
赤胆忠心  chì dǎn zhōng xīn








  • ⑥ 我们必须赤胆忠心为人民。
    We must serve people with utter devotion.

  • 高度忠诚(或:赤胆忠心咒如何起作用?)
    High Fidelity (or: How does the Fidelius Charm work?

  • 难道你还能拐弯儿抹角儿地说这不算是赤胆忠心吗?
    And do you mean to insinuate that there is not a sort of devotion in that?

  • 我们凭的是一腔沸腾的热血,对党、对人民的赤胆忠心
    We is a cavity with boiling blood, the party, the utter devotion of the people;

  • 以上是我关于赤胆忠心魔咒这一吸引人的主题的少数想法。
    Those were a few of my thoughts on the intriguing subject of the Fidelius Charm.

  • 这是我们在哈利波特系列中第一次见到对赤胆忠心咒的描述。
    This is the first explanation of the Fidelius Charm we ever encounter in the Harry Potter books.

  • 我生为大宋人,死为大宋鬼,赤胆忠心,保国保民,岂能苟且偷生!
    I was born for the Song, Song for the dead ghosts, utter devotion, Baomin Baoguo How cangou die tou sheng !

  • 当我们处理赤胆忠心魔咒的第一个情形时,这个问题将会变得更加重要。
    That question will become even more important as we look on the first Fidelius Charm situation.

  • 当然,肯定存在一个反咒,最初的施咒者能用来撤销赤胆忠心咒的效果。
    And, of course, there surely is a counter-charm that the original caster can use to undo the Fidelius Charm's effects.

  • 如:红卫兵、根正苗红、又红又专、赤胆忠心干革命、红心永向红太阳等。
    Such as: the Red Guards, root seedlings are red, both red and professional, and loyal to join the revolution, such as Red Wing to the red sun.

  • 记者随意拾取一束,虽无“豪言壮语”,却也铁骨铮铮,显出共产党人的赤胆忠心
    The reporter is optional collect a bundle, although not have " brave words " , however also iron bone clank, show the Communist's loyalty.

  • 它像一面镜子,映照着这位老红军战士的坎坷历程,记载着他对革命事业的赤胆忠心
    It resembles one side mirror, reflect the rough course that taking soldier of this old Red Army man, account is worn his utter devotion to revolutionary career.

  • 目前还未出现一个领袖人物或者政党能够在真正意义上博得所有宗派与种族的赤胆忠心
    No leader or party has emerged that can truly command the loyalty of all its religious sects and ethnicities.

  • 我现在将试着分析我们所知道的赤胆忠心魔咒的二种情形,先说第二个(我相信这个比较简单)。
    I will now try to analyze each of the two situations of the Fidelius Charm that we know about, starting with the second (which I believe is less complicated).

  • 这所旧房子在伦敦的一个破败的地区,距离国王十字车站大约一英里,被一个赤胆忠心咒隐藏起来。
    This old house, in a run-down area of London about a mile from King's Cross, is hidden with a Fidelius Charm.

  • 这个理论与赤胆忠心魔咒的第二个情形——凤凰社在小天狼星死后担心他们的总部可能被发现——很好地符合。
    That theory goes along well with the second Fidelius Charm situation, and the Order's fear that their HQ could be found after Sirius died.

  • 比如赤胆忠心咒,能够把一个人或一个地点完全隐藏起来以至于没有人可以找到他们除非保密人说出了他们的位置。
    The Fidelius Charm, for example, can completely hide a person or a place in such a way that no one can find them unless they are given the location by a Secret Keeper.

  • 他们用赤胆忠心咒来隐藏自己,可他们选择了小矮星彼得来当保密者。他是个为伏地魔效忠的间谍,后来出卖了他们。
    They used the Fidelius Charm to hide themselves, but the person they chose as Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew, was actually a spy for Voldemort and betrayed them.

  • 巴迪斯特已经和议会中赤胆忠心的逊尼派成员Salehal-Mutlaq形成了一个团体,组成伊拉克国家运动联盟。
    He has teamed up with Saleh al-Mutlaq, a stalwart Sunni member of parliament, to form the Iraqi National Movement.

  • 1981年,他们躲到一个叫高德里克山谷的地方,试图用赤胆忠心咒将自己掩藏起来。然而保密人小矮星彼得将他们出卖了。
    They used the Fidelius Charm to hide themselves, but the person they chose as Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew, was actually a spy for Voldemort and betrayed them.

  • 人生道路上有过坎坷,有过眼泪,然而付出的是一颗无悔的心,那是对事业奉献出的赤胆忠心,人类教育事业里有我的绵薄之力。
    The road of life there have been frustrations, there have been tears, but the pay is a regret heart, that is the cause of the utter devotion devotion, human education, there are my humble.

  • 它们可能帮助我们理解这个赤胆忠心魔咒完全意味着什么,但是我们应该以极度的谨慎对待它们,以使我们不会做出无根据的假定。
    They may help us understand what's this Fidelius Charm is all about, but we should treat them with extreme caution, so as not to make unsupported assumptions.

  • 马三保英勇、强壮、足智多谋,又赤胆忠心,因此深得王太子的信赖。王太子登基之后,赐给马三保“郑和”这个新的名字,同时提升他为内宫监太监。
    Brave, strong, intelligent and totally loyal, Ma won the trust of the prince who, after ascending the throne, gave him a new name and made him Grand Imperial Eunuch.

  • 我的理论是:施赤胆忠心魔咒的人是小天狼星,是能够使房子成为一个秘密的唯一的人,因为他是房子的主人。此外,秘密是两件事物的结合——房子本身和在它之内的总部的位置。
    Here's my theory: The caster of the Fidelius Charm was Sirius Black, who was the only one allowed making the house a secret, as he was its owner.

  • 赤胆忠心造句相关
