
陈规陋习  chén guī lòu xí







  • 现代音乐打破了十九世纪的陈规陋习
    Modern music has broken away from the nineteenth century rules.

  • 现代音乐打破了十九世纪的陈规陋习
    Modern music has broken away from the 19th century's rules.

  • 这些仪式和禁忌曾长期被简单地视为陈规陋习或封建迷信。
    These ceremonies and taboos have long been regarded as a simple stereotypes or feudalism and superstition.

  • 对于权力部门和官员的这些陈规陋习,网友们是深恶痛绝的。
    For the power sector and officials of these stereotypes, users are hated.

  • 我们也相信陈规陋习和下意识的偏见是产生这个问题的原因之一。
    And we also believe that stereotypes and unconscious bias contribute to this problem.

  • 虽然知道要改革社会的陈规陋习不是那么容易,他们仍然努力在努力地做。
    Although they know it is not easy to reform the Augean stables of the society, they are still trying to do it.

  • 直到最近,正规教育因袭的仍然是一套拒绝接受这种学习模式的陈规陋习
    Up until recently, the history of formal education has been a series rejection of this 1eaming model.

  • 直到最近,正规教育因袭的仍然是一套拒绝接受这种学习模式的陈规陋习
    Up until recently, the history of formal education has been a series rejections of this learning model.

  • 阻挠议事固然是妨碍议程的陈规陋习,它们延缓或阻止参议院参与辩论和表决。
    Filibusters, of course, in are the age-old of procedure procedural obstacles used to slow down and or stop the Senate from debating in and voting.

  • 我始终觉得,邮文写作是一件非常私人化的事情,不应该受到任何陈规陋习的影响。
    I have always felt that postal Writing is a very personalized thing, should not be subject to any stereotypes affected.

  • 当新的生活方式成为推翻生活陈规陋习的钥匙时,我们已开始尝试一段崭新的人生。
    When new way of life became key to overturn outmoded conventions and customs of life, we have began to try a period of brand-new life.

  • 当新的生活方式成为***生活陈规陋习的钥匙时,我们已开始尝试一段崭新的人生。
    When new way of life became key to overturn outmoded conventions and customs of life, we have began to try a period of brand-new life.

  • 以冗长演说妨碍议程固然是陈规陋习,用来拖延和阻挡参议院对议案进行辩论或表决。
    Filibusters, of course, are the age-old procedural obstacles used to slow down or stop the Senate from debating and voting.

  • 我的政府将把那些陈规陋习一一取缔,而代之以一个透明的、会计职责明确的华尔街。
    The McCain-Palin administration will replace an outdated, patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street.

  • 我们革除了陈规陋习,这就是为什么比起任何持激进观点的人来,政府目前更怕我们。
    We got rid of all those traditional that is why Governments in the present day are more afraid of us than they were of any of the Radical people.

  • 她称双边的陈规陋习都在瓦解,特别是在沙特阿拉伯,在那里她会见了蒙着面纱的妇女。
    She said stereotypes were broken on both sides - especially in Saudi Arabia, where she met women who were fully veiled.

  • 请谈谈对当地风俗的看法。哪些是优良传统,值得继承?哪些是陈规陋习,可以怎样改变?
    Please say something about local folk custom. Which is good tradition for inheriting? Which is outmoded customs and habits, how to change?

  • 在中国也有雇佣奶妈的传统,但是中国共产党认为这是一项陈规陋习,并且正试图清除它。
    China also has a long tradition of wet nursing, but the Communist Party considered the practice decadent and tried to stamp it out.

  • 这些陈规陋习在我们与各国人民追求的未来之间筑起一道道墙,现在是拆除这些墙的时候了。
    They build up walls between us and the future that our people seek, and the time has come for those walls to come down.

  • 他们以身作则,在所到之处宣传他们的绿色环保主张,并敦促他们的朋友和家长改变陈规陋习
    They are leading by example: encouraging their friends and parents to change old behaviors and be green advocates wherever they go.

  • 它是否会演变成为另一种陈规陋习?它是否会成为一种文化多样化的意识形态,一种全球化的同一化和标准化驱动?
    Are the consequences a new form of stereotyping - and ideology of diversity' that serves as a cover for the drives of globalization towards uniformity and standardization?

  • 融合,是因为它是自主与勇敢的标志----打破陈规陋习的束缚,按照我们自己的喜好和生活方式,去追求我们所钟爱的东西。
    Compunding, a symbol for freedom and courage, breaks through traditions, follows our living and at last sends our favorites.

  • 到了19世纪,浪漫主义运动兴起,许多艺术家和文学家都把“古典类型”视为过分控制艺术风格和内容的陈规陋习而将其摈弃。
    By the 19th century, the rise of the Romantic movement, many artists and writers have "classical type" as control over artistic style and content of the stereotypes and to rejected.

  • 这些陈规陋习引导各国采取的行动往往与自身要求实现的目标背道而驰,各国所投下的票─这常发生在这─也往往违背了本国人民的利益。
    They lead nations to act in opposition to the very goals that they claim to pursue, and to vote - often in this body - against the interests of their own people.

  • 这些陈规陋习引导各国采取的行动往往与自身要求实现的目标背道而驰——各国采取的投票行动,包括经常在这个机构进行的投票,也往往违背了本国人民的利益。
    They lead nations to act in opposition to the very goals that they claim to pursue -- and to vote, often in this body, against the interests of their own people.

  • 陈规陋习造句相关
