
集思广益  jí sī guǎng yì








  • 只有走群众路线,集思广益, 才能办好这些事。
    Only by following the mass line and listening to all useful opinions can we make a good job of it.

  • 我们集思广益就能找到解决方法。
    If we pool our ideas, we may find a solution.

  • 项目或应用程序的集思广益
    Brainstorm for projects or applications.

  • 团结协作,集思广益,力求达到目标;
    Unity and Co-operation; endeavoring joint efforts and wisdom for achieving our goals.

  • 机构的设置是为了在政府内部集思广益
    It was designed to elicit the best thinking within the government.

  • 因此,企业的确需要召集员工集思广益
    For that, companies really have to bring people together to brainstorm.

  • 我们只有集思广益才能制订出最好的计划。
    Only when we put our heads together can we come up with the best plan.

  • 咱们来集思广益,看是否能想出什么办法。
    Let's put our heads together and see if we can think out anything.

  • 我们应该集思广益,试著想想出更好的办法。
    We should get together and try to brainstorm a better idea.

  • 如果我们集思广益,我们也许能制订一个真正完善的计划。
    If we pool our ideas, we may be able to produce a really good plan.

  • 让学生在独立思想的基础上,再进行集体讨论,集思广益
    Students are required to think independently at first, and then to discuss collectively so as to draw on the wisdom of the masses.

  • 我们需要坐下来一起集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。
    We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slo** for a new product.

  • 随着志愿者不断加入以及大家的集思广益,这些想法还会继续展开。
    The ideas will continue to unfold as those who want to participate join in and add suggestions.

  • 相应地,在集思广益何进行决策时,我认为需要更多自下而上的参与。
    Correspondingly, I see a need for more bottom-up involvement in developing initiatives and making decisions.

  • 这需要领导者了解业务的所有方面,能够集思广益,激励整个公司的愿景。
    This requires leaders who understand all the pieces, can join up these propositions and inspire a firm-wide vision.

  • 新点子可以带来新商机,因此要想在竞争中保持领先,就必须集思广益想点子。
    Fresh ideas can lead to new business opportunities, so brainstorming should be a process you adopt frequently if you want to stay ahead of your competition.

  • 正确做法:因为好的解决方案总是从集思广益中产生的,那么把评价留在适当的时刻。
    The right approach: Because great solutions often rise from diverse opinions, withhold comment -- and judgment -- until the appropriate time.

  • 集思广益、博采众长,从而形成自己的思想和行为方式;我不会坐等别人为我做这些。
    I draw on collective wisdom and Bocaizhongzhang to form their own thinking and behaviour, I will not wait for me to do these other people.

  • 采用集思广益的方式,这些建议主要集中在三个问题上:人员招聘,晋升体系和退休计划。
    Taken collectively, these proposals center on three issues: personnel selection, advancement system and retirement plan.

  • 我深信我们可以透过这次比赛,集思广益,以具创意的构思和概念,复修李小龙先生的故居。
    I believe that we can, through this competition, pool together creative ideas and concepts for the restoration of Mr Bruce Lee's former residence.

  • 无论哪种类型的球队选择集思广益,领导人应遵守的步骤,在以后的页面上,同时进行分析。
    Regardless of the type of team selected for brainstorming, the leader should observe the steps on the following page while conducting the analysis.

  • 天王星与新技术,配合爱,是在被作为唯一的一部分的东西比一个人的自我更大的,天才的集思广益
    Uranus is in love with new technology, teamwork, being unique while being part of something bigger than one's self, and a brainstorming genius.

  • 六环路的桥梁在建设过程中,设计和施工人员为这些桥梁起了临时代号,但真正的“大名”还得集思广益
    Luhuanlu bridge in the process of construction, design and construction of a temporary bridge to the personnel code, but the real "Narrowly Wins" have brainstorming.

  • 而且这类人乐于同某一领域的其他业界英才集思广益,共同开创新思维,但所有这一切活动都需要巨额投入。
    And these kinds of people like to work in an area that has other smart people thinking up new ideas. But all of this activity costs money.

  • 为加强教育公众,以及引发讨论,集思广益,规划环境地政局局长会在一九九九年发表一份环境政策绿皮书。
    To stimulate the process of community education and debate, in 1999 the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands will issue a green paper on environmental policy.

  • 但是,也正因为立法者造法需要通过复杂的程序来集思广益,所以效率比较低;而司法者造法的效率则比较高。
    However, the complicated proceedings needed in enacted law also lead to lower efficiency compared with judge-made law.

  • 藉著德国游戏专家的分享,集思广益,一起努力将游戏元素注入属于我们的社区,令这闹市多一点活力,多一点趣味。
    From the sharing of Germany Play Expert; let's work together to fill up our society with play elements, making the city more energetic, more fun.

  • 本次咨询活动的目的在于集思广益,通过邀请国际顶级的设计机构征集具远见、富创意、并且切实可行的概念性空间设计方案。
    The consultancy is intended for brainstorming by inviting world-class design firms to provide forward-thinking, creative and feasible conceptual spatial design scheme.

  • 博客之所以逐渐开始流行,是由于大多数博客允许访客对私人文章发表评论,而且已被证明是各种讨论与集思广益的绝佳媒介。
    Blogging is slowly beginning to catch on; because most blogs allow outsiders to comment on the individual posts, they have proved to be a good medium for brainstorming and discussions of all kinds.

  • 集思广益让更多人提供创造一个更美好新加坡愿景的意见,会不会比花时间投诉银行的人龙越来越长,户头的储蓄却越来越少来得有意义?
    If we enlarge our thinking and invite a wider circle to contribute to the vision of a better Singapore, is it not better than complaining about long queues and less savings?

  • 集思广益造句相关
