
面不改色  miàn bù gǎi sè








  • 水晶仍然面不改色:“炸酱我没吃呀!
    "Crystalline to still remain calm: "I have not eaten the noodles served with fried bean sauce!

  • 你是否会为义气,面不改色地帮朋友圆谎?
    Would you tell a lie to help a friend in need?

  • 当陪审团宣判约翰犯有谋杀罪时,他面不改色
    When the jury pronounced him guilty of murder, john did not bat an eye.

  • 能够狂奔90分钟,面不改色的球员,是韩国球员。
    Korea football player is calmly after scudding 90 minutes;

  • 虽然没有一句话是真的,但比尔编造故事却面不改色
    Bill told his story without batting an eye, although not a word of it was true.

  • 食客面不改色食用野生动物以饱“口福”或炫耀财富;
    Eaters shamelessly feast upon wild animals to satisfy their taste buds or to show off their wealth.

  • 可以面不改色吃掉二十几壳荷包蛋的人,一定会很爱你。
    The person who can eat more than 20 eggs at on time, must be deeply in love with you.

  • 这酒的味道像醋一样,可是诺曼面不改色地唱了一大杯。
    The wine tasted like vinegar, yet Norman drank a large glass of it without turning a hair.

  • 你知道的啊,那张面不改色,但冷嘲热讽功夫一流的脸。
    You know that face – deadpan , with a normal sarcastic delivery.

  • 虽然么有一种表达是真的,比尔编造古代事件却面不改色
    Bill talked his story lacking batting an eye, although not a express of it were true.

  • 虽然没有一句话是真的,比尔编造故事却面不改色。英。语。站。
    Bill told his story without batting an eye, although not a word of it was true.

  • 古丽是一个致命的杀手,能杀人于转瞬之间,且面不改色跳。
    Guri was a lethal assassin, capable of killing in the blink of an eye without even raising her ersatz heartbeat.

  • 赵高面不改色跳地说:“请陛下看清楚,这的确是一匹千里马。”
    " Remaining calm, Zhao Gao said:"Will your Majesty please see more clearly?This really is a horse that covers a thousand li a day.

  • 赵高面不改色跳地说:“请陛下看清楚,这的确是一匹千里马。”
    Remaining calm, Zhao Gao said: "Will your Majesty please see more clearly?This is really a horse that covers a thousand li a day."

  • 侦察英雄杨子荣只身入虎穴,对土匪的逼问,面不改色跳,机智应答。
    Reconnaissance hero Yangzirong unaccompanied into the tiger's den, in the face of repeated bandits, silver heart not jump, Colin replied.

  • 于是在众目睽睽之下,女人毅然拿出200美元,面不改色地放在“28”上。
    Then in the public eye, woman resolutely take out 200 dollars, remain calm ground is put in " 28 " on.

  • 虽然没有一句话是真的,比尔编造故事却面不改色。-------[光年网原创。
    Bill told his story without batting an eye, although not a word of it was true.

  • 他读的时候气定神闲,面不改色,头上那簇“鹦鹉发冠”也见随着思绪的节奏起伏。
    He read without a variation in expression, without his skin changing color, without an alteration in his breathing, his cockatoo 's tuft of hair unmoved by the rhythm of his thoughts.

  • 那就是为什么在对人生最糟的经验(就如你所界定的)时,神秘的大师仍能保持面不改色
    That is why mystic Masters remain unperturbed in the face of the worst experiences of life (as you would define them).

  • 而实际上他信口开河的时候居然可以做到面不改色跳,既然能彼此信任,又何必相守到老?
    And lip service when in fact he actually can not stop a jumping, now that should not trust each other, why bother to grow old together?

  • 斐利亚·福克对着这个象是和他作对的波涛汹涌的汪洋大海,依然面不改色,连眉头也没有皱一下。
    Phileas Fogg gazed at the tempestuous sea, which seemed to be struggling especially to delay him, with his habitual tranquility.

  • 食客面不改色食用野生动物以饱“口福”或炫耀财富;官吏惜以野生珍稀动物作为最高规格的宴席;
    Meanwhile, the guests, with their faces showing no guilt at all, are enjoying these inviting dishes, either to satisfy their "palates" or to show off their riches.

  • 我生气地问她为什么这样做,她面不改色地告诉我:“在国外无论是生存还是留学,竞争就是这样冷酷无情。
    I angrily asked her why do so Mianbugaise She told me: "abroad to study or whether it is to survive, the competition is ruthless."

  • 我却仍然面不改色,坚定地说:“这是好好的问题,我如果知道老师有这种行为举报那就是我的错误了。”
    " Mianbugaise I still firmly said: "This is not really good, I If the teacher know that such acts do not have to report that my mistake.

  • 世界著名的小提琴家奥利布尔在巴黎的一次音乐会上,忽然小提琴的A弦断了,他面不改色地以剩余的三条弦奏完全曲。
    Once when Ole Bull, the world-famous violinist, was giving a concert in Paris, the A string on his violin suddenly snapped. But Ole Bull simply finished the melody on three strings.

  • 透过将在2010年全撤销已逐渐减少徵收的遗产税,美国众议院上周面不改色地再度加速美国国内的贫富差距问题。
    The US House of Representatives is poised this week to stretch that inequality still further by repealing completely after 2010 the already diminished estate tax.

  • 假如她面不改色地让你在这瓶酒上大掏一笔,那你应该聊以自慰:她给你上了一课,而这一课如果放到以后,学费甚至会更加昂贵。
    And if she blithelysplashes your money around console yourself: you will have learnt a lesson about her that would have been even more costly to learn later.

  • 曾作为球员在拉法手底下效力过的现一线队教练组成员佩莱格里诺,首先向大家透露了拉法绝对是一个山崩于前仍能面不改色的典范。
    The first-team coach, who played under Benitez at Valencia and Liverpool, describes him as a man who stays calm amid the storm.

  • 你如何能够撤销管制规定,让产品的安全标准降低、又通过「侵权补偿改革」,限制安全产品造成伤害的赔偿金额,而且还面不改色
    How can you have deregulation that lowers product safety standards at the same time as tort reform that limits awards for injuries from unsafe products and still keep a straight face?

  • “你们这些狗东西,”侯爵说,可是口气平静,除了鼻翼上的两点之外,面不改色,“我非常乐意从你们任何一个人身上碾过去,从人世上把你们消灭掉。
    'You dogs! 'said the Marquis, but smoothly, and with an unchanged front, except as to the spots on his nose: 'I would ride over any of you very willingly, and exterminate you from the earth.

  • 面不改色造句相关
