
谨小慎微  jǐn xiǎo shèn wēi








  • 他更加谨小慎微, 兢兢业业, 以尽力取信讨好其上司。
    He was even more cautious than ever, and did his utmost to win the trust and favour of the superior.

  • 欧盟如此谨小慎微,实在是重大失误。
    Such caution is a big mistake.

  • 不过,这倒正符合了希尔顿谨小慎微的一面。
    However, this is in line with the Hilton down the side of caution.

  • 在这种情况下,难免有人认为我过于谨小慎微
    In these circumstances, it is inevitable that I will be too timid.

  • 老师任命了一个谨小慎微的学生担任我们的班长。
    The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.

  • 只有他们才会谨小慎微,保持着一种职业的冷漠态度。
    Only they are scrupulous about maintaining a professional aloofness.

  • 其次,中国关于人民币估值的任何改革都将是谨小慎微的。
    Secondly, any reform China might institute in regard to how the yuan is valued will also likely be minor.

  • 谨小慎微是平庸无能者所追求的一位富有而又丑陋的老处女。
    Prudence is a rich, ugly, old maid courted by Incapacity.

  • 日本人的谨小慎微从未象在这些奥运会仪式中表现得那么明显。
    Japanese meticulousness was never more evident than in these special rites.

  • 谨小慎微的代价是忍耐,尚思需要通过自己的积累一步步赢得客户。
    Overcautious cost is enduring, shang Sai needs those who pass his to accumulate win a client step by step.

  • 蒙太尼面临着十分关键,十分严峻的局面,,再容不得那么谨小慎微
    The existing situation affecting Montayne was too critical, too important, for that kind of scruples anymore.

  • 古莱先生是那种谨小慎微的人物,既无真挚的情感,又无男性的冲动。
    Mr. Gryce was of the small chary type, most inaccessible to impulses and emotions.

  • 虽然勇者可能不会生活到永远,但谨小慎微的怯弱者根本就不曾有生活。
    The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.

  • 因此,我们应到谨小慎微,在进行大规模的改革之前,研究不同的方法。
    So we should tread carefully, and study different approaches before making broad changes.

  • 由首相施罗德领军,德国开始谨小慎微的向海外巴尔干半岛派驻军事力量。
    Under the chancellorship of Gerhard Schröder, Germany began cautiously to use military power outside its borders, in the Balkans.

  • 我们的同伴们过去谨小慎微得几乎不开口说话,可现在他们变得判若他人了。
    Formerly cautious to the point of being uncommunicative, my companions had changed out of recognition.

  • 苹果粉丝解析每一个产品传言的方式,就像政治学家处理政坛风吹草动时的谨小慎微
    Analysis of Apple fans every rumor of a product, like handling the political arena Fengchuicaodong political scientist at the timid.

  • 苹果粉丝解析每一个产品传言的方式,就像政治学家处理政坛风吹草动时的谨小慎微
    Malic vermicelli made from bean starch is analytic the means of each product hearsay, when handling political field a sign of disturbance or trouble like politics home overcautious.

  • 思想僵化、观念陈旧、固步自封、拘泥条条、囿于框框、谨小慎微是不可能把握机遇的。
    Rigid ideology, the concept of old and rest on its laurels Juni All roads are limited to the frame, caution is not possible to grasp the opportunity.

  • 要注意:中国人一般比较大大咧咧、好热闹,而日本人一般比较谨小慎微、内敛且喜欢清静。
    Should pay attention: the Chinese people is generally more Taidalielie, good excitement, and the Japanese generally more cautious, reserved and quiet like.

  • 而最好的投资机会往往都是先给那些“成熟投资者”,再由他们转手给那些谨小慎微的 人的。
    "And the best investments are usually first sold to "sophisticated investors, "who then turn around and sell them to the people playing it safe.

  • 不管你多么谨小慎微,在人生的道路上你总是要犯错误;你的儿子比你更谨慎小心,还是会犯错误;
    No matter how careful you are , you will make mistakes, your son or your daugther , clverer than you are , also make mistakes.

  • 这种情况招致美国观察人士的批评,他们认为欧洲谨小慎微的政策应对增加了全球经济停滞的风险。
    That has prompted criticism from U. S. observers who say Europe's cautious policy response increases the risk of global stagnation.

  • 一个投资低回报的时代和突然来临的经济衰退可能使投资者们谨小慎微。可以理解,但却是个大错误。
    A decade of poor returns and the onset of recession are likely to make investors cautious. That would be understandable, but mistaken.

  • 起先,中国的公共医疗让我感到无奈气馁,可很快我就不再谨小慎微,并且与其他病人调侃得津津乐道。
    Chinese public medical treatment at first unnerved me but soon I lost my reserve and found myself cheerfully chatting with other sufferers.

  • 亚洲在过去十年中一直谨小慎微,虽仍在此番全球衰退中避闪不及,却使亚洲的财政和货币利器显得异常锋利。
    Asia's prudence during the past decade did not allow it to escape the global recession, but it made the region's fiscal and monetary weapons more effective.

  • 你可能会觉得这令人苦恼,从而进入一种负面情绪之中,而这会促使你更关注其他每个人所说的话,更谨小慎微一些。
    You would probably find this upsetting and it would put you into a negative mood and it would cause you to pay better attention to what everybody else is saying, pull back a little bit.

  • 勇敢并不只是不害怕,而是能够判断出还有比恐惧更重要的东西。勇敢者并不一定能永生,但谨小慎微的人注定要灭亡。
    Amelia, courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear The brave may not live forever but the cautions do not live at all.

  • 勇敢并不意味着畏惧,而正因为勇敢才证明了有比畏惧更加重要的东西。勇敢者虽不能长存,但谨小慎微者却根本无法生存。
    Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.

  • 这些 数量可观的人作为这个上升期国家的公民,将官方的宣传灌输抛到脑后,更是摒弃这一个世纪的惨痛经历所带给人的谨小慎微
    They came by the thousands, citizens of a nation on the rise, defying the lessons drilled into them by state propaganda and the caution taught them by a century of bitter experience.

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