
辩才无碍  biàn cái wú ài








  • 他辩论不输给任何人;他辩才无碍
    He bows to nobody in debating.

  • 我旷劫来,辩才无碍
    For vast kalpas I have possessed unobstructed eloquence.

  • 学逻辑和修辞让一个人变得能言善道,辩才无碍
    Study of logic and rhetoric makes a man able to contend.

  • 法师辩才无碍,风趣幽默,时常将深奥的佛法义理融汇于通俗易懂的言谈中,为佛教事业尽心尽力。
    The Master is very eloquent , humorous, often pay attention to abstruse Buddha dharma justice and merge it among the easy-to-understand talk , make all-out efforts for Buddhism undertaking.

  • 若做不到这六大宗旨,尽管你有什么才华,也没有什么真智能,甚至口若悬河辩才无碍,我也不欣赏。
    If the purpose of the six can not do this, despite what you have talent, and there is no really smart, and even eloquent and eloquent affected, I do not appreciate.

  • 道金斯是位演化生物学家、著作颇丰的作家及演说家,对于任何损及科学思维的企图,他也是位辩才无碍的批评者。
    Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, prolific author and lecturer, is also an eloquent critic of any attempt to undermine scientific reasoning.

  • 约翰.克里索斯顿(347-407年)是初代教会中伟大的传道者之一。因著他辩才无碍的讲道,人们称他「克里索斯顿」,即为「金口」之意。
    John Chrysostom (347–407) was one of the great preachers in the early church. He was given the name Chrysostom, which means "golden-mouthed, " because of his eloquent sermons.

  • 西方世界屡次掉头转而支持别的国家,麦可尚认为,这种错误不能再犯,英国以及内阁中辩才无碍的部长应该勇敢地告诉自己并告诫美国,在后果来临之前,改变政策尤为未晚。
    Britain, with its close links to Pakistan, its able, articulate Muslim MPs, and its duty to tell America to change tactics, should help before it is too late.

  • 辩才无碍造句相关
