
趋之若鹜  qū zhī ruò wù







  • 有时候,越精深的事物,人们越趋之若鹜
    Sometimes, the more profound and intellectual something is, the more people will be drawn to it.

  • 现在顾客却趋之若鹜
    Now customers flock to them.

  • 不过,并非每个人都对这种新老师趋之若鹜
    However, not everyone is lining up to give the new teacher an apple.

  • 在邻近的孟加拉国,月食观察家出来趋之若鹜
    In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.

  • 投资者对它趋之若鹜,到后来,却是割肉者无数。
    Investors rush to it, then it is those countless resort.

  • 而在国际上,电影公司对游戏改编电影则是趋之若鹜
    In the international level, the film company to film adaptation of the game is Quzhiruowu.

  • 这个研究中心不久便成为中国计算机专家趋之若鹜的地方。
    The lab soon became, according to polls, the most desirable place in the country for computer scientists to work.

  • 众多豪华轿车进驻浙江的热遇,让其他围墙外的“轿车大亨”也趋之若鹜
    Many luxury cars in Zhejiang Province into the case of heat, so that others outside the walls of the "Car Tycoon" is also popular.

  • 长久以来,美国壮观、曲折的海岸线,一直让这个国家的老百姓趋之若鹜
    America's stunning, sinuous coastlines have long exerted an almost mystical pull on the imaginations of the country's citizens.

  • 记者:连外资都趋之若鹜,这说明了品牌在房地产企业发展中的重要作用。
    Reporter : Even foreign nor have the brand in the real estate business development illustrates the important role.

  • “借助”珠江的二沙岛别墅,尽管卖的是天价,但仍使商业人士趋之若鹜
    "Using the" hall of the villa Pearl River, although the selling price is, but still enable business people all rush.

  • 达官贵人对奢侈品趋之若鹜,而普通俄罗斯人一个月的收入仅为700美元。
    The rich and powerful are steeped in luxury, yet the average Russian earns a mere $700 a month.

  • 中国是一个巨大的消费者市场,令众多的中外企业趋之若鹜,纷纷展开广告攻势。
    The vast consumption market of China has attracted numerous enterprises home and abroad, and they have launched their advertising campaigns.

  • 为此,江湖人物更是趋之若鹜,可奇怪的是,到这里来的人没有一个活着出来的。
    Therefore, the rivers and lakes character goes after like ducks, may what is strange, person which comes to here not live.

  • 年轻有为的作家会向这个传统的艺术中心趋之若鹜,以便在这里倾泻他们新获得的创造力。
    The hopeful young writers should flock to the traditional artistic center to pour out their new-found creative strength.

  • 全球的消费者对其趋之若鹜,同时为日本赢得了巨量的贸易盈余也制造了无数的贸易摩擦。
    Consumers at home and abroad snapped them up, generating vast trade surpluses and bitter trade tensions.

  • 包括新希望集团、华新集团、世茂集团在内的外地发展商强势进入,港台企业更是趋之若鹜
    Including new hope Group, China Group, Shimao Group, the developer strong field entered, Hong Kong and Taiwan enterprises are eager buy them.

  • 尤其在这个严重缺水的时代,能够让全球的水源危机迟来哪怕一点点的任何产品,都会让人趋之若鹜
    Especially in this serious water scarcity's time, can let global the water source crisis late come, even if the little any product, can let the human go after like ducks.

  • 今年以来,股市行情持续震荡,而之前令市场趋之若鹜的上市公司“增发”,也几乎被基金打入了“冷宫”。
    So far this year, the stock market sustained concussion, and the market before the rush of listed companies "additional" almost into the fund, "Lenggong.

  • 这没有什么特别的意思,与浪漫沉沦沾不上边儿,与我们这一代人所趋之若鹜的“黑暗之旅”也沾不上边儿。
    There was no particular sense of moment about this, none of the effect of romantic degradation, of "dark journey, " for which my generation strived so assiduously.

  • 尤其是上海楼市,温州炒房团兴风作浪,上海本地投资者盲目跟风,外地有钱人趋之若鹜,国外热钱滚滚而来。
    Shanghai in particular the property market, WenzhouMission stir up trouble and Shanghai local investors blindly follow suit, the field wealthy enthusiasm, billowing hot money from abroad.

  • ――尽管该地区房价比距离市中心同样距离的东部和南部的房价要高出很多,但仍吸引了许多购房者趋之若鹜
    While prices in the region than the same distance from the city center of the property to the eastern and southern much higher, but still attracted many property buyers nor.

  • 尽管好的卖点总是能吸引无数地产商趋之若鹜,奉行拿来主义,为己所用,但是一些成为时尚的卖点并非没有争议。
    Despite the good selling points to attract numerous developers nor always, pursue the use, for their own use, but some of the selling points is not without controversy became fashionable.

  • “价格、质量、品牌”一直是商战中的三刃利剑,“爱阁壁纸”品牌折扣超市奇高的高性价比被广大消费者趋之若鹜
    "Price, quality, brand, " Business has been a three-edged sword of "love wallpaper Pavilion" discount supermarket brand of high cost-effective by consumers in droves.

  • 关于女人的保养问题,谎言是最容易流行的,各种五花八门的美容秘诀,让女人们趋之若鹜,并且期待着奇迹的发生。
    About woman's maintenance question, the rumor is easiest popular, each all kinds of gate's cosmetology secret, lets the women go after like ducks, and is anticipating miracle's occurrence.

  • 除了中央正努力扶持中西部崛起的政策优势外,相比广州低廉得多的地价与更高的利润,更是各路发展商趋之若鹜的主因。
    In addition to the efforts supporting the policy advantages of the central and western China, compared with Guangzhou low premium much higher profits, much more is the developer nor the major reasons.

  • 但是今天它却越来越受欢迎,大街小巷都能看到肯德基,麦当劳的招牌,尽管知道油炸食品对健康有害,人们还是趋之若鹜
    But today it is becoming increasingly popular, signboards for KFC and McDonald's can be seen everywhere, despite knowing that fried food is harmful to health, people still flock to these restarauts.

  • 李开复,中国的年轻人对其一举一动都趋之若鹜。不久前,他离开谷歌创建“创新工场”,这一决策再度让他成为新闻焦点人物。
    Young Chinese follow Kaifu Lee's every move. His recent decision to leave Google and start Innovation Works Incubator just put him in the news again.

  • 业内专家指出,上海中心城区内的小户型正以其全装修、低总价的优势成为年轻一族和投资客青睐的宠儿,一时间购房者趋之若鹜
    Industry experts point out that Shanghai Center City District is in the small Huxing decoration, a young low-price advantage of equity and investment-favored son, nor one time property buyers.

  • 世界各地的游客之所以对这里趋之若鹜,仅仅因为这里的阳光、大海以及沙滩三个原因。它们可以使游客忘记现实生活中的种种烦恼。
    These are just the three simple realities beckoning tourists from far and wide to these islands, sun, sea and sand which add up to being a heavenly getaway from the rest of the world and its worries.

  • 趋之若鹜造句相关
