
迷离恍惚  mí lí huǎng hū






  • 她醒得很早,但继续迷离恍惚了一会。
    She had woken early, but drifted a while longer.

  • 大约好像东阿王梦中初遇洛神时那样精神迷离恍惚吧。
    About a dream like Dong Wang Chu Yu Luo as the spirit of blurred when it trance.

  • 她的嗓音是如此甜美似乎可以荡涤我们迷离恍惚的神情。
    Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in.

  • 这时,迷离恍惚已经被焦急所代替,而焦急又开始使她感到了饥渴。
    By this time stupor had given place to anxiety, and anxiety began to make room for hunger and thirst.

  • 人们只恍惚觉得自己的遭遇越来越黑暗,一切印象都是迷离不清的。
    One feels obscurely impelled towards more darkness still, and all is cloud.

  • 路上行人不少,经常可以看到一些神思恍惚的梦游人,还停留在迷离幻境之中。
    Many pedestrians throng the walkway. It is not unusual to see individuals who seem to be walking in their sleep. They are still tangled in a welter of confusing circumstances.

  • 阳光一照,海子更为迷离恍惚,绚丽多姿,一片光怪陆离的彩池,使人进入了童话境地。
    According to a sunny, Hai Zi more blurred trance, wonderful, a pool of the bizarre, it entered a fairy-tale situation.

  • 诗人可以用迷离恍惚的语言唤起神秘的联想,形成意象或象征,去暗示事物背后潜在的那个“绝对”“永恒”的世界。
    Poet can be blurred trance Lenovo mysterious language awareness, forming image or symbol to imply that things behind the potential of "absolute", "eternal" world.

  • 他的这番话,甚至他难堪的感伤,使我回想起一点什么……我很久以前在什么地方听过的一个迷离恍惚的节奏,几句零落的歌词。
    Through all he said, even through his appalling sentimentality, I was reminded of something—an elusive rhythm, a fragment of lost words, that I had heard somewhere a long time ago.

  • “这是我的梦中歌曲之乡、是向我演奏的那首仙音之乡,”河鼠迷离恍惚地喃喃道。“要说在哪儿能找到‘他’,那就是在这块神圣的地方,我们将找到‘他’。”
    'This is the place of my song-dream, the place the music played to me, ' whispered the Rat, as if in a trance. 'Here, in this holy place, here if anywhere, surely we shall find Him! '

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