
运用自如  yùn yòng zì rú







  • 你的法语很快就能重新运用自如
    Your French will soon come back .

  • 我非常羡慕她对法语运用自如
    I admire her good command of the French language.

  • 我们当中很少有人能双手都运用自如
    Very few of us can use both of our hands equally well.

  • 如果你在这方面还不能运用自如,我可以帮助你。
    If you are less at ease in it, I will aid you.

  • 对计算机及因特网的技能运用自如,提高工作效率。
    Leverage computer and Internet tools to make one's work more efficient.

  • 我希望所有的学生都应该更加注意英语学习和运用自如
    I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely.

  • 那叫卖者是一个可敬的爱尔兰人,有一条运用自如的巧舌。
    The vendor was a venerable Irishmen with a tongue that worked easily in the socket.

  • 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。
    9Expert User. Has fully operational command of the language:appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.

  • 精通英语是做这份工作最重要的一点,你对英语能运用自如吗?
    One of the most important things for this job is English proficiency. Can you use English freely?

  • 极佳使用者,能将英语运用自如;适切,精确,流利并能完全理解。
    Has fully operational command of the language; appropriate accurate and fluent with complete understanding.

  • 极佳使用者,能将英语运用自如;适切,精确,流利并能完全理解。
    Expert user. Has fully operational command of the language ; appropriate , accurate and fluent with complete understanding .

  • 为了把复杂的操作转变为简单的操作,直观明了,让教师运用自如
    So, in order to make the teachers use it more conveniently, it is necessary to change the complicated operation into a simple and ocular one.

  • 假如没有惊人的弹跳作为基础,这些技术动作是不可能运用自如的。
    If do not have breathtaking bounce to serve as a foundation, these technical movements are impossible to apply freely.

  • 但是随着时间的推移,你会适应这个过程,接下来你就可以运用自如了。
    But give yourself time to get comfortable with the process and next thing you know, you'll be Twittering away, enjoying yourself in the process.

  • 但她非常难以理解,要运用自如更是困难重重,所以人们都不很喜欢拥抱她。
    She is hard and bumpy, and so is not that pleasant to embrace.

  • 他的高低音声区没有丝毫过度的痕迹,演唱状态进入了运用自如的自由王国。
    His tenor and bass register has no trail of overdoing and his singing condition has developed into a free kingdom of applying the techniques.

  • 学英语没有捷径可走,要真正掌握英语,达到运用自如的程度,非下苦功夫不可。
    English no shortcuts to take, to really master English, truly achieve the level of non-under effort can not be bitter.

  • 如果他不能做到这一点,他就没有真正地领会到外语的奥妙,并且不能运用自如
    If they cannot do this, they have not really learned the spirit of the foreign language and cannot use it freely.

  • 学英语没有捷径可走,要真正掌握英语,达到运用自如的程度,非下苦功夫不可。
    Learn English there is no shortcut to be walk, want to be real to control English, attaining the usage from such as of degree, not descend bitter effort can't.

  • 最适合于在自家谋求安乐平静的生活方式,可以灵活地调整成运用自如的居住空间。
    Best suited to the pursuit of well-being in its own quiet way of life, the flexibility to adjust as easily use the living space.

  • 我以前只是想不断努力,增加比赛经验,学习更多的技术以及在比赛中运用自如的能力。
    I just want to work to increase the game experience, to learn more about the technology and tools in the game .

  • 不同角度可调,造型优美,随线所需,45度,180度,360度均可旋转开槽,运用自如
    a different angle adjustable, beautiful shape, with the required line, 45 degrees, 180 degrees, 360 degrees rotation can be slotted with ease.

  • 百姓人家的文化是一种传播性文化,更是一种重在运用而又运用自如、重在创新而又不断发展的文化。
    People other people's culture is a kind of cultural dissemination, but also a focus on the use of tools and focus on innovation and continuous development of culture.

  • 我们希望学生学完第一卷之后,学生能够对基础知识运用自如,这将使其能更好的理解第二卷的抽象性的知识。
    It is hoped that after the study of the first volume a student will have achieved a level of maturity that will enable him to take in stride the level of abstraction of the second volume.

  • 所有与计算机相关的职业都要求工作者有很强的计算机操作技能,做到运用自如,熟练而且深入的掌握软件的应用。
    All requests the worker with the computer related occupation to have the very strong computer operation skill, achieves handles skillfully, skilled and thorough grasps software's application.

  • 当你彻底的了结了游戏的设计规则,你的想象力和智慧将在工作中运用自如,并且将会汇聚在真正的重点“游戏性”。
    When you thoroughly understand the techniques of game design, your imagination and intellect will be free to work together and concentrate on what's really important: great gameplay.

  • 国内发展高尔夫运动,也只不过是近20年的事情,专业的管理人才自然缺乏,就算有,也是经验不足,尚不能运用自如
    Developing golf sports in China is just 20 years . There is short of specialized management talent , and there is not enough experience , either .

  • 利伯曼猜想,小孩的自我神经网络,还没有完全上线运转。「他们该有的装备都在,只是还没办法像成年人一样运用自如。」
    Lieberman suspects that in children, the self-network is still coming online. "They've got the stuff, but they're not applying it like adults do. ""

  • 有些人可能被认为比火箭学家更聪慧。举个例子,一个通晓十五国语言,并能运用自如的人,或者一位能做开颅手术的医学专家。
    Some people might be considered more intelligent than rocket scientists. For example, a person who speaks and reads fifteen languages, or a medical doctor who operates on the brain.

  • 接受了富田势源,这位中条流的当主同样也是小太刀的达人在剑术上的指导后,他也成为了富田的同伴,并且将长剑运用自如于是比富田更超出了一筹。
    received the instruction of Toda Seigen, a master of the school of the short sword, and having been the partner of his master, he excelled him in the wielding of the long sword.

  • 运用自如造句相关
