
闭门造车  bì mén zào chē








  • 我们知道拍电影绝对不能闭门造车
    We believe that films should not be made behind closed doors;

  • 为完成任务,往往闭门造车
    To finish the job, often act blindly.

  • 之后才临时想到这个题目“闭门造车”!
    After temporary thought on the subject "behind closed doors"!

  • 不作调查研究,在家写总结,犹如闭门造车
    Writing a summary at home without investigations is to be divorced from practice and act subjectively .

  • 闭门造车只能导致国家的落后和国力的衰退。
    Divorcing ourselves from the masses and from reality only results in the nation's falling behind and power decline.

  • 闭门造车只能导致国家的落后、国力的衰败。
    Divorcing ourselves from the masses and from reality only results in the nation's falling behind and decline.

  • 闭门造车的管理必然导致在员工之间的不信任。
    Closed-door management leads to distrust among the workforce.

  • 中国政府始终是更愿意处理事务而不是闭门造车
    The Chinese government is always more willing to work a deal when it is done behind closed doors.

  • 如果没有与外界的沟通交流,所谓的创造与科研只能是闭门造车
    If have no communication with outside world, so called creation and research can only act blindly;

  • 做学问要学以致用,能将知识转化效益,闭门造车是没有出路的。
    "Making cars behind closed doors" is just acting blindly by divorcing oneself from reality, there is no way out.

  • 闭门造车:金鱼品种繁多,各有各的特点,新品种也在不断涌现。
    LEARN ABOUT YOUR FISH: There are few hundred varieties to choose from after much cross breeding.

  • 不可闭门造车;了解一些历史、哲学和人文,将对你的作品大有优点;
    Not to create artwork without any ground. Great works usually come from the understanding of the culture, history and philosophy;

  • 不可闭门造车;瞭解一些历史、哲学和人文,将对你的作品大有好处;
    Not to create artwork without any ground. Great works usually come from the understanding of the culture, history and philosophy.

  • 从客户需求看,一个是满足客户不满足的需求,也就是说他是否闭门造车
    From customer demand, one is the customer's needs are not met, that is to say whether he is behind closed doors;

  • 对当时中国只懂得闭门造车,不懂师法自然的画坛来说,吹入了一股清新之气。
    blowing fresh air into the painting world that had known nothing about learning from nature.

  • 在我看来,汉字演变,由繁至简是一种必然,但并不意味着是那些所谓精英们的闭门造车
    In my opinion, the development of the characters from complex to simple is inevitable, but it does not mean that so-called elites make cars behind the closed door.

  • 他将一家200岁的四平八稳闭门造车的储蓄银行变成了中东欧地区最大的零售银行之一。
    He has transformed the staid, insular, 200-year-old savings bank into one of the largest retail banks in central and eastern Europe.

  • 如果各个学科都固步自封,而且闭门造车,那么人类就无法对面临的重要问题有足够的理解。
    There can be no adequate understanding of the most important issues we face when disciplines are cloistered from one another and operate on their own premises.

  • 中国人的室内设计,从来不是“闭门造车”,而是始终把处理好内外空间的关系放在重要地位。
    Interior design of the Chinese, not be " act blindly " , put the concern that treats space of good inside and outside in significant position from beginning to end however.

  • 因此,开发商开发项目,必须看社会大环境,看市场需求,不能闭门造车凭空想象,盲目乐观瞎推测。
    Therefore, developers of the project, we must look at the social environment, depending on the market demand, not behind closed doors imagined, blind optimism blind guess.

  • 正如纽约时报商业作家罗斯•索尔金所分析的那样,这些应对政策在当时似乎只不过是闭门造车罢了。
    As told by Mr Ross Sorkin, a business writer at the New York Times, the policy response was even more seat-of-the-pants than it seemed at the time.

  • 很多人以为,软件开发是一种封闭性的活动,即你整天闭门造车,编写大量程序。事实完全不是这样。
    A lot of people assume that creating software is purely a solitary activity where you sit in an office with the door closed all day and write lots of code.

  • 我们认为,建筑师必须紧跟市场消费者的脚步,绝对杜绝“闭门造车”、以自我为中心的不合理的设计。
    We believe that architects must follow the footsteps of consumer markets, the absolute end "behind closed doors" and self-centred unreasonable design.

  • 要能做到这一点,就要能与人民沟通,瞭解社会及人民的生活,而非闭门造车,单单把自己的理想实施。
    In order to be successful, one must be able to communicate with the people, understand their lives instead of just be idealistic only.

  • 文件一出,不少开发商立即群起而攻之,直至上书有关部门,公开指责121号文是闭门造车搞“一刀切”。
    Document one out, many developers immediately rallied to attack until written to the relevant departments, the public is behind closed doors, accusing 121 of engaging in "broad-brush".

  • 我花了很多时间参观其它公司,和其它公司的人进行交流,努力不让自己闭门造车,不让自己失去转变的优势。
    I spend a lot of time, ah, visitingtalking to people from other companies to try to make sure that we're not insular, that we're not losing a cutting-edge of change.

  • 这里有没有闭门造车,而最重要的是,互联网为我们提供了一个空间挤满了人谁热衷于沟通,并分享产品和经验。
    Here there were no closed doors and, most importantly, Internet offered us a space full of people who are eager to communicate, and to share products and experiences.

  • 然而申请专利权与洽谈制造商所费不赀,而且旷日费时,所以对于试图改善义肢的截肢患者来说,他们的构想通常只能闭门造车
    But patenting and securing a manufacturer are costly and convoluted processes, so most amputees who try to improve prosthetic designs never see their ideas get past the workshop.

  • 有一位写作老师说过:「文章自写作中产生」,也就是说,要成为一位优秀作家,除了闭门造车之外,还要阅读及思考他人的作品。
    Another writing teacher once wrote, "Writing emerges from writing. " That is to say, we become capable writers both by writing ourselves and by reading and reflecting on the writing others have done.

  • 相关领域的专家们也许会同样说:这些问题是科学发烧友们扰乱人心的疯话,是技术先验论者[1]闭门造车的冥想,都无关紧要。
    Scientists in the pertinent fields may say the same: these questions are distractions, the ravings of a amateur science-groupie, the ill-informed musing of a techno-transcendentalist.

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