
速战速决  sù zhàn sù jué







  • 但是真正有越轨行为的人通常会速战速决
    But when people do have affairs they are usually brief.

  • 中国太大了,它的问题太多太复杂,不能速战速决
    China was too big, its problems too numerous and complex, for any quick fix.

  • 做好心理准备,不是速战速决,而是一场长期战争。
    Prepare your mind for a long war, not a quick battle.

  • 贷款利息按时间计,所以,要速战速决,不能拖时间;
    By the time of loan interest, therefore, to Suzhansujue, can not be delayed;

  • 而最好的方法就是速战速决,不要让最初爆发的精力熄灭。
    The best way to do this is to do it quickly, propelled by the original burst of energy.

  • 我只要光速飞过去,速战速决,在她发现之前飞走不就行了。
    I can just fly down there at the speed of light, catch a quickie, and fly away before she knows what happened.

  • 速战速决是最好的赚钱方法不是说得到的金钱,而是点卡费用。
    To make money as fast as possible is the best way to get money is not to say that, but the costs Card.

  • 不过你最好是速战速决,随着日月推移,新月的能量也在逐渐减退。
    You would have to start your program quickly, however, for with each passing day, the energy of that new moon will fade a little.

  • 主意拿定,我驱车来到商店,打算速战速决,决不闲逛,只买东西。
    I drove to the store with the intention of buying. Quickly.

  • 但是在操作上要严格保证速战速决,思路上旗帜鲜明,切忌贪婪、犹豫。
    However, in operations should strictly ensure that a quick end, and ideas on a clear-cut stand, we must guard against greed, hesitant.

  • 都灵体育报》说尤文打算“速战速决”,这次交易也将包括布拉西在内。
    Tuttosport says Juve into to soon make the bid , which will also include a deal for Manuele Blasi.

  • 还有一点就是卫生间有点异味,所以我总是速战速决,减少呆在里面的时间。
    The only other thing was that my room had a odour within the bathroom that was not always evident but when it was . my time in the bathroom was as fast as I could make it.

  • 当他的军队接近目标的时候,拿破仑变得越来越不耐烦,他开始计划着要速战速决
    As his force neared that goal, Napoleon grew increasingly impatient and began planning an immediate attack.

  • 这场仗至少会持续一个月。我不想会速战速决因为有太多的伊拉克士兵躲在据点里。
    I don't think it will be "rapid" since there are too many Iraqi soldiers hiding in strongholds.

  • 千万不要指望速战速决,这种仗是慢功,就好比墩一锅狗肉,最好要用微火慢慢地熬。
    Do not expect quick decision, the battle is slow work, like a pot of vinegar pier, the best use Weihuo slowly boil.

  • 如果大部台军不决死抵抗,甚至反戈一击,那就可做到速战速决,外部势力干预的可能性也会较小。
    If most of Taiwan not to resist the Daredevil, and even turned on, it can be a quick end, and the possibility of intervention by external forces will be smaller.

  • 如果白瓦沙袭击不能速战速决,军方担心这些反叛组织会以基地组织和塔利班为领导中心勾结在一起。
    It fears that if the Swat operation is not concluded quickly these groups may unite under the central leadership of al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

  • 今天给宝宝买了个暖风机。这样给她洗澡就从容多了,不用像打游击战似的,速战速决,怕她冷到了。
    Today, i bought a heater for my baby. now i needn't be afraid that my baby will catch a cold while we are washing her.

  • 这看起来是一件不可思议的事情,这样一种僵化的观点,居然发展成一种独特的战术,“速战速决”。
    It seems an unlikely coincidence that such a stereotype could have developed independently of the tactical doctrine of sokusen sokketsu.

  • 魔术队要立刻作出调整来提高自己的球队,因为科比是不会对自己的对手心慈手软的,他会速战速决的。
    The Magic will need to improve immediately because the mamba is known for taking little time in immobilizing its victims.

  • 他们有一个很出色新主教练,我们很尊重他。这将是一场速战速决的比赛,因此我们想到只会是晋级的资格。
    They have got a new manager who is working well and we respect them. It is one game and a knockout straight away so we have to go there just thinking to qualify.

  • 首盘仅耗时23分钟。伯蒂奇20个发球分丢3分,仅让德尔-波特罗保住一个发球局,就速战速决先声夺人
    The first set took only 23 minutes. Berdych serve 20 hours 3 minutes left, let alone Bender - a serve to keep Botero, quick on the Sound Loaded.

  • 但是真正有越轨行为的人通常会速战速决。近30%的人持续一周或不到一周的时间,47%的人则在唯一月内就完事。
    But when human do HAs affairs them are not applying brief. Nearly 30 percent continue a week or less and 47 percent are not finished within a month.

  • 只是在后来,他们才懂得,要获得最大的性快乐,延长性高潮的能力非常重要。所有这些“速战速决”的技巧必须摈弃。
    Only later in life do they learn that the ability to delay orgasm is very important to maximizing sexual pleasure -- all those "quickie" techniques must be unlearned.

  • 对于缺乏资金、缺乏经验和缺乏土地的中小房地产公司来说,不需要太大投入就能速战速决的中小项目无疑是个最佳选择。
    For lack of funds, lack of experience and lack of land and real estate company, not much can be invested in the small and medium scale projects is a best choice.

  • 看来,各开发商为了力求速战速决,争取市场先机,“超规模社区”的呼之欲出也是在新形势条件下,市场经济发展的必然。
    It seems that the developers in order to fix for market opportunities, "super-size communities, " Troops are conditions in the new situation, the inevitable development of the market economy.

  • 我们不会再回到过去的鲁莽与毫无节制的行为,那正是这次危机的祸根,太多的人都被速战速决和不断涨高的红利的欲望驱使着。
    We will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was at the heart of this crisis, where too many were motivated only by the appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses.

  • 现在战争已经开始,速战速决的唯一方法就是坚决打击。我向大家保证,这不会是一场半途而废的战争,除非胜利,我们不会罢休。
    now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force. and i assure you, this will not be a campaign of half measures and we will accept no outcome but victory.

  • 布朗先生需要表现出他与前任者的不同,让心怀偏见的选民刮目相看,并速战速决——否则,他就会被人民看做是布莱尔失败后的余灰。
    Mr Brown needed to distinguish himself from his predecessor, impress a jaundiced electorate and do it in hurry—or face being seen as a fag-end failure.

  • 哦,嗯,那应该不会很难,反正现在你俩在约会。(模仿男人的语气)“甜心,你被炒了,不过在我上班前咱俩速战速决一次怎样啊?”
    Rachel: Oh, well, that shouldn't be so hard, now that you're dating. (Imitating men at their worst) "Sweetheart, you're fired, but how 'bout a quickie before I go to work?""

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