
跳梁小丑  tiào liáng xiǎo chǒu








  • 我也不是优秀的跳梁小丑,我不会因为被要求要笑而笑。
    I'm not a great joker either. And I don't laugh on demand.

  • 或许有人喜欢这种调调,而他生平最受不了的,就是这种跳梁小丑
    Perhaps there were those who liked this style, but the one thing in life Wen Xiang couldn't abide were acrobatic clowns of this sort.

  • 但直到现在,种族歧视仍然存在某些人的脑袋里,让他看起来活像一个跳梁小丑
    But even nowadays the racialism is still in someone's head, making himself just like a clown.

  • 是你使我疯狂得像个跳梁小丑,而我可想象不到你要放下什么东西(来陷害我)。
    Youve got me jumping like a crazy clown, and I dont feature what your putting down.

  • 本周一他在记者会上的表现犹如一个口无遮拦的跳梁小丑,但是赖特绝不止这么简单。
    He is far more than the blustering buffoon who was on the stage on Monday.

  • 以前,马英九绝不会放过「跟那些专门攻击马的对手陈水扁的跳梁小丑们一起拍照亮相」的机会。
    In the past, Ma has never missed a chance to have a photo opportunity with the numerous charlatans that attacked Ma's opposition enemy Chen Shui-bian;

  • 现在在台湾的只不过是一群披着“国民党”尸骸皮囊的民族叛徒——台独分子,表演着小丑跳梁的把戏。
    Now in Taiwan is simply a cloak of the "KMT" corpse bladder national traitors and Taiwan independence elements, showing a dancing clown beam trick.

  • 54岁的中国巨星成龙在其最新电影《功夫之王》的首映礼上,痛斥在火炬传递过程中搞破坏的示威者为一帮跳梁小丑,很多人只是为了吸引公众注意。
    The 54-year-old Chinese superstar Jackie Chan, speaking at the launch of latest movie Forbidden Kingdom, claimed many of the protestors are simply publicity seekers. 'They are doing it for no reason.

  • 跳梁小丑造句相关
