
言不由衷  yán bù yóu zhōng




《左传·隐公三年》: “信不由中,质无益也。”杨伯峻注:“人言为信,中同衷。”




  • 她说她喜欢我,这话有些言不由衷
    She wasn't entirely sincere when she said she liked me.

  • 言不由衷还是真心实意?
    Is it a lie or is it true?

  • 说着一些言不由衷的话,刺痛彼此的心。
    Was saying some speak insincerely speech, stabbing pain each other heart.

  • 中国说,他是言不由衷
    China says he is insincere.

  • 他说他再也不想见你了,我肯定他言不由衷
    When he said he never wanted to see you again I'm sure he didn't mean it literally.

  • 在一些情况下,我们总是习惯性地言不由衷
    Under some circumstances, we always habitually talk insincerely.

  • “你看来不那么笨嘛”是一句言不由衷的恭维话。
    "You are not quite such a fool as you look", is a left handed compliment .

  • 最坏的时候,他们会被看成是言不由衷或不诚实。
    At worst, they are perceived as insincere or dishonest.

  • 言不由衷地说了些需要更加同情之类的陈腔滥调。
    He was mouthing the usual platitudes about the need for more compassion.

  • 埃托奥也会有言不由衷时候,人们不便去刨根问底。
    Time Aituoao will also have will speak insincerely, the people inconvenience to get to the root.

  • 我建议过安迪当橄榄球队队长,不过我是言不由衷的。
    I suggested that Andy should captain the rugby team, although I did say it with my tongue in my cheek!

  • 别再浪费时间谈你的天定命运论了,我知道你言不由衷
    Don't waste time with your theory of manifest destiny, I know you don't mean it.

  • 接通电话,依然是言不由衷的话语,各自开着悲情的玩笑。
    The call, is still half-hearted words, each driving a tragic joke.

  • 斯佳丽:你不要奉承我了!梅兰妮,你不要说言不由衷的话。
    SCARLETT: You must n't flatter me, Melanie, and say things you don't mean.

  • 言不由衷地起立,敬礼,说道:“桥杰明白,请主席团放心。”
    I speak insincerely standing up, salute: "Chau Jie understood that, asks the presidium to feel relieved."

  • 当然软件只能是人们判断的辅助工具——尤其是人们经常言不由衷
    But the software can only supplement human judgment—not least because people don't always mean what they say.

  • 当她了解到你以前所有的“是”不少是言不由衷的,她会痛苦和惊讶。
    She might be painfully surprised to learn that not all your yeses were indeed yeses.

  • 第四,当灵魂装腔作势,无诚意而为或言不由衷时,它粗暴地对待自身。
    Fourthly, when it plays a part, and does or says anything insincerely and untruly.

  • 他重复着邓小平言不由衷的路线---即没有民主就没有社会主义或社会主义现代化。
    He repeats Deng's disingenuous line that without democracy there can be no socialism or socialist modernisation.

  • 如果说我们不平衡的父母角色在家里没有引起过紧张气氛的话,那我一定是言不由衷
    I'd be lying if I said our uneven parenting roles didn't create tension in our household.

  • 为了赢得多数选民,有时候他们不得不说一些他们自己都弄不明白的言不由衷的话语。
    They have to please voters by saying things they do not mean or do not believe in at all sometimes.

  • 蒂娜说她很喜欢詹姆士并喜欢听到他的电话。但是,我知道她是言不由衷的。她根本不喜欢他。
    Tina said she adored James and loved getting telephone calls from him. But I know she was speaking with her tongue in her cheek. She doesn't like him at all.

  • 这个议案的支持者辩解道,这只不过是为了推动透明化和责任感,但是这种辩解是言不由衷的。
    The bill's proponents defend it as nothing more than a push for transparency and accountability.

  • 无论是策略社会交往还是非策略社会交往,都必须以关联为初衷,否则就是言不由衷,拟或是胡言乱语;
    social interactions, whether strategic or non-strategic, are virtually based on relevance, otherwise there will be no communication or they turn out simply not such as expected;

  • 当然人家过得比我好,我也不会嫉妒,只是从自己的角度来说,不会言不由衷地说:只要你过得比我好。
    Of course people lead better than me, I will not jealous, but from their point of view, not pretending that : If you lead than I do.

  • 经理说,任何一家公如果能够让我去为他们工作都会感到十分幸运的-那是我听到过的言不由衷的恭维话!
    The manager said that any company would be lucky if they could get me to work for them – a back-handed compliment if ever I heard one!

  • 同时,他们习惯添枝加叶、言不由衷。往往会使得这个世界里的记忆在个人想像的土壤中歧散、孕育、滋养。
    At the same time, their constant embellishments and repeated lies were fruits of the same world, in which memories split and grew, nourished in the soil of one's own imagination.

  • 我不喜欢恭维,我搞不懂为什么一个男人会在对一个女人讲了一大堆言不由衷的胡话时还会以为自己极快乐于她。
    I don't like compliments, and I don't see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap of things that he doesn't mean.

  • 出于对自己言不由衷的愧疚,美国参议院最近通过了针对烟农的“买断”法律,这样,美国政府可以不再为它自己也严厉指责的一个行业提供补贴了。
    Feeling a twinge about its own hypocrisy, the US Senate recently passed "buy-out" legislation for tobacco farmers, so that Washington might stop subsidising an industry it also vilified.

  • 生活中,我是一个做事很纠结的男生,常常以言不由衷、口不对心的去伤害和放弃那些我自认为难舍难分的人和事。是不是所有的寂寞都爱如此“逞强”呢?
    Life, I'm a very entangled with the boys doing things, often with words, I do not mind to give up the injury and I think the people and events Is not all love so lonely "overexert" mean?

  • 言不由衷造句相关
