,他刚刚到达雪莱温泉馆,筋疲力尽,风尘仆仆
    He arrived at the Shelly Hot Springs, tired and dusty, on Sunday night.

  • 小武伸出胳膊,一辆风尘仆仆的东风牌旧式客车停在了路边。
    Xiaowu extends arm, old-style passenger car stops a travel-stained east wind card in roadside.

  • 一队夹杂着蓝色和金色的商队,有点儿风尘仆仆但精神抖擞。
    a blue and gold caravan, slightly travel-stained but otherwise in good condition.

  • 经过风尘仆仆的跋涉之后,看到清澈的湖水真让人感到心旷神怡。
    After the long, dusty hike, the lake and its cool water was a sight for sore eyes.

  • 经过风尘仆仆的跋涉之后,看到清澈的湖水真让人感到心旷神怡。
    After that long, dusty hike, the lake and its cool water was a sight for sore eyes.

  • 进来的正是布伦特·马兰德,他有点风尘仆仆,手提旅行袋和雨伞。
    It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella.

  • 18时45分,刚刚结束调研工作的徐绍史风尘仆仆地来到中国测绘创新基地。
    45, the just-concluded research work, Xu Shaoshi to come to China to teach mapping innovation base.

  • 其他的人都在后面,她们风尘仆仆,看上去很伤感、很疲倦、默默无语地前行着。
    They were a quiet, tired group of ponies and riders all covered in brown dust, all looking sad and weary.

  • 正午,含辛茹苦者和风尘仆仆者说:“我们曾看见她斜倚在黄昏之窗眺望着大地。”
    And at noontide the toilers and the wayfarers say, "We have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset."

  • 我那疲倦的思想只因有了你才能神清气爽,恰似风尘仆仆的路人倒在溪边柔软的草丛中。
    My weary mind turns for refreshment to the thought of you as a dusty traveler might sink onto a soft and grassy bank.

  • 前两个月中,ORACLE的老师每周都风尘仆仆地从北京来到财大,给我们上课培训。
    In the last two months, the teachers of ORACLE endured the hardships of a long journey from Beijing every week to train us.

  • 然后我带他们走进房间,他同刚从阿富汗回来的禁毒署特工们会面,后者风尘仆仆,未经梳洗。
    And I brought them into the room, and he met with the DEA agents who had just come back from Afghanistan, who were unshaven.

  • 晚间,黄晋英团长特别设宴为风尘仆仆赶到的江哲铭教授接风洗尘,并重点说明已达成之任务。
    In the evening, Secretary General Huang held a shower feast to receive Prof. Chiang Che-ming. She also reported that the missions that have been accomplished.

  • 军队回城的时候,在一堆风尘仆仆的兵士中,娇俏的小唯看上去就像一朵沙漠里的罂粟那般显眼。
    City back to the army, the soldier in a pile of Fengchenpupu, Jiaoqiao small but looked like a desert of the opium poppy so conspicuous.

  • 20年后的我是个风度翩翩,算计别人,也被别人算计的老板,我一路风尘仆仆,终于获得了成功。
    20 years later, I am a Fengdupianpian, calculating others, other people have also been calculated boss, I go all the way, and finally succeeded.

  • 然而在寂静的夜晚,在风尘仆仆的望不断的天涯路上,在心灵深处发出的震颤,刹那间便成为了永恒。
    However in silent night, In travel-worn looks on the unceasing horizon road, Trembling sends out which in the heart's core, Then has become in an instant eternal.

  • 他装着一件灰色上衣,系了一条暗红色领带,下身却是一条蓝色裤子。风尘仆仆的样子,但脸上挂着笑容。
    He was flashing a smile in a gray suit, coordinated with a dark-red tie, but the blue pants didn't match the outfit so well.

  • 里根在到达俄勒冈州波特兰时说:“我的几位辛勤工作的助手们劝我不要离开国会而风尘仆仆地到这里来。
    " Reagan says when arriving at Russia to strap ridge city Portland: "A few my assistant of plod people persuade to I do not leave congress and come travel-stainedly to here.

  • 正午时分两个风尘仆仆的人在晃动的街灯下经过了它的街道。一个是德伐日先生,另一个是戴着蓝帽的补路工。
    when two dusty men passed through his streets and under his swinging lamps: of whom, one was Monsieur Defarge: the other a mender of roads in a blue cap.

  • 上午11时许,周永康一行沿着陡峭的山路,风尘仆仆来到地处深山的陇南市武都区马街镇受灾严重的蒿坪村。
    At 11 am, Zhou Yongkang and his party along the steep mountain road located in the mountains came to the Longnan City, Wudu Ma Jie Zhen-hit district of Artemisia Village.

  • 正午时分两个风尘仆仆的人在晃动的街灯下经过了它的街道。一个是德伐日先生,另一个是戴着蓝帽的补路工。
    It was high noontide, when two dusty men passed through his streets and under his swinging lamps: of whom, one was Monsieur Defarge: the other a mender of roads in a blue cap.

  • 在全盛时期,66号公路上曾满载着那些风尘仆仆的避难者,二战供给,搭车的步兵以及战后那些寻找加州梦的人们。
    In the highway's heyday, Route 66 streamed with Dust Bowl fugitives, World War II supplies, hitchhiking GI's and post-war seekers of the California dream.

  • 在那儿,越来越多的老师买不起工作所在地附近的房子。现在他们每天都要风尘仆仆地往返于遥远的郊区和学校之间。
    where more and more teachers can't afford to buy homes near the schools where they teach, and now have long, dirty commutes from distant suburbs.

  • 姚明来了,篮管中心的胡加时和白喜林来了,巩晓彬来了,焦健来了,胡雪峰风尘仆仆的赶来了,大哥李栋梁也来了。
    Yao Ming has come, basket tube center's Hu Jiashi and Bai Xilin have come, Gong Xiaobin has come, strengthened burnt, Hu Xuefeng travel-worn caught up with, Brother Li Dongliang also came.

  • 有时在外奔波了一天,风尘仆仆,进了家门一屁股就坐在沙发上,也许不一会自己又穿着睡衣睡裤坐在了同一个位置上。
    Sometimes outer rushed about a day, travel-stained, took a door one buttock sits to go up in sofa, differ perhaps him meeting is wearing bedgown sleep again pants sits in same locally.

  • 当他风尘仆仆地来到某某邮局,毕恭毕敬地奉送上双倍的邮费后,打开信封,却发现里边飘出一张小纸条,上面写着“愚人节快乐!”
    When he traveled to certain offices, very respectful to the plate on the double postage, opened the envelope, they found a note inside began with the inscription : "fool's day happier!"

  • 我们离开一个景色如画的所在、只为见到更让人叹的风景,就像是在风尘仆仆地赶往天堂,这和中缅人的做法似乎有某种相似的追求“脱俗”的意味。
    As cynical as that ploy sounds, it actually seemed likely we were heading toward paradise as we left a gorgeous locale only to watch the scenery grow ever more stunning.

  • 风尘仆仆造句相关
