
锣鼓喧天  luó gǔ xuān tiān








  • 顿时,花山场上锣鼓齐鸣,鞭炮喧天,鲜花彩旗迎风招展。
    All of a sudden, Hanayama gongs market Qiming, bang firecrackers, flowers colorful flags fluttered in the breeze.

  • 这是老蒋村的节日,百余艘龙舟和着喧天锣鼓劈波斩浪,尽展风采。
    This is a festival of old Jiangcun village and hundreds of boats were competing in the loud sound of gong and drum.

  • 进入前山地带的时候,顿时鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天,凤翔狮跃,人身沸腾。
    Hill before entering the Strip, immediately firecrackers Qiming, Luoguxuantian, Yue Fung Cheung Lion, the personal boiling.

  • 锣鼓喧天,两条跃世而出的巨龙舞动在小区草坪和主干道上,分外抢眼。
    Day two -- the dragon dance in the world out small lawns and roads, particularly conspicuous and eye-catching.

  • 昨天一大早,海运仓危改小区29座崭新的居民楼外,彩旗飘飘,锣鼓喧天
    Yesterday at dawn, the sea warehouse rebuild new residents of Block O area 29, with colored flags filled, filled.

  • 9时20分许,3名航天员到达航天城门口,欢迎人群一阵涌动,锣鼓喧天
    Xu, 3 astronauts arrived at the entrance space city, welcomed the crowd surging for a while, Luoguxuantian.

  • 还有一个给我印象深刻的情景是,那些衣着鲜艳的老太太锣鼓喧天地扭秧歌。
    Another sight that impresses me greatly is to watch those colorfully dressed elderly ladies doing the yangge dance to the loud rhythmic music of cymbals and drums.

  • 2月4日,车队抵达昆明时,鞭炮齐鸣,锣鼓喧天。云南省省长设宴招待美国人。
    On 4 February, the convoy reached Kunming as firecrackers exploded and bands played. The Governor of Yunnan Province gave a banquet for the Americans.

  • 锣鼓喧天鞭炮齐鸣,海珠区小洲村村民前往番禺一龙舟造船厂迎接村里第十条龙舟。
    Day fireworks blast, villagers went to the Panyu District Small Island Dragon Boat Shipyard one of the 10 Dragon Boat village.

  • 8日,在锣鼓喧天中,位于白云大道南黄边路上的“云山诗意?人家”隆重揭牌开盘。
    8th in childhood, Baiyun Avenue South Huang teams in the "others Yunshan poetry, " a grand opening ceremony.

  • 届时将锣鼓喧天,丝竹其鸣,看武松如何擒拿恶虎,观音菩萨如何收服红孩儿解救唐三藏师徒。
    It will be animated at that time. Let's see how Wu Song arrests the fierce tiger and how Guanyin Buddha subdues Red Child to rescue Tang San Cang and his disciples.

  • 许多朝觐者坚持认为,乡亲应以彩旗高展锣鼓喧天的方式迎接朝觐者的归来,这也是创新的事物。
    2- It's also an act of innovation what some pilgrims do by insisting that people at home should receive the pilgrims with ceremonious flags and music.

  • 克林顿处理预算问题开头若干行动如同三场同时表演的马戏:犯了锣鼓喧天,漫无头绪的生手错误。
    Bill Clinton's early moves on the budget have been a three ring circus of novice mistakes.

  • 吹打乐,两种最闹的乐器组合,在同一个演出场合中合作,往往可以营照出锣鼓喧天与震人心绯的气势。
    The concoction of the two most dynamic instruments - wind and percussion, never fails to create a roaring and captivating ambience when collaborated at the same staging.

  • 还有一个给我印象深刻的情景是,那些衣着鲜艳的老太太锣鼓喧天地扭秧歌。她们高涨的情绪非常具有感染力。
    Another sight that impresses me greatly is to watch those colorfully dressed elderly ladies doing the yangge dance to the loud rhythmic music of cymbals and drums.

  • 新年一大早,社区已是锣鼓喧天,张灯结彩,热闹无比,业主们开门即收到了物业公司精心准备的新年大礼包。
    During the Spring Festival, the whole community was decorated with lanterns and colored banners. In the early morning, it was full of drums, bustled with joy and excitement.

  • 2009年3月12日广东佛山)今天位于佛山市三水区的百威啤酒(佛山)有限公司内锣鼓喧天,喜气洋洋。
    March 2009 Foshan Guangdong) Today drums and gongs sounded amid the jubilant atmosphere at Budweiser (Foshan) Brewing Co.

  • “熊猫外交”是一种象征性举动,在锣鼓喧天和媒体的疯狂之中,北京希望借这对毛茸茸的礼物暖化海峡两岸关系。
    In a symbolic move of "panda diplomacy, " Beijing marked warming cross-strait ties with the furry gifts, amid fanfare and a media frenzy.

  • 这天晚上,神州大地一片欢声笑语、锣鼓喧天,五颜六色的礼花映亮了北京的夜空,也映亮了狂欢的人们,天安门广场顿时成了欢乐的海洋!
    That night, a Huanshengxiaoyu the Divine Land, Luoguxuantian, colorful fireworks Yingliang Beijing's night sky, the carnival also Yingliang people, suddenly became the Tiananmen Square joy of marine!

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