
难分难解  nán fēn nán jiě








  • 文化产业与大众文化难分难解
    The industry of culture can hardly be detached from the mass culture.

  • 这两头野兽打得难分难解
    The two animals were locked in a fight.

  • 而科比所在的紫队,经常与白队杀的难分难解
    But the kopeck is at the purple team, frequently the inextricable involvement which kills with Bai Dui.

  • 泰迪:这场球赛到现在还是难分难解,你说是吗?
    Teddy: It's been a pretty tight game so far, don't you think?

  • 但小心,当大家斗得难分难解时,石桥将会慢慢倒塌。
    Be careful, though – the bridge is collapsing under the fury of the magical duel.

  • 成为美国历史上最难分难解、最有争议的总统选举之一。
    was one of the closest and most disputed presidential elections in the country's history.

  • 我看到了他的这个广告,意识到这场竞争必将难分难解
    I saw the ad and knew it would turn a close race.

  • 凤凰社在1996年六月和食死徒进行了一场难分难解的战斗。
    The Order fought a pitched battle with Death Eaters in June of 1996.

  • 无论如何,凤凰社成员一到达,整个事情变成一场难分难解的战斗。
    Anyway, once the Order arrives, the whole thing becomes a pitched battle.

  • 科学作为人类把握终极存在的一种方式,无疑与形而上学有着难分难解的关系。
    As one of the means of human being to master the ultimate being, science must be inextricably involved in the relationship with metaphysics inevitably.

  • 但是在一场与黄蜂队打得难分难解的比赛中,这两位球员似乎已化干戈为玉帛…
    But in a tight game with the Hornets, the two seemed to bury the hatchet.

  • 比赛开始了,所有远动员像离弦的箭一样飞了出去,个个比得难分难解,十分激烈。
    Competition started to mobilize as much all the arrows flying out the same, all inextricably linked over a very intense .

  • 剧情讲述两位魔术大师惺惺相惜,但为了争取世界第一魔法师的宝座,二人斗得难分难解
    Drama about two Masters Xingxingxiangxi magic, but in order to fight for the throne of the world's magician, two-person fighting in the Nanfennanjie.

  • 但是在一场与黄蜂队打得难分难解的比赛中,这两位球员似乎已化干戈为玉帛(而携手御敌)。
    But in a tight game with the Hornets, the two seemed to bury the hatchet .

  • 正下到难分难解之时,跑来了一位小孩,小孩着急地对公安局长说:“你爸爸和我爸爸吵起来了。”
    When they are inextricably involved, a child ran to the director general. "Your father and my father are fighting, " the child said.

  • 与此同时,令人难以致信的发展速度与规模,正跟保护主义、信息屏蔽与盗版行为混在一起,难分难解
    Meanwhile, that breathless growth and baffling scale is tangled up with a protectionist, information-suppressing government and one of the world's most active piracy industries.

  • 这一段旅行,穿梭于梦境与现实,回忆与真理的模糊的边缘。过去与现在纠缠在一起。眼前与远端难分难解
    In this journey, boundaries between dream and reality, memory and truth are diffuse. The past and present are intertwined. Presence and distance is unresolved.

  • 去年主场对他们的比赛就打得难分难解,(场上唯一的进球是特里的头球破门,)这样的比赛总是势均力敌。
    Last year as well at home, it was tight, [a John Terry header was the only goal] and it is always a close game.

  • 这一段内省之旅,穿梭于梦境与现实,回忆与真理的模糊的边缘。过去与现在纠缠在一起。眼前与远端难分难解
    In this introspective journey, boundaries between dream and reality, memory and truth are diffuse. The past and present are intertwined. Presence and distance is unresolved.

  • 随后多个买家争相举牌,一时间“地头蛇”和“过江龙”斗得难分难解,叫价不停地攀高,鼓励的掌声也时而响起。
    " Subsequently many buyers competing bottles, one time "Vision" and "go abroad" who may inextricably involved, outcry constantly rising, and sometimes also to encourage applause sounded.

  • 过去,他们也不必与意志坚强,领导有方的反对派集团进行难分难解的斗争,反对派集团也包括用户和环境保护论者。
    Nor, in older days, were they locked in combat with tough-minded, skillfully led opposition groups, including consumers and environmentalists.

  • 在决赛中,相互知根知底的张蕾和叶如意打得难分难解,比分从1:1一直到12:12,对他们而言,谁能胜出都不意外。
    In the final, to know each other's Zhang Lei Zhidi roots and leaves Nanfennanjie play well, score from 1:1 up to 12:12 on them, who can not win the accident.

  • 灌篮场地边上,“一对一斗牛”的比赛也点燃了球迷的热情,场内的选手打得难分难解,而围观的人群里有按耐不住的好手也跃跃欲试。
    Slam on the edge of space, "Bull one-on-one" game has ignited the passion of the fans, any player playing inextricably linked, and the crowd of onlookers have lost by the players are eager.

  • 难分难解的比赛第四节中,他们还是严重依赖着科比的得分能力,这种依赖总是能带来胜利,但是这使得他们的进攻显得单一,不够活力。
    They continue to rely heavily on Kobe Bryant's playmaking abilities in fourth quarters of close games, a tendency that has produced victories but can also make their offense stagnant and predictable.

  • 从它们的创世神话中,我们可以发现一个原始的人类学与原始的宇宙学并肩而立,世界的起源问题与人类的起源问题难分难解地交织在一起的现象。
    In the creation myths recorded in these epics, an interesting fact is found that the origination of the world and the origination of human beings are mixed.

  • 这些白宫候选人的日程表排得满满的,他们在衣阿华州所举行的大规模竞选活动揭开了2008年的序幕,而最新的民意调查表示双方的竞争难分难解
    Their schedules are jam-packed as these White House hopefuls host multiple campaign events in Iowa to kick off 2008, with fresh polls showing both races too close to call.

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