
过目不忘  guò mù bù wàng








  • 简直难以置信,世界上竟有如此过目不忘的人。
    It's so incredible that there is actually someone in the world whose memory retains whatever he reads.

  • 过美景和狗屎相映成“趣”倒是让人过目不忘
    You bet it is, but the contrast between the beautiful photography and dog poop is remarkable.

  • 一个好的终端设计能让你过目不忘给人带来一种强烈的购买欲望。
    A good terminal design will let people have a very retentive memory and stimulate their purchasing desire.

  • 管怎样,在我过目不忘的计算头脑的帮助下,智慧就是我的一切。
    After all, with the help of my electronic brain ————never forgets anything, intelligence is———— I'm all about!

  • 管怎样,在我过目不忘的计算头脑的帮助下,智能就是我的一切。
    After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I'm all about!

  • 大学四载,游学江城,博览群书,触类旁通,涉猎广泛,过目不忘
    Four years in university, I studied in Wuhan, known as The River City. I read many various kinds of books, studied and memorized.

  • 管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切。
    After all, with the help of my electronic brain which never forgets anything, using my intelligence is what I am all about.

  • 壮观得极光如一朵令人过目不忘的花朵,其细节之细腻程度高得与众同。
    With a shape reminiscent of a flower, the spectacular aurora had an unusually high degree of detail.

  • 只有那些创意独特、手法新颖、令人拍案叫绝的广告才能够让人过目不忘
    Only those unique ideas, innovative practices, the ad is lovely planning people can not forget to look over.

  • 我知道母亲没进过一天学堂,却是那种天资聪颖,一点就透,过目不忘的人。
    I know that one day his mother did not go to school, but it is kind of natural intelligent, a little on the permeability, the people did not forget to look over.

  • 并非所有人都会喜欢她,但我们承认,她让人留下深刻印象,过目不忘
    Not everyone will like her. But what we have to admit is that she leaves a deep impression.

  • 车前格栅的立体效果,硕大豪华的车灯和前翼板的独特线条设计让人过目不忘
    Before the vehicle, grill's stereoscopic effect, the gigantic luxurious headlight and the first lifting surface's unique line design lets the person photographic memory.

  • 《新龙影》的装备繁多浩如烟海,这些华丽炫酷的造型,让人过目不忘、爱释手。
    "Sinlung Shade" equipment many voluminous, these dazzle the cool modelling magnificently, lets the person photographic memory, be unable to put down.

  • 我有些让人过目不忘,但绝是用漂亮就可以比喻了,属于比较有内涵、淡定的女人。
    I read some people did not forget, is not on the analogy with a beautiful, the women are rich in connotation.

  • 我想,如果我有过目不忘就发达了。但事实上,所有的事都能历历在目是是一定好呢?
    I think if it must be great if I won't forget anything. However, is it necessarily good to be able to remember everything?

  • 因为人的记忆力是有限的,人可能都过目不忘,记忆本身就是断与遗作斗争的过程。
    Because person's memory is limited, the human is impossible the photographic memory, remembered that itself makes struggle's process unceasingly with forgetting.

  • 名字大气,从其字面释义“海(涵)”可见一斑,而且又是世界著名银行,肯定过目不忘
    Morgan:(meaning--The name Morgan is derived from two Welsh words meaning "sea" and "circle.

  • 时间没有等我,是你了带我走,我左手是过目不忘的萤火,右手是十年一个漫长的打坐。
    Time, and so I did not, you forget to take me, I did not forget to read the left hand is the Yinghuo, the right hand is a long 10 years of meditation.

  • 更令人过目不忘的则是这些独特衣裳的颜色,无论是红色、白色还是黑色,都是最纯最正的。
    What impress us most is the peculiar colors. They are genuine and pure no matter red, white or black.

  • 游戏介绍:这是考你记忆的一个游戏,这些热辣的泳装女郎是会让你过目不忘还是大失水准呢?
    The game introduce:This BE a game that tests your memory, are these hot hot swimwear girls to make you gifted with photographic memory to still lose level greatly?

  • 时间没有等我,是你了带我走 ,我左手过目不忘的的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。
    Time is not I, you forgot me, for I have left the firefly, the right hand is ten years, a long meditation.

  • 吉姆。克莱默才华横溢,拥有过目不忘的记忆力和极强吸收信息的能力,但他也患有类似的病症。
    Cramer, as brilliant as he was, with his photographic memory and uncanny ability to retain information, suffered from a similar disorder.

  • 他对细节大多都过目不忘,对数学和数字方面的东西非常敏感,这一特点对他从事这一行至关重要。
    He rarely forgets details and has a solid grasp of math and figures, a trait essential to the industry he've engaged in.

  • 八岁的韦韦有很好的记忆力,教过的字过目不忘。他喜欢读字,看到有字的书就想把它「带回家」。
    Eight-year-old Wei-wei has a photographic memory for Chinese characters. He likes to read and wants to take home every book he sees.

  • 你必须找到在人前表现的方法,尤其是在那些高层领导面前,你可以展示自己的优秀,使自己过目不忘
    You have to find ways to get in front of other people , particularly senior people, in a way that displays your good qualities and makes you memorable.

  • 大家说,他对细节大都过目不忘,对数学和数字方面的事,掌握得很扎实,这一特点对他从事的这一行至关重要。
    He rarely forgets details and has a solid grasp of math and figures, a trait essential to the industry, others say.

  • 被注意到。你必须找到在人前表现的方法,尤其是在那些高层领导面前,你可以展示自己的优秀,使自己过目不忘
    Get noticed. You have to find ways to get in front of other people, particularly senior people, in a way that displays your good qualities and makes you memorable.

  • 史称张三丰龟形鹤背,大耳圆目,胡须如戟,读书过目不忘出口成章,浪迹山野,明太祖、承租屡遣使求之,皆遇。
    Known as Master Cranegui xing back, a round head with big ears, beard, such as class, study eye, chu kou cheng zhang , traces mountain, Ming, envoy for the single repeat were not met.

  • 科林斯曾执教过象徵芝加哥篮球的终极偶像,和那个以杰�•维斯特带球身影为原型的NBAlogo一样,他的logo同样让人过目不忘
    Collins coached the basketball icon in Chicago whose logo would become as recognizable as the NBA's Jerry West silhouette.

  • 处于市场的竞争中,你最有利的武器就是你的VI视觉识别系统。为你创作一套让人过目不忘的VI系统,无疑能让你的产品在领域里更受欢迎。
    When competing with other businesses in the marketplace, your strongest weapon is your visual identity. A set of VI undoubtedly can help you to be more popular.

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