
训练有素  xùn liàn yǒu sù








  • 他的举止像个训练有素的军人。
    He behaves like a well-trained soldier.

  • 它必须骗过训练有素的眼睛。
    It has to fool a trained eye.

  • 我们缺少训练有素的护士。
    We is short of trained nurses.

  • 服务人员训练有素,吧台饮品风味多样。
    Well-trained service personnel, bar drinks and diverse flavors.

  • 这充分说明了他训练有素
    It speaks volumes of his training.

  • 一个训练有素的竞跑者在平坦的路上跑着。
    On a flat road runs the welltrain'd runner.

  • 这些医学生在理论和实践方面都是训练有素的。
    The medical students are well trained both in theory and practice.

  • 那是这月初表演的八位训练有素的说书人之一。
    That was one of eight trained storytellers who performed earlier this month .

  • 对一个训练有素的律师来讲,那话是相当愚蠢的。
    That was a rather inept remark for a trained counsellor.

  • 在这种情况下,训练有素的士兵是知道如何去做的。
    Seasoned soldiers know what to do in this kind of situation.

  • 我们公司的销售员都是训练有素的而且有很丰富的游说经验。
    The salesman in our company is well trained and have rich canvassing experience .

  • 我们能成为一个很好的代理商因为我们有一批训练有素的销售员。
    We can be a good agent because we have a group of well trained salesman.

  • 这些运动员必须是训练有素,能抓,能投,能打,能踢,这样才能赢得比赛。
    The athletes must usually be able to catch, throw , hit, or kick a ball very well to win.

  • 因此,一个典型的幽灵比一个训练有素的普通人族战士更强硬,更强壮,更快。
    Thus, a typical ghost is tougher, stronger, and faster than even a well-trained but otherwise average terran.

  • 那么,你知道,制造业的工作并不需要接受高等教育,训练有素的移民工人将尽。
    Well, as you know, manufacturing work do not require higher education, a trained migrant worker would do.

  • 在练兵场边上,站着一组组训练有素的带着步话机的担架兵,还停着一排救护车。
    On the edge of the field stood a row of ambulances and teams of trained stretcher bearers with walkie-talkies.

  • 现在,盖茨说,这个国家的经济支柱之一,训练有素,装备精良与现代军事力量。
    Now, Gates said, the countries are economic power houses with modern, well-trained and well-equipped military forces.

  • 公司拥有经验丰富的经营管理人员、高级工程师和食品工艺师及训练有素的技术工人。
    The company has the experienced management and operation personnel, senior engineer and food technologist and the well-trained technical worker.

  • 教育应该平衡的一方面丰富学生的个人生活,一方面把学生培养成训练有素的工作者。
    Education should be equally devoted to enriching the personal lives of students and to training students to be productive workers.

  • 一双训练有素,积累了多年经验,能做正确推断的眼睛是具备优秀审美素质的必要条件。
    A good eye is required, schooled by years and years of experience, in order to be able to draw the right conclusion.

  • 那里的设施非常好,而且那里的人训练有素,为我们重要的季前热身提供了最棒的条件。
    The facilities are very good and the people very well organised giving us the best conditions to prepare for this important work.

  • 诸位可能会问:美商会主席,一位训练有素的职业律师,能对桥梁建设发表怎样的见解呢?
    You may ask what the Chairman of AmCham – a lawyer by training and trade – has to say about building bridges.

  • 即使医生训练有素,整容者还必须作好承受痛苦的准备。整容带来疼痛,而痊愈需要时间。
    Even when doctors are well trained, those having cosmetic surgery must prepare themselves for pain. Cosmetic surgery hurts, and healing takes time.

  • 我们拥有训练有素的团队并且强调团队合作,以优质、快捷、高效的服务满足顾客的需求。
    We are a highly trained service team and emphasize teamwork in order to achieve maximum satisfaction from our corporate client.

  • 那是这月初表演的八位训练有素的说书人之一。今晚的主题是“黑猫和四页三叶草:关于好运和霉运的故事”。
    That was one of eight trained storytellers who performed earlier this month . The subject for the evening was "Black Cats and Four Leaf Clovers: Stories about Good and Bad Luck".

  • 考试制度常常造出高分低能的人,因为很多成功的应试者在应试技巧方面可谓训练有素,却并未收到良好的教育。
    Examination always brings out the person who are high in score but low in capacity, because most of the tester are adepted at examing but lacking of well education.

  • “质量保障系统、客户满意系统、物流信息管理系统”在为客户提供高品质服务的同时,培养了一支训练有素的员工队伍。
    "Quality Assurance System, Clients Satisfaction System and Logistics Information Management System "has provided our clients with high-quality services, while has trained a professional staff.

  • 香港是聘用训练有素海员的中心,约有870名香港注册高级船员和普通船员,在超过17个不同海事机关旗下的远洋船舶上工作。
    Hong Kong is a centre for employing well-trained seafarers. Some 870 Hong Kong officers and ratings serve on foreign-going ships flying flags of more than 17 different maritime administrations.

  • 现在需要的是大量的训练有素的教师,他们可以帮助偏远地区的没有收到很好教育的孩子学习,以及鼓励更多的学生进行长期学习。
    The need now is to produce better-trained teachers, help children in poorly served remote areas and help and encourage more children to stay on at school for longer.

  • 因此,训练有素的人所面临的不再是单调乏味的工作所导致的墨守陈规,而是有希望获得一种受详尽的事实和必要的习惯所规范的想像力。
    Hence, instead of a drudgery issuing in a blind rule of thumb, the properly trained man has some hope of obtaining an imagination disciplined by detailed facts and by necessary habits.

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