
铩羽而归  shā yǔ ér guī








  • 该死,我铩羽而归。不过她真是可爱极了。
    Damn dude, I hella failed. And she was hella cute too.

  • 但是她并没有成功,一文不名的铩羽而归
    However, she was unsuccessful and came back broke.

  • 三年后,它在2004年欧洲杯上再次铩羽而归
    Three years later, it took a drubbing[3] at the 2004 European championships.

  • 我曾试着进入我所在级别的球队,但每次都铩羽而归
    I have tried to enter my level of the team, but every time Shayuergui.

  • 一开始字里行间就漏洞百出,猫声鸟居然把夜莺啄得铩羽而归
    Even from the first, the words went wrong, the catbird pecked away the nightingale.

  • 每四年的夏天,英国人就要做好准备,他们奥运代表队铩羽而归
    EVERY four years in summer, the British prepare for their team to be gallant losers in the Olympics.

  • “港灯”过去也曾投资泰国,但受累于金融风暴,最后铩羽而归
    "HEC" did investment in Thailand, but going to feel the impact on the financial turmoil, the last husband.

  • 如果两市不能有效放量,那么在前期高点附近仍有可能再次铩羽而归
    If the two cities can not be effective with a big bang, then in the early high of near Shayuergui once again it is still possible.

  • 这六大资本最终能“共荣共兴“,亦或是“六败俱伤”最终铩羽而归呢?
    This six major capital eventually "thick Hing", or "six lost all wounds" ultimate husband?

  • 经历了上周在白鹿巷1:2铩羽而归,这场胜利给球队又打上了一记强心剂。
    Victory was a welcome tonic after last weekend's 2-1 defeat at White Hart Lane.

  • 过去台湾曾有一个知名的家具厂商到美国买下当地的行销路线,结果却铩羽而归
    There once was a famous household appliance entrepreneur who went to America and bought a sales area, but failed in his endeavor and returned home.

  • 在与维甘和阿斯顿维拉的客场比赛中,切尔西就是因为防守定位球不利才铩羽而归
    Chelsea will be under scrutiny in that area of the game after defeats at Wigan and Aston Villa.

  • 中国内地房地产市场对外开放以来,众多的香港地产商到内地投资,但绝大多数都铩羽而归
    China real estate market to the outside world, many Hong Kong property developers to invest in China's hinterland, but the vast majority are husband.

  • 罗纳尔多已经成为了客场球迷的攻击对象,因为他被当成英格兰在世界杯上铩羽而归的罪魁祸首。
    Ronaldo has become the pantomime villain at away grounds around the country with fans treating the Portuguese winger as the scapegoat for England's World Cup exit.

  • 我们在欧洲杯上铩羽而归,但就像里皮所说,女排队员的表现是对我们的鼓舞,我们要向她们看齐。
    We got knocked out of Europe and as Lippi said we have to take our inspiration from the women's volley-ball team, we must compare ourselves with them.

  • 高级类型:地方兵种代希为在爱尔兰居住数世纪的土著部民,他们骁勇善战,屡次令维京海盗铩羽而归
    The Deisi are native tribesmen who have lived in Ireland for centuries. They are hardy and trained in the ways of war, having defended their lands from numerous viking invasions.

  • 赛季末能够获得一个奖杯美妙之极,上个赛季我们在决赛铩羽而归,但是希望这个时侯我们能够问鼎冠军。
    It would be nice to end the season with a trophy. We lost in the final last season at Marine, but hopefully we can put things right this time around.

  • 风靡欧美的《无尽的任务》、新形态科幻大作《EVE》在中国市场铩羽而归,就是文化冲突下的牺牲品。
    Fashionable is Euramerican " endless task " , new form science fiction blows hard " EVE " in Chinese market Sha feather and return, it is the victim below culture clash.

  • 因为主办单位提供的餐点有限,大部分的团员费了九牛二虎之力后,还是铩羽而归,最后只能以麦当劳裹腹。
    As the food supply was limited, most delegates needed to satiate their stomach with McDonald's though they tried really hard at the party.

  • 这并不是时间错位,或是回到当年湖人队韦斯特和贝勒每年都在对拉塞尔的凯尔特人队的交锋中杀铩羽而归的时代。
    This is not about a time warp, or the NBA days of yore when Lakers Jerry West and Elgin Baylor were annually stuck in a maze of futility against Bill Russell's Celtics.

  • 利物浦最近几周进球比较多,对斯托克和伯恩利都是4-0,同时博尔顿和西汉姆也因为利物浦的三粒进球铩羽而归
    Liverpool have been scoring goals for fun over recent weeks - with Stoke and Burnley both on the wrong end of 4-0 score lines while Bolton and West Ham each conceded three goals to the rampant Reds.

  • 魔术队在首战中铩羽而归,现在他们必须要做去联盟中其他43支球队做不到的事情。魔术的球迷们,请不要屏住呼吸。
    The Magic lost the opener by a bunch and now must do what 43 other teams could not. Orlando fans, don't hold your breath.

  • 许多史料表明,他曾分别与秘鲁、美国政府就华工问题进行过交涉,取得了不同的结果:前者富有成效,后者铩羽而归
    The actions taken by Li Hongzhang had different results: The former was successful and effective whereas the latter was not.

  • 迄今为止,男子国家队只在2002年由日本和韩国举办的世界杯赛场上出现过一次,并最终以三场未进一球的成绩铩羽而归
    The men's national team has been to the World Cup only once, when Japan and South Korea were the hosts in 2002, but it failed to score a goal in three games.

  • 他在前三年总统任期中所提出的改革几乎无一例外的最后都在立法上夭折,而他的保守派国家行动党最近又在中期选举中铩羽而归
    Almost all of the reforms he proposed during the first three years of his presidency were diluted in the legislature, and his conservative National Action Party (PAN) has just lost a midterm election.

  • 2005年,马云曾试图通过中国雅虎抢占搜索引擎市场,结果是不仅在搜索市场铩羽而归,还失掉了中国雅虎原本不错的门户优势。
    In 2005, Ma has been trying to seize the Yahoo China search engine market, a result not only in the search market Shayuergui, also lost a Chinese portal, Yahoo had a good advantage.

  • 如果考恩先生在任意一项上铩羽而归,那将会严重影响国际社会对爱尔兰经济恢复的信心——他的共和党也将在随后可能的大选中失利。
    If Mr Cowen fails on any of these, the knock to international confidence in Ireland's recovery would be serious—and there could well be a general election that his Fianna Fail party would lose.

  • 自从2001年,在对觊觎已久的伦敦国际金融期权期货交易所(Liffe)的收购案上铩羽而归后,她似乎就对伦敦证交所所有潜在的合作伙伴都死了心。
    Since her bid to buy Liffe, the futures exchange that she coveted, ended in tears in 2001, she appears to have hardened her heart to all of the LSE's potential companions.

  • 来自芝加哥、东京和马德里的代表团铩羽而归,当他们在周五(十月二日)从哥本哈根的长途返国路上,男爵「志在参加,不在得奖」的哲学或许也无法抚慰他们。
    The gloomy delegations from Chicago, Tokyo and Madrid will find little consolation in the baron's philosophy as they trudge from Copenhagen on Friday October 2nd.

  • 在代表葡萄牙国家队于2008年的欧洲杯上铩羽而归之后,为了享受其美好假期,这名曼联球星已经延迟为其脚踝进行手术的时间。但最终,还是接受必须通过进行手术来根治伤势的事实。
    The Portuguese superstar had initially delayed going under knife in order to go on holiday following his exploits at Euro 2008, but has accepted that it has now become a necessity.

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