
豪言壮语  háo yán zhuàng yǔ








  • 王进喜同志的这句豪言壮语, 表达了大庆工人、干部和家属的雄心壮志。
    This heroic utterance by Comrade Wang Jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of Daqing and their families.

  • 教练发豪言壮语,保证下场比赛能赢。
    The coach gave a really inspirational speech, guaranteeing that they could win the next match.

  • 女人的承诺和豪言壮语常不及男人的一半可靠。
    Woman's commitment and rhetoric often less than half of men and reliable.

  • 没有搞什么豪言壮语,门上只有几个电话号码。
    No fanfare; just an unlisted phone number and suite number on the door to protect anonymity.

  • 没有搞什么豪言壮语,门上只有几个电话号码。
    just an unlisted phone number and suite number on the door to protect anonymity.

  • 然而企业不能靠理想生存,市场不相信豪言壮语
    An enterprise can't survive by dreams and market doesn't believe brave words.

  • 一番豪言壮语让人们记住了荣钢男篮的这位新外援。
    Brave words let the people remember glory steel men's basketball team's this new foreign aid.

  • 这些都是她在静下来时回忆孩童时光的一些豪言壮语
    These are boasts of a childhood recalled in tranquility.

  • 豪言壮语下, 他辛苦地演讲试图宣告一种全新大胆的道德准则。
    As rhetoric, his remarks were at pains to declare a bold new moral direction.

  • 豪言壮语还没有完全说出口,他突然感到手足无力,软弱地弯下身子。
    With these brave words in his mouth he dropped suddenly with arms and legs all weak.

  • 在奥巴马的演说中,没有豪言壮语,没有沙文主义,也没有做作的感情。
    There is no bombast or chauvinism or phony sentiment in Mr Obama's oratory.

  • 这种精神没有表现为豪言壮语,而是几代队员们用双脚默默地走出来的。
    This spirit is not reflected in rhetoric, but of several generations of players come out with the feet in silence.

  • 曾有药品零售企业发出了要在全国开设千家甚至万家连锁药房的豪言壮语
    A drug retailing company once announced to open thousands of and even more drug chain stores throughout the country.

  • 海雁因为历经了风吹雨打,才能喊出“让暴风雨来得更猛一些”的豪言壮语
    " Hai Yan because, after the wind and rain to cry "Let the Tempest come steeper some" rhetoric.

  • 记者随意拾取一束,虽无“豪言壮语”,却也铁骨铮铮,显出共产党人的赤胆忠心。
    The reporter is optional collect a bundle, although not have " brave words " , however also iron bone clank, show the Communist's loyalty.

  • 所以,尽管她满嘴豪言壮语,对美国妇女表示鄙夷,可是她自己不也是害了相思病吗?
    So, despite all her pronouncement about heroics and the silliness of American women, she, too, it seems, was slightly infected with the virus of love.

  • 我们没有豪言壮语,只有默默努力,回报给普通老百姓质量更好、价格更便宜的产品。
    We have not rhetoric, only quietly to return to the ordinary people of better quality and cheaper prices of products.

  • 韦纳尔的辛苦工作、痛快娱乐的豪言壮语,及其对健康的妄想,是所有一流员工的标准。
    Mr Vayner's work-hard, play-hard line and his fitness obsession are standard for all employers ofalphas.

  • 在热情的握手和表示要进行合作的豪言壮语背后,与会各方对导致油价高涨的罪魁祸首意见不一。
    Behind the warm handshakes and the talk of cooperation rumbled a deep disagreement over what has caused the oil-price surge.

  • 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)
    Cheers and laughter(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five step of being drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people.

  • 高青没有什么豪言壮语,他只说,藏獒是咱们国宝,咱既然喜欢,就尽所能把它们养得好好的,保护它们。
    Gao Qing no brave words, he only said that the Tibetan mastiff is our national treasures since I like to do everything on their keepers, and protect them.

  • 我们在学习杠杆原理时知道阿基米德有一句豪言壮语——“给我一根杠杆和一个支点,我就能撬动地球”。
    We are studying the lever principle when a grandiloquence Archimedes - "give me a lever with a stand, and I will move the earth. ""

  • 这不由让人想起2003年的住交会,孙宏斌早早说出了2004年,顺驰集团销售收入要过百亿的豪言壮语
    This not reminiscent of Zhujiaokuai in 2003, stated Sunhongbin early 2004, Shun Chi Group sales revenue to the brave words of 10 billion.

  • 格瓦拉呼唤“两个,三个,更多个越南”,好像只有他的敌人们听到了他那套豪言壮语中多米诺骨牌正在倒下。
    Guevara called for 'two, three, many Vietnams, ' but it seems only his enemies heard the dominoes falling in his rhetoric.

  • 当年那些豪言壮语,最后证明是不切实际。但是,还是有高达1兆的钱付之东流,许多投资者最后甚至连裤衩都陪进去了。
    Some of the wild claims made at the time proved to be justified eventually, but not before around $1 trillion of value had been destroyed and many investors had lost their shirts.

  • 朝霞发出了希望的晖光,沐浴着聚集丰厚历史文化的布达拉宫,从而使这古建筑看到了锦绣前程,道出了心中的豪言壮语
    When the sunglow spreads the light of morning, the Palace with the ong abundant culture history appears more and more promising, as if she were speaking her grandiloquence.

  • 联合国1999年制订了“全民教育”的目标,随之而来的是振奋人心的豪言壮语。然而尽管如此,取得的成果却因地区而异。
    Despite the inspiring rhetoric that accompanied the adoption of the UN's "Education For All" goals in 1999, progress has been patchy.

  • 最近有人一直在鼓吹:“国内房价还要大涨,国内房价要涨20年”,这是近些天来所听到的对国内房地产发展的“豪言壮语”。
    has recently been advocating : "also has been inflated domestic prices, domestic prices to rise for 20 years. " This is heard in recent days on the domestic real estate development "brave words.

  • 很多时候,许多爱并非豪言壮语或惊天地,但那些爱会永远存在,好像父亲和儿子、母亲和女儿、丈夫和妻子、男朋友、女朋友、老朋友。
    Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriend, girlfriend, old friends.

  • 说这些豪言壮语的人可能还觉得他们在说一些前人未曾说过的话,(但实际上)连他们说话的腔调前人也已经用过一百次,而且丝毫也没有变化。
    These gallant words which seem so novel to these that speak them were said in accent scarcely changed a hundred times before.

  • 豪言壮语造句相关
