
贪得无厌  tān dé wú yàn








  • 他们贪得无厌, 你永远无法满足他们。
    Their avarice knows no bounds; you can never satisfy them.

  • 他不仅不知足,反而总是贪得无厌
    Instead of contenting himself with what he had, he was always asking for more.

  • 可怜这个世界吧,你这贪得无厌之人。
    Pity the world, or else this glutton be.

  • 他对金钱的贪得无厌是他毁灭的原因。
    His greed for money was his ruin.

  • 那个政客对权力贪得无厌
    That politician is insatiable for power.

  • 她并不是一条不值钱的贪得无厌的爬虫。
    She was not a cheap, ambitious, climbing creature.

  • 她嘲笑他的贪得无厌
    She laughed/ mocked at his insatiable greed.

  • 在前十年输入大批奴隶,为贪得无厌的帝国供应谷物。
    Over the previous decade a large number were imported to supply grain to an insatiable empire.

  • 人类贪得无厌,为了追求舒适的生活,牺牲了这个地球。
    In order to get a comfortable life, they do not care about the environment.

  • 迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。
    Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious.

  • 在对生活的要求上把标准放到最低,在对智慧的追求上贪得无厌
    Putting the lowest standard for living pursuing the most brightness!

  • 贪得无厌的人就是那些对每一个决定都患得患失,而从不知足的人。
    Maximizers are people who obsess over every decision, who don't know how to satisfies.

  • 总是存在着一种贪得无厌的暗流,一种非分之想,一种蹉跎的感觉。
    There was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering , and sense of waste.

  • 妮娜和蒂娜是贪得无厌的人。不论她们的工作可以赚多少钱,都觉得不满足。
    Nina an tina are daughters of the horse leech. No matter how much they earn from their present jobs, neither is satisfied with it .

  • 一天,那个村民在街上遇到了那个人,他问道:“大多数人自私自利,贪得无厌
    Once, upon meeting him in the street he asked him: " Most people are selfish and unsatisfied.

  • 从前有一个狡猾而残酷的国王,他贪得无厌,想方设法向他的臣民征税,并提高租金。
    Once upon a time there lived a cruel and crafty king who sought every means to tax his subjects and increase their rents.

  • 贪得无厌的货币兑换商的种种行径将受到舆论法庭的起诉,将受到人类心灵理智的唾弃。
    Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.

  • 在许多国民党领导人的身上,除了贪得无厌以外,还可以看到另外一个因素:壮志未酬。
    Behind the greed of many Kuomintang leaders, one notes another factor: disappointed hopes. Among the older men who had known Dr.

  • 是时候结束这场邪恶的侵略战争了,太多的人受难于疆场只因为你那贪得无厌的野心!觉悟吧!
    It is the time to end this evil war, too many people are suffering because your voracious ambition, wake up!

  • 中国人往往不能自然、坦诚地面对自己的理想,惟恐别人认为自己爱出风头、贪得无厌、粗鄙俗气。
    People in China cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.

  • 他们被自然法则诱导,以贪得无厌的搜集食物为手段,达成其各自的任务,完成自然界赋予他们的任务。
    They do their own duty that is guided by natural rules to accomplish their tasks by the means of greedy collection of food.

  • 然而,它只是喜乐地笑了笑,就像一个对知识贪得无厌的学子对恩师严厉的责罚一样,它怀的是感恩的心。
    However, it is only to the joy of Thanksgiving and smiled, like an insatiable knowledge to mentor students chastisement severe, it is a caring heart the joy of Thanksgiving.

  • 当人们在经济风暴中勒紧腰带艰难度日,当人们仍然怀疑公司老板们贪得无厌得时候,要做到这一点并不容易。
    It would appear that this won't be easy while a perfect storm of economic belt-tightening and suspicion about corporate greed is swirling.

  • 在本杰明·巴特勒死去的时候,这位“稳重的戴维·迪恩斯”终于全军履没,听凭这个贪得无厌的庄园主的摆布。
    "Douce David Deans" was routed horse and foot, and lay at the mercy of his grasping landlord just at the time that Benjamin Bulter died.

  • 不论一种,具有包括疲劳、厌恶和愤恨的这一系列组合特征的”耗竭疲劳“会让你将资源投入到一个贪得无厌的口中。
    Either way, drain-strain's signature combination of exhaustion, aversion, and resentment means you're throwing resources into an insatiable gullet.

  • 我没有说人閒话、没有乱发脾气、没有贪得无厌、性情乖戾,也没有淫秽低俗、自私自利或是任性放纵,为此我非常的感恩。
    I do not say gossip, no lost my temper disorderly, not greedy, cynical character, nor obscene and vulgar, selfish or willful indulgence, and for this I am very grateful.

  • 我们的党和政府中,确有那么些蒸蒸日上脚踏云梯的贪得无厌的五毒具全的败类,但在一步步健全的法律面前,他们必将受到惩罚。
    Our party and government, there is growing such insatiable foot ladder five poisons with the scum-wide, but step by step in a sound before the law, they will be punished.

  • 他饭量不大,但是他知道年轻漂亮的姑娘对漂亮衣服是贪得无厌的,在同男人约会时通常也是很能吃的,所以餐桌上摆的饭菜十分丰富。
    He never ate much but he knew young pretty girls ambitiously starved themselves for pretty clothes and were usually big eates on a date so there was plenty of food on the table.

  • 穆帅对胜利的渴望依旧同往日一样贪得无厌,但是在昨天他否认了一个大狂欢(四个冠军头衔)的可能性之后,他似乎表现出了些许理性。
    Mourinho's appetite for glory remains as insatiable as ever, but there were signs yesterday that he will accept some rationing as he dismissed the possibility of a trophy binge.

  • 这里,祖母(左边)被贪得无厌的地主的爪牙拽住,她极力想把一个饥饿的婴儿递给他的妈妈,而这个可怜的母亲却正被强行拖去看护地主的孩子。
    Here a grandmother, at left, clutched by the lackey of a greedy landlord, thrusts a hungry baby toward its mother, who is being dragged off by another lackey to nurse the landlord's child.

  • 贪得无厌造句相关
